package com.fox2code.mmm.repo; import com.fox2code.mmm.MainApplication; import; import; import; import com.fox2code.mmm.utils.realm.ReposList; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import io.realm.Realm; import io.realm.RealmConfiguration; import timber.log.Timber; public class CustomRepoManager { public static final int MAX_CUSTOM_REPOS = 5; private static final boolean AUTO_RECOMPILE = true; private final RepoManager repoManager; private final String[] customRepos; boolean dirty; private int customReposCount; @SuppressWarnings("unused") CustomRepoManager(MainApplication mainApplication, RepoManager repoManager) { this.repoManager = repoManager; this.customRepos = new String[MAX_CUSTOM_REPOS]; this.customReposCount = 0; // refuse to load if setup is not complete if (MainApplication.getSharedPreferences("mmm").getString("last_shown_setup", "").equals("")) { return; } RealmConfiguration realmConfiguration = new RealmConfiguration.Builder().name("ReposList.realm").encryptionKey(MainApplication.getINSTANCE().getKey()).allowQueriesOnUiThread(true).allowWritesOnUiThread(true).directory(MainApplication.getINSTANCE().getDataDirWithPath("realms")).schemaVersion(1).build(); Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(realmConfiguration); if (realm.isInTransaction()) { realm.commitTransaction(); } int i = 0; @SuppressWarnings("MismatchedReadAndWriteOfArray") final int[] lastFilled = {0}; realm.executeTransaction(realm1 -> { // find all repos that are not built-in for (ReposList reposList : realm1.where(ReposList.class).notEqualTo("id", "androidacy_repo").and().notEqualTo("id", "magisk_alt_repo").and().notEqualTo("id", "magisk_official_repo").findAll()) { String repo = reposList.getUrl(); if (!PropUtils.isNullString(repo) && !RepoManager.isBuiltInRepo(repo)) { lastFilled[0] = i; int index = AUTO_RECOMPILE ? this.customReposCount : i; this.customRepos[index] = repo; this.customReposCount++; ((CustomRepoData) this.repoManager.addOrGet(repo)).override = "custom_repo_" + index; } } }); } public CustomRepoData addRepo(String repo) { if (RepoManager.isBuiltInRepo(repo)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't add built-in repo to custom repos"); for (String repoEntry : this.customRepos) { if (repo.equals(repoEntry)) return (CustomRepoData) this.repoManager.get(repoEntry); } int i = 0; while (customRepos[i] != null) i++; customRepos[i] = repo; // fetch that sweet sweet json byte[] json; try { json = Http.doHttpGet(repo, false); } catch (Exception e) { Timber.e(e, "Failed to fetch json from repo"); return null; } // get website, support, donate, submitModule. all optional. name is required. // parse json JSONObject jsonObject; try { jsonObject = new JSONObject(new String(json)); } catch (Exception e) { Timber.e(e, "Failed to parse json from repo"); return null; } // get name String name; try { name = jsonObject.getString("name"); } catch (Exception e) { Timber.e(e, "Failed to get name from json"); return null; } // get website String website; try { website = jsonObject.getString("website"); } catch (Exception e) { website = null; } // get support String support; try { support = jsonObject.getString("support"); } catch (Exception e) { support = null; } // get donate String donate; try { donate = jsonObject.getString("donate"); } catch (Exception e) { donate = null; } // get submitModule String submitModule; try { submitModule = jsonObject.getString("submitModule"); } catch (Exception e) { submitModule = null; } String id = "repo_" + Hashes.hashSha256(repo.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); RealmConfiguration realmConfiguration = new RealmConfiguration.Builder().name("ReposList.realm").encryptionKey(MainApplication.getINSTANCE().getKey()).allowQueriesOnUiThread(true).allowWritesOnUiThread(true).directory(MainApplication.getINSTANCE().getDataDirWithPath("realms")).schemaVersion(1).build(); Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(realmConfiguration); String finalWebsite = website; String finalSupport = support; String finalDonate = donate; String finalSubmitModule = submitModule; realm.executeTransaction(realm1 -> { // find the matching entry for repo_0, repo_1, etc. ReposList reposList = realm1.where(ReposList.class).equalTo("id", id).findFirst(); if (reposList == null) { reposList = realm1.createObject(ReposList.class, id); } reposList.setUrl(repo); reposList.setName(name); reposList.setWebsite(finalWebsite); reposList.setSupport(finalSupport); reposList.setDonate(finalDonate); reposList.setSubmitModule(finalSubmitModule); reposList.setEnabled(true); // save the object realm1.copyToRealmOrUpdate(reposList); }); customReposCount++; this.dirty = true; CustomRepoData customRepoData = (CustomRepoData) this.repoManager.addOrGet(repo); customRepoData.override = "repo_" + id; = id; = website; = support; customRepoData.donate = donate; customRepoData.submitModule = submitModule; = name; // Set the enabled state to true customRepoData.setEnabled(true); customRepoData.updateEnabledState(); realm.close(); return customRepoData; } public CustomRepoData getRepo(String id) { return (CustomRepoData) this.repoManager.get(id); } public void removeRepo(int index) { String oldRepo = customRepos[index]; if (oldRepo != null) { customRepos[index] = null; customReposCount--; CustomRepoData customRepoData = (CustomRepoData) this.repoManager.get(oldRepo); if (customRepoData != null) { customRepoData.setEnabled(false); customRepoData.override = null; } this.dirty = true; } } public boolean hasRepo(String repo) { for (String repoEntry : this.customRepos) { if (repo.equals(repoEntry)) return true; } return false; } public boolean canAddRepo() { return this.customReposCount < MAX_CUSTOM_REPOS; } public boolean canAddRepo(String repo) { if (RepoManager.isBuiltInRepo(repo) || this.hasRepo(repo) || !this.canAddRepo()) return false; return repo.startsWith("https://") && repo.indexOf('/', 9) != -1; } public int getRepoCount() { return this.customReposCount; } public boolean needUpdate() { boolean needUpdate = this.dirty; if (needUpdate) this.dirty = false; return needUpdate; } }