// FARM DATA RELAY SYSTEM // // GATEWAY CONFIGURATION //Addresses #define UNIT_MAC 0x01 // The address of this gateway #define ESPNOW_NEIGHBOR_1 0x00 // Address of ESP-NOW neighbor #1 #define ESPNOW_NEIGHBOR_2 0x02 // Address of ESP-NOW neighbor #2 #define LORA_NEIGHBOR_1 0x00 // Address of LoRa neighbor #1 #define LORA_NEIGHBOR_2 0x03 // Address of LoRa neighbor #2 // Interfaces #define USE_ESPNOW //#define USE_LORA //#define USE_WIFI // Will cause errors if used with ESP-NOW. Use a serial link instead! //#define USE_ETHERNET // Actions // Options: sendESPNowNbr(1 or 2); sendESPNowPeers(); sendLoRaNbr(1 or 2); broadcastLoRa(); sendSerial(); sendMQTT(); #define ESPNOWG_ACT sendSerial(); #define LORAG_ACT sendSerial(); #define SERIAL_ACT sendESPNowNbr(2); sendESPNowPeers(); sendLoRaNbr(2); broadcastLoRa(); #define MQTT_ACT #define INTERNAL_ACT sendSerial(); #define ESPNOW1_ACT #define ESPNOW2_ACT sendSerial(); #define LORA1_ACT #define LORA2_ACT sendSerial(); // LoRa Configuration #define RADIOLIB_MODULE SX1276 #define LORA_SS 18 #define LORA_RST 14 #define LORA_DIO 26 #define LORA_TXPWR 17 // LoRa TX power in dBm (: +2dBm - +17dBm (for SX1276-7) +20dBm (for SX1278)) //#define USE_SX126X //#define CUSTOM_SPI #define LORA_SPI_SCK 5 #define LORA_SPI_MISO 19 #define LORA_SPI_MOSI 27 #define FDRS_DEBUG // Enable USB-Serial debugging // OLED -- Displays console debugging messages on an SSD1306 I²C OLED ///#define USE_OLED #define OLED_HEADER "FDRS" #define OLED_SDA 4 #define OLED_SCL 15 #define OLED_RST 16 // UART data interface pins (if available) #define RXD2 14 #define TXD2 15 //#define USE_LR // Use ESP-NOW LR mode (ESP32 only) // WiFi and MQTT Credentials -- These will override the global settings //#define WIFI_SSID "Your SSID" //#define WIFI_PASS "Your Password" //#define MQTT_ADDR "" //#define MQTT_PORT 1883 // Default MQTT port is 1883 //#define MQTT_AUTH //Enable MQTT authentication //#define MQTT_USER "Your MQTT Username" //#define MQTT_PASS "Your MQTT Password" // Logging settings -- Logging will occur when MQTT is disconnected //#define USE_SD_LOG //Enable SD-card logging //#define USE_FS_LOG //Enable filesystem (flash) logging #define LOGBUF_DELAY 10000 // Log Buffer Delay - in milliseconds #define SD_SS 0 //SD card CS pin (Use different pins for LoRa and SD) #define LOG_FILENAME "fdrs_log.csv"