package com.fox2code.mmm.repo; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.widget.Toast; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import com.fox2code.mmm.BuildConfig; import com.fox2code.mmm.MainActivity; import com.fox2code.mmm.MainApplication; import com.fox2code.mmm.R; import com.fox2code.mmm.XHooks; import com.fox2code.mmm.XRepo; import com.fox2code.mmm.androidacy.AndroidacyRepoData; import com.fox2code.mmm.manager.ModuleInfo; import com.fox2code.mmm.utils.SyncManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import timber.log.Timber; public final class RepoManager extends SyncManager { public static final String MAGISK_REPO = ""; public static final String MAGISK_REPO_HOMEPAGE = ""; public static final String MAGISK_ALT_REPO = ""; public static final String MAGISK_ALT_REPO_HOMEPAGE = ""; public static final String MAGISK_ALT_REPO_JSDELIVR = ""; public static final String ANDROIDACY_MAGISK_REPO_ENDPOINT = ""; public static final String ANDROIDACY_TEST_MAGISK_REPO_ENDPOINT = ""; public static final String ANDROIDACY_MAGISK_REPO_HOMEPAGE = ""; private static final String MAGISK_REPO_MANAGER = ""; private static final Object lock = new Object(); private static final double STEP1 = 0.1D; private static final double STEP2 = 0.8D; private static final double STEP3 = 0.1D; private static volatile RepoManager INSTANCE; private final MainApplication mainApplication; private final LinkedHashMap repoData; private final HashMap modules; public String repoLastErrorName = null; private AndroidacyRepoData androidacyRepoData; private CustomRepoManager customRepoManager; private boolean initialized; private boolean repoLastSuccess; private RepoManager(MainApplication mainApplication) { INSTANCE = this; // Set early fox XHooks this.initialized = false; this.mainApplication = mainApplication; this.repoData = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.modules = new HashMap<>(); // refuse to load if setup is not complete if (MainApplication.getSharedPreferences("mmm").getString("last_shown_setup", "").equals("")) { return; } // We do not have repo list config yet. this.androidacyRepoData = this.addAndroidacyRepoData(); RepoData altRepo = this.addRepoData(MAGISK_ALT_REPO, "Magisk Modules Alt Repo"); altRepo.defaultWebsite = RepoManager.MAGISK_ALT_REPO_HOMEPAGE; altRepo.defaultSubmitModule = ""; this.customRepoManager = new CustomRepoManager(mainApplication, this); XHooks.onRepoManagerInitialize(); // Populate default cache boolean x = false; for (RepoData repoData : this.repoData.values()) { if (repoData == this.androidacyRepoData) { if (x) return; x = true; } this.populateDefaultCache(repoData); } this.initialized = true; } public static RepoManager getINSTANCE() { if (INSTANCE == null || !INSTANCE.initialized) { synchronized (lock) { if (INSTANCE == null) { MainApplication mainApplication = MainApplication.getINSTANCE(); if (mainApplication != null) { INSTANCE = new RepoManager(mainApplication); XHooks.onRepoManagerInitialized(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Getting RepoManager too soon!"); } } } } return INSTANCE; } public static RepoManager getINSTANCE_UNSAFE() { if (INSTANCE == null) { synchronized (lock) { if (INSTANCE == null) { MainApplication mainApplication = MainApplication.getINSTANCE(); if (mainApplication != null) { INSTANCE = new RepoManager(mainApplication); XHooks.onRepoManagerInitialized(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Getting RepoManager too soon!"); } } } } return INSTANCE; } public static String internalIdOfUrl(String url) { return switch (url) { case MAGISK_ALT_REPO, MAGISK_ALT_REPO_JSDELIVR -> "magisk_alt_repo"; case ANDROIDACY_MAGISK_REPO_ENDPOINT, ANDROIDACY_TEST_MAGISK_REPO_ENDPOINT -> "androidacy_repo"; default -> "repo_" + Hashes.hashSha256(url.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); }; } static boolean isBuiltInRepo(String repo) { return switch (repo) { case RepoManager.ANDROIDACY_MAGISK_REPO_ENDPOINT, RepoManager.ANDROIDACY_TEST_MAGISK_REPO_ENDPOINT, RepoManager.MAGISK_ALT_REPO, RepoManager.MAGISK_ALT_REPO_JSDELIVR -> true; default -> false; }; } /** * Safe way to do {@code RepoManager.getInstance().androidacyRepoData.isEnabled()} * without initializing RepoManager */ @SuppressWarnings("BooleanMethodIsAlwaysInverted") public static boolean isAndroidacyRepoEnabled() { return INSTANCE != null && INSTANCE.androidacyRepoData != null && INSTANCE.androidacyRepoData.isEnabled(); } @SuppressWarnings("StatementWithEmptyBody") private void populateDefaultCache(RepoData repoData) { // if last_shown_setup is not "v1", them=n refuse to continue if (!MainApplication.getSharedPreferences("mmm").getString("last_shown_setup", "").equals("v1")) { return; } // make sure repodata is not null if (repoData == null || repoData.moduleHashMap == null) { return; } for (RepoModule repoModule : repoData.moduleHashMap.values()) { if (!repoModule.moduleInfo.hasFlag(ModuleInfo.FLAG_METADATA_INVALID)) { RepoModule registeredRepoModule = this.modules.get(; if (registeredRepoModule == null) { this.modules.put(, repoModule); } else if (AndroidacyRepoData.getInstance().isEnabled() && registeredRepoModule.repoData == this.androidacyRepoData) { // empty } else if (AndroidacyRepoData.getInstance().isEnabled() && repoModule.repoData == this.androidacyRepoData) { this.modules.put(, repoModule); } else if (repoModule.moduleInfo.versionCode > registeredRepoModule.moduleInfo.versionCode) { this.modules.put(, repoModule); } } else { Timber.e("Detected module with invalid metadata: " + repoModule.repoName + "/" +; } } } public RepoData get(String url) { if (url == null) return null; if (MAGISK_ALT_REPO_JSDELIVR.equals(url)) { url = MAGISK_ALT_REPO; } return this.repoData.get(url); } public RepoData addOrGet(String url) { return this.addOrGet(url, null); } public RepoData addOrGet(String url, String fallBackName) { if (MAGISK_ALT_REPO_JSDELIVR.equals(url)) url = MAGISK_ALT_REPO; RepoData repoData; synchronized (this.syncLock) { repoData = this.repoData.get(url); if (repoData == null) { if (ANDROIDACY_TEST_MAGISK_REPO_ENDPOINT.equals(url) || ANDROIDACY_MAGISK_REPO_ENDPOINT.equals(url)) { //noinspection ReplaceNullCheck if (this.androidacyRepoData != null) { return this.androidacyRepoData; } else { return this.addAndroidacyRepoData(); } } else { return this.addRepoData(url, fallBackName); } } } return repoData; } @SuppressWarnings("StatementWithEmptyBody") @SuppressLint("StringFormatInvalid") protected void scanInternal(@NonNull UpdateListener updateListener) { // Refuse to start if first_launch is not false in shared preferences if (MainActivity.doSetupNowRunning) { return; } this.modules.clear(); updateListener.update(0D); // Using LinkedHashSet to deduplicate Androidacy entry. RepoData[] repoDatas = new LinkedHashSet<>(this.repoData.values()).toArray(new RepoData[0]); RepoUpdater[] repoUpdaters = new RepoUpdater[repoDatas.length]; int moduleToUpdate = 0; if (!this.hasConnectivity()) { updateListener.update(STEP3); return; } for (int i = 0; i < repoDatas.length; i++) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Timber.d("Preparing to fetch: %s", repoDatas[i].getName()); moduleToUpdate += (repoUpdaters[i] = new RepoUpdater(repoDatas[i])).fetchIndex(); updateListener.update(STEP1 / repoDatas.length * (i + 1)); } if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Timber.d("Updating meta-data"); int updatedModules = 0; boolean allowLowQualityModules = MainApplication.isDisableLowQualityModuleFilter(); for (int i = 0; i < repoUpdaters.length; i++) { // Check if the repo is enabled if (!repoUpdaters[i].repoData.isEnabled()) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Timber.d("Skipping disabled repo: %s", repoUpdaters[i].repoData.getName()); continue; } List repoModules = repoUpdaters[i].toUpdate(); RepoData repoData = repoDatas[i]; if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Timber.d("Registering %s", repoData.getName()); for (RepoModule repoModule : repoModules) { try { if (repoModule.propUrl != null && !repoModule.propUrl.isEmpty()) { repoData.storeMetadata(repoModule, Http.doHttpGet(repoModule.propUrl, false)); Files.write(new File(repoData.cacheRoot, + ".prop"), Http.doHttpGet(repoModule.propUrl, false)); } if (repoData.tryLoadMetadata(repoModule) && (allowLowQualityModules || !PropUtils.isLowQualityModule(repoModule.moduleInfo))) { // Note: registeredRepoModule may not be null if registered by multiple repos RepoModule registeredRepoModule = this.modules.get(; if (registeredRepoModule == null) { this.modules.put(, repoModule); } else if (AndroidacyRepoData.getInstance().isEnabled() && registeredRepoModule.repoData == this.androidacyRepoData) { // empty } else if (AndroidacyRepoData.getInstance().isEnabled() && repoModule.repoData == this.androidacyRepoData) { this.modules.put(, repoModule); } else if (repoModule.moduleInfo.versionCode > registeredRepoModule.moduleInfo.versionCode) { this.modules.put(, repoModule); } } else { repoModule.moduleInfo.flags |= ModuleInfo.FLAG_METADATA_INVALID; } } catch (Exception e) { Timber.e(e); } updatedModules++; updateListener.update(STEP1 + (STEP2 / (moduleToUpdate != 0 ? moduleToUpdate : 1) * updatedModules)); } for (RepoModule repoModule : repoUpdaters[i].toApply()) { if ((repoModule.moduleInfo.flags & ModuleInfo.FLAG_METADATA_INVALID) == 0) { RepoModule registeredRepoModule = this.modules.get(; if (registeredRepoModule == null) { this.modules.put(, repoModule); } else if (AndroidacyRepoData.getInstance().isEnabled() && registeredRepoModule.repoData == this.androidacyRepoData) { // empty } else if (AndroidacyRepoData.getInstance().isEnabled() && repoModule.repoData == this.androidacyRepoData) { this.modules.put(, repoModule); } else if (repoModule.moduleInfo.versionCode > registeredRepoModule.moduleInfo.versionCode) { this.modules.put(, repoModule); } } } } if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Timber.d("Finishing update"); if (hasConnectivity()) { for (int i = 0; i < repoDatas.length; i++) { // If repo is not enabled, skip if (!repoDatas[i].isEnabled()) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Timber.d("Skipping " + repoDatas[i].getName() + " because it's disabled"); continue; } if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Timber.d("Finishing: %s", repoUpdaters[i].repoData.getName()); this.repoLastSuccess = repoUpdaters[i].finish(); if (!this.repoLastSuccess) { Timber.e("Failed to update %s", repoUpdaters[i].repoData.getName()); // Show snackbar on main looper and add some bottom padding int finalI = i; Activity context = MainApplication.getINSTANCE().getLastCompatActivity(); new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(() -> { if (context != null) { // Show material dialogue with the repo name. for androidacy repo, show an option to reset the api key. show a message then a list of errors MaterialAlertDialogBuilder builder = new MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(context); builder.setTitle(R.string.repo_update_failed); builder.setMessage(context.getString(R.string.repo_update_failed_message, "- " + repoUpdaters[finalI].repoData.getName())); builder.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null); if (repoUpdaters[finalI].repoData instanceof AndroidacyRepoData) { builder.setNeutralButton(R.string.reset_api_key, (dialog, which) -> { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = MainApplication.getSharedPreferences("androidacy").edit(); editor.putString("androidacy_api_key", ""); editor.apply(); Toast.makeText(context, R.string.api_key_removed, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }); }; } }); this.repoLastErrorName = repoUpdaters[i].repoData.getName(); } updateListener.update(STEP1 + STEP2 + (STEP3 / repoDatas.length * (i + 1))); } } Timber.i("Got " + this.modules.size() + " modules!"); updateListener.update(1D); } public void updateEnabledStates() { for (RepoData repoData : this.repoData.values()) { boolean wasEnabled = repoData.isEnabled(); repoData.updateEnabledState(); if (!wasEnabled && repoData.isEnabled()) { this.customRepoManager.dirty = true; } } } public HashMap getModules() { this.afterUpdate(); return this.modules; } public boolean hasConnectivity() { return Http.hasConnectivity(); } private RepoData addRepoData(String url, String fallBackName) { String id = internalIdOfUrl(url); File cacheRoot = new File(this.mainApplication.getDataDir(), "repos/" + id); RepoData repoData = id.startsWith("repo_") ? new CustomRepoData(url, cacheRoot) : new RepoData(url, cacheRoot); if (fallBackName != null && !fallBackName.isEmpty()) { repoData.defaultName = fallBackName; if (repoData instanceof CustomRepoData) { ((CustomRepoData) repoData).loadedExternal = true; this.customRepoManager.dirty = true; repoData.updateEnabledState(); } } switch (url) { case MAGISK_REPO, MAGISK_REPO_MANAGER -> repoData.defaultWebsite = MAGISK_REPO_HOMEPAGE; } this.repoData.put(url, repoData); if (this.initialized) { this.populateDefaultCache(repoData); } return repoData; } private AndroidacyRepoData addAndroidacyRepoData() { // cache dir is actually under app data File cacheRoot = this.mainApplication.getDataDirWithPath("realms/repos/androidacy_repo"); AndroidacyRepoData repoData = new AndroidacyRepoData(cacheRoot, MainApplication.isAndroidacyTestMode()); this.repoData.put(ANDROIDACY_MAGISK_REPO_ENDPOINT, repoData); this.repoData.put(ANDROIDACY_TEST_MAGISK_REPO_ENDPOINT, repoData); return repoData; } public AndroidacyRepoData getAndroidacyRepoData() { return this.androidacyRepoData; } public CustomRepoManager getCustomRepoManager() { return customRepoManager; } public Collection getXRepos() { return new LinkedHashSet<>(this.repoData.values()); } public boolean isLastUpdateSuccess() { return this.repoLastSuccess; } }