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// Sensor Configuration File
// By default global settings defined in fdrs_globals.h will be used for all sensors.
// If you need to change a specific setting, uncomment and set to your needs further below.
#define FDRS_DEBUG // Comment, if you do not want to see debug messages
#include <fdrs_globals.h> // Comment if you want to set specific values for this sensor here
#define READING_ID 1 //Unique ID for this sensor
#define GTWY_MAC 0x04 //Address of the nearest gateway
#define DEEP_SLEEP
//#define POWER_CTRL 14
// Uncomment the sensor type you want to use
#define USE_LORA
//#define USE_ESPNOW
//Pins for UART data interface (ESP32 only)
#define RXD2 14
#define TXD2 15
// SPI Configuration -- Needed only on Boards with multiple SPI interfaces like the ESP32
#define SPI_SCK 5
#define SPI_MISO 19
#define SPI_MOSI 27
// LoRa Pin Configuration -- Uncomment and configure if you are using LoRa
#define LORA_SS 18
#define LORA_RST 14
#define LORA_DIO0 26
// LoRa Transport Configuration -- This should be globally configured in fdrs_globals.h. If you need a
// specific band and spreading factor for this sensor, configure below.
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
// MQTT Configuration -- This should be globally configured in fdrs_globals.h. If you need to specify
// a different MQTT server for this sensor, configure below.
//#define MQTT_ADDR ""
//#define MQTT_AUTH //uncomment to enable MQTT authentication
//#define MQTT_USER "Your MQTT Username"
//#define MQTT_PASS "Your MQTT Password"
#endif //__FDRS_SENSOR_CONFIG__H__