package com.fox2code.mmm; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.system.ErrnoException; import android.system.Os; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.util.Log; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.StyleRes; import androidx.emoji2.text.DefaultEmojiCompatConfig; import androidx.emoji2.text.EmojiCompat; import androidx.emoji2.text.FontRequestEmojiCompatConfig; import com.fox2code.foxcompat.FoxActivity; import com.fox2code.foxcompat.FoxApplication; import com.fox2code.foxcompat.FoxThemeWrapper; import com.fox2code.foxcompat.internal.FoxProcessExt; import com.fox2code.mmm.installer.InstallerInitializer; import com.fox2code.mmm.utils.GMSProviderInstaller; import com.fox2code.mmm.utils.Http; import com.fox2code.rosettax.LanguageSwitcher; import com.topjohnwu.superuser.Shell; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Random; import io.noties.markwon.Markwon; import io.noties.markwon.html.HtmlPlugin; import io.noties.markwon.image.ImagesPlugin; import; import io.noties.markwon.syntax.Prism4jTheme; import io.noties.markwon.syntax.Prism4jThemeDarkula; import io.noties.markwon.syntax.Prism4jThemeDefault; import io.noties.markwon.syntax.SyntaxHighlightPlugin; import io.noties.prism4j.Prism4j; import io.noties.prism4j.annotations.PrismBundle; import io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter; import io.sentry.NoOpLogger; import io.sentry.TypeCheckHint; import io.sentry.UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration; import; import io.sentry.hints.DiskFlushNotification; @PrismBundle( includeAll = true, grammarLocatorClassName = ".Prism4jGrammarLocator" ) public class MainApplication extends FoxApplication implements { private static final String TAG = "MainApplication"; private static final String timeFormatString = "dd MMM yyyy"; // Example: 13 july 2001 private static Locale timeFormatLocale = Resources.getSystem().getConfiguration().locale; private static SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(timeFormatString, timeFormatLocale); private static final Shell.Builder shellBuilder; private static final long secret; @SuppressLint("RestrictedApi") // Use FoxProcess wrapper helper. private static final boolean wrapped = !FoxProcessExt.isRootLoader(); private static SharedPreferences bootSharedPreferences; private static String relPackageName = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID; private static MainApplication INSTANCE; private static boolean firstBoot; static { Shell.setDefaultBuilder(shellBuilder = Shell.Builder.create() .setFlags(Shell.FLAG_REDIRECT_STDERR) .setTimeout(10).setInitializers(InstallerInitializer.class) ); secret = new Random().nextLong(); } public MainApplication() { if (INSTANCE != null && INSTANCE != this) throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate application instance!"); INSTANCE = this; } public static Shell build(String... command) { return; } public static void addSecret(Intent intent) { ComponentName componentName = intent.getComponent(); String packageName = componentName != null ? componentName.getPackageName() : intent.getPackage(); if (!BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID.equalsIgnoreCase(packageName) && !relPackageName.equals(packageName)) { // Code safeguard, we should never reach here. throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't add secret to outbound Intent"); } intent.putExtra("secret", secret); } // Is application wrapped, and therefore must reduce it's feature set. @SuppressWarnings("BooleanMethodIsAlwaysInverted") public static boolean isWrapped() { return wrapped; } public static boolean checkSecret(Intent intent) { return intent != null && intent.getLongExtra("secret", ~secret) == secret; } public static SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences() { return INSTANCE.getSharedPreferences("mmm", MODE_PRIVATE); } public static boolean isShowcaseMode() { return getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("pref_showcase_mode", false); } public static boolean shouldPreventReboot() { return getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("pref_prevent_reboot", true); } public static boolean isShowIncompatibleModules() { return getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("pref_show_incompatible", false); } public static boolean isForceDarkTerminal() { return getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("pref_force_dark_terminal", false); } public static boolean isTextWrapEnabled() { return getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("pref_wrap_text", false); } public static boolean isDohEnabled() { return getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("pref_dns_over_https", true); } public static boolean isMonetEnabled() { return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S && getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("pref_enable_monet", true); } public static boolean isBlurEnabled() { return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M && getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("pref_enable_blur", false); } public static boolean isDeveloper() { return BuildConfig.DEBUG || getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("developer", false); } public static boolean isDisableLowQualityModuleFilter() { return getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("pref_disable_low_quality_module_filter", false) && isDeveloper(); } public static boolean isUsingMagiskCommand() { return InstallerInitializer.peekMagiskVersion() >= Constants.MAGISK_VER_CODE_INSTALL_COMMAND && getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("pref_use_magisk_install_command", false) && isDeveloper(); } public static boolean isBackgroundUpdateCheckEnabled() { return !wrapped && getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("pref_background_update_check", true); } public static boolean isAndroidacyTestMode() { return isDeveloper() && getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("pref_androidacy_test_mode", false); } public static boolean isFirstBoot() { return firstBoot; } public static boolean hasGottenRootAccess() { return getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("has_root_access", false); } public static void setHasGottenRootAccess(boolean bool) { getSharedPreferences().edit().putBoolean("has_root_access", bool).apply(); } public static boolean isCrashReportingEnabled() { return getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("pref_crash_reporting", BuildConfig.DEFAULT_ENABLE_CRASH_REPORTING && !BuildConfig.DEBUG); } public static SharedPreferences getBootSharedPreferences() { return bootSharedPreferences; } public static MainApplication getINSTANCE() { return INSTANCE; } public static String formatTime(long timeStamp) { // new Date(x) also get the local timestamp for format return timeFormat.format(new Date(timeStamp)); } @StyleRes private int managerThemeResId =; private FoxThemeWrapper markwonThemeContext; private Markwon markwon; public Markwon getMarkwon() { if (this.markwon != null) return this.markwon; FoxThemeWrapper contextThemeWrapper = this.markwonThemeContext; if (contextThemeWrapper == null) { contextThemeWrapper = this.markwonThemeContext = new FoxThemeWrapper(this, this.managerThemeResId); } Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(contextThemeWrapper).usePlugin(HtmlPlugin.create()) .usePlugin(SyntaxHighlightPlugin.create( new Prism4j(new Prism4jGrammarLocator()), new Prism4jSwitchTheme())) .usePlugin(ImagesPlugin.create().addSchemeHandler( OkHttpNetworkSchemeHandler.create(Http.getHttpClientWithCache()))).build(); return this.markwon = markwon; } public FoxThemeWrapper getMarkwonThemeContext() { return this.markwonThemeContext; } @NonNull @Override public getWorkManagerConfiguration() { return new; } private class Prism4jSwitchTheme implements Prism4jTheme { private final Prism4jTheme light = new Prism4jThemeDefault(Color.TRANSPARENT); private final Prism4jTheme dark = new Prism4jThemeDarkula(Color.TRANSPARENT); private Prism4jTheme getTheme() { return isLightTheme() ? this.light : this.dark; } @Override public int background() { return this.getTheme().background(); } @Override public int textColor() { return this.getTheme().textColor(); } @Override public void apply(@NonNull String language, @NonNull Prism4j.Syntax syntax, @NonNull SpannableStringBuilder builder, int start, int end) { this.getTheme().apply(language, syntax, builder, start, end); } } @SuppressLint("NonConstantResourceId") public void setManagerThemeResId(@StyleRes int resId) { this.managerThemeResId = resId; if (this.markwonThemeContext != null) { this.markwonThemeContext.setTheme(resId); } this.markwon = null; } public void updateTheme() { @StyleRes int themeResId; String theme; boolean monet = isMonetEnabled(); switch (theme = getSharedPreferences().getString("pref_theme", "system")) { default: Log.w("MainApplication", "Unknown theme id: " + theme); case "system": themeResId = monet ? :; break; case "dark": themeResId = monet ? :; break; case "light": themeResId = monet ? :; break; } this.setManagerThemeResId(themeResId); } @StyleRes public int getManagerThemeResId() { return managerThemeResId; } @SuppressLint("NonConstantResourceId") public boolean isLightTheme() { switch (this.managerThemeResId) { case case return (this.getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK) != Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES; case case return true; case case return false; default: return super.isLightTheme(); } } @Override public void onCreate() { if (INSTANCE == null) INSTANCE = this; relPackageName = this.getPackageName(); super.onCreate(); /*if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S) { DynamicColors.applyToActivitiesIfAvailable(this, new DynamicColorsOptions.Builder().setPrecondition( (activity, theme) -> isMonetEnabled()).build()); }*/ SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = MainApplication.getSharedPreferences(); // We are only one process so it's ok to do this SharedPreferences bootPrefs = MainApplication.bootSharedPreferences = this.getSharedPreferences("mmm_boot", MODE_PRIVATE); long lastBoot = System.currentTimeMillis() - SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); long lastBootPrefs = bootPrefs.getLong("last_boot", 0); if (lastBootPrefs == 0 || Math.abs(lastBoot - lastBootPrefs) > 100) { boolean firstBoot = sharedPreferences.getBoolean("first_boot", true); bootPrefs.edit().clear().putLong("last_boot", lastBoot) .putBoolean("first_boot", firstBoot).apply(); if (firstBoot) { sharedPreferences.edit().putBoolean("first_boot", false).apply(); } MainApplication.firstBoot = firstBoot; } else { MainApplication.firstBoot = bootPrefs.getBoolean("first_boot", false); } // Force initialize language early. new LanguageSwitcher(this); this.updateTheme(); // Update SSL Ciphers if update is possible GMSProviderInstaller.installIfNeeded(this); // Update emoji config FontRequestEmojiCompatConfig fontRequestEmojiCompatConfig = DefaultEmojiCompatConfig.create(this); if (fontRequestEmojiCompatConfig != null) { fontRequestEmojiCompatConfig.setReplaceAll(true); fontRequestEmojiCompatConfig .setMetadataLoadStrategy(EmojiCompat.LOAD_STRATEGY_MANUAL); EmojiCompat emojiCompat = EmojiCompat.init(fontRequestEmojiCompatConfig); new Thread(() -> { Log.d("MainApplication", "Loading emoji compat..."); emojiCompat.load(); Log.d("MainApplication", "Emoji compat loaded!"); }, "Emoji compat init.").start(); } SentryAndroid.init(this, options -> { // Note: Sentry library only take a screenshot of Fox Magisk Module Manager. // The screen shot doesn't and cannot contain other applications (if in multi windows) // status bar and notifications (even if notification shade is pulled down) // In the possibility you find this library sending anything listed above, // it's a serious bug and a security issue you should report to Google // Google bug bounties on Android are huge, so you can also get rich by doing that. options.setAttachScreenshot(true); // User interaction tracing is not needed to get context of crash options.setEnableUserInteractionTracing(false); // Add a callback that will be used before the event is sent to Sentry. // With this callback, you can modify the event or, when returning null, also discard the event. options.setBeforeSend((event, hint) -> { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { // Debug sentry events for debug. StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("Sentry report debug: "); try { event.serialize(new JsonObjectWriter(new Writer() { @Override public void write(char[] cbuf) { stringBuilder.append(cbuf); } @Override public void write(String str) { stringBuilder.append(str); } @Override public void write(char[] chars, int i, int i1) { stringBuilder.append(chars, i, i1); } @Override public void write(String str, int off, int len) { stringBuilder.append(str, off, len); } @Override public void flush() {} @Override public void close() {} }, 4), NoOpLogger.getInstance()); } catch (IOException ignored) {} Log.i(TAG, stringBuilder.toString()); } // Check saved preferences to see if the user has opted out of crash reporting. // If the user has opted out, return null. if (isCrashReportingEnabled()) { Log.i(TAG, "Relayed sentry report according to user preference"); return event; } else { Log.i(TAG, "Blocked sentry report according to user preference"); // We need to do this to avoid crash delay on crash when the event is dropped DiskFlushNotification diskFlushNotification = hint.getAs( TypeCheckHint.SENTRY_TYPE_CHECK_HINT, DiskFlushNotification.class); if (diskFlushNotification != null) diskFlushNotification.markFlushed(); return null; } }); }); } @Override public void onCreateFoxActivity(FoxActivity compatActivity) { super.onCreateFoxActivity(compatActivity); compatActivity.setTheme(this.managerThemeResId); } @Override public void onRefreshUI(FoxActivity compatActivity) { super.onRefreshUI(compatActivity); compatActivity.setThemeRecreate(this.managerThemeResId); } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) { Locale newTimeFormatLocale = newConfig.locale; if (timeFormatLocale != newTimeFormatLocale) { timeFormatLocale = newTimeFormatLocale; timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( timeFormatString, timeFormatLocale); } super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); } }