# Fox's Magisk Module Manager (Developer documentation) Note: This doc assume you already read the [official Magisk module developer guide](https://topjohnwu.github.io/Magisk/guides.html) Note: official repo do not accept new modules anymore, submit [here](https://github.com/Magisk-Modules-Alt-Repo/submission) instead. Index: - [Properties](DEVELOPERS.md#properties) - [Installer commands](DEVELOPERS.md#installer-commands) ## Properties In addition to the following required magisk properties ```properties # Magisk supported properties id= name= version= versionCode= author= description= ``` (Note: The Fox's mmm will not show the module if theses values are not filled properly) This the manager support these new optional properties ```properties # Fox's Mmm supported properties minApi= maxApi= minMagisk= support= donate= config= ``` (Note: All urls must start with `https://`, or else will be ignored) - `minApi` and `maxApi` tell the manager which is the SDK version range the module support (See: [Codenames, Tags, and Build Numbers](https://source.android.com/setup/start/build-numbers)) - `minMagisk` tell the manager which is the minimum Magisk version required for the module (Often for magisk `xx.y` the version code is `xxyzz`, `zz` being non `00` on canary builds) - `support` support link to direct users when they need support for you modules - `donate` donate link to direct users to where they can financially support your project - `config` package name of the application that configure your module (Note: The icon won't appear in the module list if the module and target app is not installed) Note: Fox's Mmm use fallback [here](app/src/main/java/com/fox2code/mmm/utils/PropUtils.java#L21) for some modules Theses values are only used if not defined in the `module.prop` files So the original module maker can still override them ## Installer commands The Fox's Mmm also allow better control over it's installer interface Fox's Mmm defined the variable `MMM_EXT_SUPPORT` to expose it's extension support All the commands start with it `#!`, by default the manager process command as log output unless `#!useExt` is sent to indicate that the app is ready to use commands Commands: - `useExt`: Tell the manager you would like to use commands (Note: Any command executed before this one will just appear as log in the console) - `addLine `: Add line to the terminal, this commands can be useful if you want to display text that start with `#!` inside the terminal - `setLastLine `: Set the last line of text displayed in the terminal (Note: If the terminal is empty it will just add a new line) - `clearTerminal`: Clear the terminal of any text, making it empty - `scrollUp`: Scroll up at the top of the terminal - `scrollDown`: Scroll down at the bottom of the terminal - `showLoading`: Show an indeterminate progress bar (Note: the bar is automatically hidden when the install finish) - `hideLoading`: Hide the indeterminate progress bar if previously shown - `setSupportLink `: Set support link to show when the install finish (Note: Modules installed from repo will not show the config button if a link is set) Note: The current behavior with unknown command is to ignore them, I may add or remove commands in the future depending of how they are used A wrapper script to use theses commands could be ```sh if [ -n "$MMM_EXT_SUPPORT" ]; then ui_print "#!useExt" mmm_exec() { ui_print "$(echo "#!$@")" } else mmm_exec() { true; } fi ``` And there is an instance of it in use ```sh # mmm_exec only take effect if inside the loader mmm_exec showLoading ui_print "The installer doesn't support mmm_exec" mmm_exec setLastLine "The installer support mmm_exec" # Wait to simulate the module doing something sleep 5 mmm_exec hideLoading mmm_exec setSupportLink https://github.com/Fox2Code/FoxMagiskModuleManager ``` You may look at the [example module](example_module) code or download the [module zip](example_module.zip) and try it yourself Have fun with the API making the user install experience a unique experience Also there is the source of the app icon [here](https://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/icons-launcher.html#foreground.type=clipart&foreground.clipart=extension&foreground.space.trim=0&foreground.space.pad=0.25&foreColor=rgb(255%2C%20255%2C%20255)&backColor=rgb(255%2C%20152%2C%200)&crop=0&backgroundShape=circle&effects=elevate&name=ic_launcher) .