// FARM DATA RELAY SYSTEM // // GATEWAY 2.000 // // Developed by Timm Bogner (timmbogner@gmail.com) for Sola Gratia Farm in Urbana, Illinois, USA. // #include "fdrs_config.h" #ifdef ESP8266 #include #include #elif defined(ESP32) #include #include #include #endif #include #ifdef USE_WIFI #include #include #include #endif #ifdef USE_LORA #include #endif #ifdef USE_LED #include #endif #ifdef USE_SD_LOG #include #include #endif #ifdef USE_FS_LOG #include #endif //#include //Use global functions file #include "fdrs_functions.h" //Use local functions file void setup() { #if defined(ESP8266) Serial.begin(115200); #elif defined(ESP32) Serial.begin(115200); UART_IF.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, RXD2, TXD2); #endif DBG("Address:" + String (UNIT_MAC, HEX)); #ifdef USE_LED FastLED.addLeds(leds, NUM_LEDS); leds[0] = CRGB::Blue; FastLED.show(); #endif #ifdef USE_WIFI delay(10); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { DBG("Connecting to WiFi..."); DBG(FDRS_WIFI_SSID); delay(500); } DBG("WiFi Connected"); client.setServer(mqtt_server, mqtt_port); if (!client.connected()) { reconnect(5); } client.setCallback(mqtt_callback); #else begin_espnow(); #endif #ifdef USE_LORA begin_lora(); #endif #ifdef USE_SD_LOG begin_SD(); #endif #ifdef USE_FS_LOG begin_FS(); #endif //DBG(sizeof(DataReading)); #ifdef USE_WIFI client.publish(TOPIC_STATUS, "FDRS initialized"); #endif } void loop() { #ifdef ESPNOWG_DELAY if (millis() > timeESPNOWG) { timeESPNOWG += ESPNOWG_DELAY; if (lenESPNOWG > 0) releaseESPNOW(0); } #endif #ifdef ESPNOW1_DELAY if (millis() > timeESPNOW1) { timeESPNOW1 += ESPNOW1_DELAY; if (lenESPNOW1 > 0) releaseESPNOW(1); } #endif #ifdef ESPNOW2_DELAY if (millis() > timeESPNOW2) { timeESPNOW2 += ESPNOW2_DELAY; if (lenESPNOW2 > 0) releaseESPNOW(2); } #endif #ifdef SERIAL_DELAY if (millis() > timeSERIAL) { timeSERIAL += SERIAL_DELAY; if (lenSERIAL > 0) releaseSerial(); } #endif #ifdef MQTT_DELAY if (millis() > timeMQTT) { timeMQTT += MQTT_DELAY; if (lenMQTT > 0) releaseMQTT(); } #endif #ifdef LORAG_DELAY if (millis() > timeLORAG) { timeLORAG += LORAG_DELAY; if (lenLORAG > 0) releaseLoRa(0); } #endif #ifdef LORA1_DELAY if (millis() > timeLORA1) { timeLORA1 += LORA1_DELAY; if (lenLORA1 > 0) releaseLoRa(1); } #endif #ifdef LORA2_DELAY if (millis() > timeLORA2) { timeLORA2 += LORA2_DELAY; if (lenLORA2 > 0) releaseLoRa(2); } #endif while (UART_IF.available()) { getSerial(); } getLoRa(); #ifdef USE_WIFI if (!client.connected()) { reconnect(1, true); } client.loop(); // for recieving incoming messages and maintaining connection timeClient.update(); //update internal clock if possible #endif #ifdef USE_SD_LOG unsigned long current_millis = millis(); if(current_millis-last_millis >= 1000){ seconds_since_reset+=(current_millis-last_millis)/1000; last_millis=current_millis; } #endif if (newData) { switch (newData) { case 1: //ESP-NOW #1 ESPNOW1_ACT break; case 2: //ESP-NOW #2 ESPNOW2_ACT break; case 3: //ESP-NOW General ESPNOWG_ACT break; case 4: //Serial SERIAL_ACT break; case 5: //MQTT MQTT_ACT break; case 6: //LoRa General LORAG_ACT break; case 7: //LoRa #1 LORA1_ACT break; case 8: //LoRa #2 LORA2_ACT break; } newData = 0; } }