// FARM DATA RELAY SYSTEM // // GATEWAY 2.000 Configuration #include "defaults.h" #define UNIT_MAC 0x00 // THIS UNIT //Actions -- Define what happens when a packet arrives at each interface: //Current function options are: sendESPNOW(MAC), sendSerial(), sendMQTT(), bufferESPNOW(interface), bufferSerial(), and bufferLoRa(interface). #define ESPNOWG_ACT sendSerial(); #define SERIAL_ACT #define MQTT_ACT #define LORAG_ACT sendSerial(); #define USE_LORA //#define USE_WIFI //Used only for MQTT gateway //#define CREDENTIALS //ESP32 Only -- Define UART pins and interface. #define RXD2 14 #define TXD2 15 #define UART_IF Serial1 #define DEBUG //Wifi Configuration -- Needed only if this device is using MQTT #define WIFI_NET "Your SSID" #define WIFI_PASS "Password" #define MQTT_ADDR "" ////LoRa Configuration -- Needed only if using LoRa #define SCK 5 #define MISO 19 #define MOSI 27 #define SS 18 #define RST 14 #define DIO0 26 //433E6 for Asia //866E6 for Europe //915E6 for North America #define BAND 915E6 #ifdef CREDENTIALS #include #endif