Add Controller Time example sketch

Jeff Lehman 1 month ago
parent 642c24a5e7
commit d514d6a049

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// Example sketch to provide several examples to obtain and use time
// from a gateway
// This sketch retrieves the time from a nearby FDRS gateway using ESP-NOW.
// After retrieving the time, at 60 second intervals, it prints out each field of the time
// in two different methods.
// Developed by Timm Bogner ( in Urbana, Illinois, USA
// FDRS Timekeeping was developed and contributed by Jeff Lehman (aviateur17)
#include "fdrs_node_config.h"
#include <fdrs_node.h>
unsigned long printJob = 0;
struct tm timeData;
char strftime_buf[80];
static char dayNames[][12] = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" };
static char monthNames[][12] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
bool isPM = false;
void setup() {
DBG("FDRS ControllerTime example.");
// Request that the gateway send us the current time
DBG("Requesting time from gateway");
void loop() {
// If time is valid, prints time out every 60 seconds (60,000 ms)
if(millis() - printJob > (1000 * 60) || printJob == 0)
// Check to see that we have a valid time
// time is valid
DBG("Configured Standard Time offset from UTC: " + String(STD_OFFSET) + " hours.");
DBG("Configured Daylight Savings Time offset from UTC: " + String(DST_OFFSET) + " hours.");
// Option 1 - use strftime function
// Local time
// time is stored in UTC so add offset to convert to local time
time_t localt = time(NULL) + (isDST?dstOffset:stdOffset);
// convert from time_t format to struct tm format
localtime_r(&localt, &timeData);
// Store the date/time in a character array
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%c", &timeData);
// Print out the character array to display the local date/time
DBG("---- strftime() function output ----");
DBG("Local date/time is: " + String(strftime_buf) + (isDST?" DST":" STD"));
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%Y", &timeData);
DBG("Year: " + String(strftime_buf)); // %Y - year in 4 digits
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%m", &timeData);
DBG("Month: " + String(strftime_buf)); // %m - Month as a decimal number
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%B", &timeData);
DBG("Month Name: " + String(strftime_buf)); // %B - Month Full Name
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%d", &timeData);
DBG("Day of Month: " + String(strftime_buf)); // %d - day of the month (1 - 31)
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%w", &timeData);
DBG("Day of Week: " + String(strftime_buf)); // %w - Days since Sunday = 0
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%A", &timeData);
DBG("Day Name: " + String(strftime_buf)); // %A - Full weekday name
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%j", &timeData);
DBG("Day of Year: " + String(strftime_buf)); // %j - days since January 1st = 0
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%H", &timeData);
DBG("Hour (24 hour format): " + String(strftime_buf)); // %H - Hours since mindnight in 24 hour format
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%I", &timeData);
DBG("Hour (12 hour format): " + String(strftime_buf)); // %I - Hours since mindnight in 12 hour format
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%M", &timeData);
DBG("Minute: " + String(strftime_buf)); // %M - Minutes
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%S", &timeData);
DBG("Second: " + String(strftime_buf)); // %S - Seconds
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%p", &timeData);
DBG("AM/PM: " + String(strftime_buf)); // %p - AM/PM
DBG("Daylight Savings: " + String((isDST ? " DST (yes)" : " STD (no)")));
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%A, %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %p", &timeData);
DBG("US format: " + String(strftime_buf) + String((isDST ? " DST" : " STD"))); // Day, MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM DST/STD
strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%A, %d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S", &timeData);
DBG("European format: " + String(strftime_buf) + String((isDST ? " DST" : " STD"))); // Day, DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS DST/STD
// Option 2 - read directly from the tm struct
// Local time
// time is stored in UTC so add offset to convert to local time
localt = time(NULL) + (isDST?dstOffset:stdOffset);
// convert from time_t format to struct tm format
localtime_r(&localt, &timeData);
// Struct tm provides the date/time elements split out
DBG("---- struct tm output ----");
DBG("Year: " + String(timeData.tm_year + 1900)); // tm_year returns number of years since 1900 so we add 1900
DBG("Month: " + String(timeData.tm_mon + 1)); // Jan = 0 so add 1 to (1 - 12)
DBG("Month Name: " + String(monthNames[timeData.tm_mon]));
DBG("Day of Month: " + String(timeData.tm_mday)); // day of the month (1 - 31)
DBG("Day of Week: " + String(timeData.tm_wday)); // Days since Sunday = 0
DBG("Day Name: " + String(dayNames[timeData.tm_wday]));
DBG("Day of Year: " + String(timeData.tm_yday + 1)); // days since January 1st = 0
DBG("Hour (24 hour format): " + String(timeData.tm_hour)); // Hours since mindnight in 24 hour format
if(timeData.tm_hour >= 12 && timeData.tm_hour <= 23)
isPM = true;
isPM = false;
if(timeData.tm_hour >= 13)
timeData.tm_hour = timeData.tm_hour - 12;
DBG("Hour (12 hour format): " + String(timeData.tm_hour) + " " + String((isPM ? "PM" : "AM"))); // Hours since mindnight in 12 hour format
DBG("Minute: " + String(timeData.tm_min));
DBG("Second: " + String(timeData.tm_sec));
DBG("Daylight Savings: " + String((isDST ? " DST (yes)" : " STD (no)")));
DBG("Local Time: " + String(dayNames[timeData.tm_wday]) + ", " + String(timeData.tm_mon + 1) + "/" + String(timeData.tm_mday) + "/"
+ String(timeData.tm_year + 1900) + " " + String(timeData.tm_hour) + ":" + String(timeData.tm_min) + ":" + String(timeData.tm_sec)
+ String((isPM ? " PM" : " AM")) + String((isDST ? " DST" : " STD")));
printJob = millis();
else // Time is not valid. Request time from the gateway
DBG("Time not valid.");
DBG("Check gateway is running and has valid time.");
// Try again in 20 seconds
printJob = printJob + 20000;

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// Sensor Configuration
#include <fdrs_globals.h>
#define READING_ID 1 //Unique ID for this sensor
#define GTWY_MAC 0x01 //Address of the nearest gateway
#define USE_ESPNOW
//#define USE_LORA
#define DEEP_SLEEP
//#define POWER_CTRL 14
#define FDRS_DEBUG
//#define DBG_LEVEL 0 // 0 for minimal messaging, 1 for troubleshooting, 2 for development
// LoRa Configuration
#define LORA_SS 18
#define LORA_RST 14
#define LORA_DIO 26
#define LORA_BUSY 33
//#define USE_SX126X
#define LORA_TXPWR 17 // LoRa TX power in dBm (: +2dBm - +17dBm (for SX1276-7) +20dBm (for SX1278))
#define LORA_ACK // Request LoRa acknowledgment.
//#define USE_LR // Use ESP-NOW LR mode (ESP32 only)
// Time settings
#define USDST
// #define EUDST
#define STD_OFFSET (-6) // Local standard time offset in hours from UTC - if unsure, check
#define DST_OFFSET (STD_OFFSET + 1) // Local savings time offset in hours from UTC - if unsure, check
#define TIME_PRINTTIME 99 // Time, in minutes, between printing local time to debug