Add LoRa ACK & CRC functionality for sensors #54

Jeff Lehman 2 years ago
parent 0bf0015576
commit 269fd335c2

@ -57,10 +57,18 @@ typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) DataReading {
} DataReading;
enum crcResult{
} returnCRC;
enum {
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) SystemPacket {
@ -70,8 +78,11 @@ typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) SystemPacket {
const uint16_t espnow_size = 250 / sizeof(DataReading);
uint8_t gatewayAddress[] = {MAC_PREFIX, GTWY_MAC};
uint8_t gtwyAddress[] = {gatewayAddress[3], gatewayAddress[4], GTWY_MAC};
uint8_t LoRaAddress[] = {0x42, 0x00};
uint16_t gtwyAddress = ((gatewayAddress[4] << 8) | GTWY_MAC);
uint16_t LoRaAddress = 0x4200;
unsigned long transmitLoRaMsg = 0; // Number of total LoRa packets destined for us and of valid size
unsigned long msgOkLoRa = 0; // Number of total LoRa packets with valid CRC
uint32_t wait_time = 0;
DataReading fdrsData[espnow_size];
@ -196,16 +207,143 @@ void beginFDRS() {
#endif // USE_LORA
void transmitLoRa(uint8_t* mac, DataReading * packet, uint8_t len) {
// USED to get ACKs from LoRa gateway at this point. May be used in the future to get other data
// Return type is crcResult struct - CRC_OK, CRC_BAD, CRC_NULL. CRC_NULL used for non-ack data
crcResult getLoRa() {
#ifdef USE_LORA
int packetSize = LoRa.parsePacket();
if ((packetSize - 6) % sizeof(SystemPacket) == 0 && packetSize > 0) { // packet size should be 6 bytes plus multiple of size of SystemPacket
uint8_t packet[packetSize];
uint16_t sourceMAC = 0x0000;
uint16_t destMAC = 0x0000;
uint16_t packetCRC = 0x0000; // CRC Extracted from received LoRa packet
uint16_t calcCRC = 0x0000; // CRC calculated from received LoRa packet
uint ln = (packetSize - 6) / sizeof(SystemPacket);
SystemPacket receiveData[ln];
LoRa.readBytes((uint8_t *)&packet, packetSize);
destMAC = (packet[0] << 8) | packet[1];
sourceMAC = (packet[2] << 8) | packet[3];
packetCRC = ((packet[packetSize - 2] << 8) | packet[packetSize - 1]);
DBG("Incoming LoRa. Size: " + String(packetSize) + " Bytes, RSSI: " + String(LoRa.packetRssi()) + "dBi, SNR: " + String(LoRa.packetSnr()) + "dB, PacketCRC: 0x" + String(packetCRC,16));
if (destMAC == LoRaAddress) {
memcpy(receiveData, &packet[4], packetSize - 6); //Split off data portion of packet (N bytes)
if(ln == 1 && receiveData[0].cmd == cmd_ack) { // We have received an ACK packet
if(packetCRC == 0xFFFF) {
DBG("ACK Received - address 0x" + String(sourceMAC,16) + "(hex) does not want ACKs");
return CRC_OK;
else {
for(int i = 0; i < (packetSize - 2); i++) { // Last 2 bytes of packet are the CRC so do not include them in calculation
//printf("CRC: %02X : %d\n",calcCRC, i);
calcCRC = crc16_update(calcCRC, packet[i]);
if(calcCRC == packetCRC) {
DBG("ACK Received - CRC Match");
return CRC_OK;
else {
DBG("ACK Received CRC Mismatch! Packet CRC is 0x" + String(packetCRC,16) + ", Calculated CRC is 0x" + String(calcCRC,16));
return CRC_BAD;
else{ // data we have received is not of type ACK_T. How we handle is future enhancement.
DBG("Received some LoRa SystemPacket data that is not of type ACK. To be handled in future enhancement.");
DBG("ln: " + String(ln) + "data type: " + String(receiveData[0].cmd));
return CRC_NULL;
else if((packetSize - 6) % sizeof(DataReading) == 0) { // packet size should be 6 bytes plus multiple of size of DataReading)
DBG("Incoming LoRa packet of " + String(packetSize) + " bytes received, with DataReading data to be processed.");
return CRC_NULL;
else {
DBG("Incoming LoRa packet of " + String(packetSize) + " bytes received, not destined to our address.");
return CRC_NULL;
else {
if(packetSize != 0) {
DBG("Incoming LoRa packet of " + String(packetSize) + " bytes received");
return CRC_NULL;
void printLoraPacket(uint8_t* p,int size) {
printf("Printing packet of size %d.",size);
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
if(i % 2 == 0) printf("\n%02d: ", i);
printf("%02X ", p[i]);
void transmitLoRa(uint16_t* destMAC, DataReading * packet, uint8_t len) {
#ifdef USE_LORA
uint8_t pkt[5 + (len * sizeof(DataReading))];
memcpy(&pkt, mac, 3); //
memcpy(&pkt[3], &LoRaAddress, 2);
memcpy(&pkt[5], packet, len * sizeof(DataReading));
uint8_t pkt[6 + (len * sizeof(DataReading))];
uint16_t calcCRC = 0x0000;
pkt[0] = (*destMAC >> 8);
pkt[1] = (*destMAC & 0x00FF);
pkt[2] = (LoRaAddress >> 8);
pkt[3] = (LoRaAddress & 0x00FF);
memcpy(&pkt[4], packet, len * sizeof(DataReading));
#ifdef LORA_ACK
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(pkt) - 2); i++) { // Last 2 bytes are CRC so do not include them in the calculation itself
//printf("CRC: %02X : %d\n",calcCRC, i);
calcCRC = crc16_update(calcCRC, pkt[i]);
#endif // LORA_ACK
pkt[len * sizeof(DataReading) + 4] = (calcCRC >> 8);
pkt[len * sizeof(DataReading) + 5] = (calcCRC & 0x00FF);
#ifdef LORA_ACK // Wait for ACK
int retries = LORA_RETRIES + 1;
while(retries != 0) {
if(transmitLoRaMsg != 0)
DBG("Transmitting LoRa message of size " + String(sizeof(pkt)) + " bytes with CRC 0x" + String(calcCRC,16) + " to gateway 0x" + String(*destMAC,16) + ". Retries remaining: " + String(retries - 1) + ", CRC OK " + String((float)msgOkLoRa/transmitLoRaMsg*100) + "%");
DBG("Transmitting LoRa message of size " + String(sizeof(pkt)) + " bytes with CRC 0x" + String(calcCRC,16) + " to gateway 0x" + String(*destMAC,16) + ". Retries remaining: " + String(retries - 1));
LoRa.write((uint8_t*)&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
unsigned long loraAckTimeout = millis() + LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT;
while(returnCRC == CRC_NULL && (millis() < loraAckTimeout)) {
returnCRC = getLoRa();
if(returnCRC == CRC_OK) {
//DBG("LoRa ACK Received! CRC OK");
return; // we're done
else if(returnCRC == CRC_BAD) {
//DBG("LoRa ACK Received! CRC BAD");
// Resend original packet again if retries are available
else {
DBG("LoRa Timeout waiting for ACK!");
// resend original packet again if retries are available
#else // Send and do not wait for ACK reply
DBG("Transmitting LoRa message of size " + String(sizeof(pkt)) + " bytes with CRC 0x" + String(calcCRC,16) + " to gateway 0x" + String(*destMAC,16));
LoRa.write((uint8_t*)&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
#endif // LORA_ACK
#endif // USE_LORA
void sendFDRS() {
@ -216,10 +354,10 @@ void sendFDRS() {
DBG(" ESP-NOW sent.");
#ifdef USE_LORA
transmitLoRa(gtwyAddress, fdrsData, data_count);
DBG(" LoRa sent.");
transmitLoRa(&gtwyAddress, fdrsData, data_count);
data_count = 0;
returnCRC = CRC_NULL;
void loadFDRS(float d, uint8_t t) {
@ -271,3 +409,31 @@ void pingFDRS(int timeout) {
DBG(" LoRa ping not sent because it isn't implemented.");
// CRC16 from
/** @ingroup util_crc16
Processor-independent CRC-16 calculation.
Polynomial: x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1 (0xA001)<br>
Initial value: 0xFFFF
This CRC is normally used in disk-drive controllers.
@param uint16_t crc (0x0000..0xFFFF)
@param uint8_t a (0x00..0xFF)
@return calculated CRC (0x0000..0xFFFF)
static uint16_t crc16_update(uint16_t crc, uint8_t a)
int i;
crc ^= a;
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
if (crc & 1)
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ 0xA001;
crc = (crc >> 1);
return crc;

@ -26,5 +26,9 @@
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_BAND 915E6
#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_ACK // Uncomment to enable request for LoRa ACKs at cost of increased battery usage
#define LORA_NOACK_CRC 0xFFFF // CRC value to be used when ACKs are disabled to tell gateway we do not want ACK
#define LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT 400 // ms timeout waiting for LoRa ACKs (if enabled). Wouldn't go less than 200ms
#define LORA_RETRIES 2 // [0 - 3] When ACK enabled, number of sensor node tx retries when ACK not received or invalid CRC

@ -25,5 +25,9 @@
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_BAND 915E6
#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_ACK // Uncomment to enable request for LoRa ACKs at cost of increased battery usage
#define LORA_NOACK_CRC 0xFFFF // CRC value to be used when ACKs are disabled to tell gateway we do not want ACK
#define LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT 400 // ms timeout waiting for LoRa ACKs (if enabled). Wouldn't go less than 200ms
#define LORA_RETRIES 2 // [0 - 3] When ACK enabled, number of sensor node tx retries when ACK not received or invalid CRC

@ -25,5 +25,9 @@
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_BAND 915E6
#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_ACK // Uncomment to enable request for LoRa ACKs at cost of increased battery usage
#define LORA_NOACK_CRC 0xFFFF // CRC value to be used when ACKs are disabled to tell gateway we do not want ACK
#define LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT 400 // ms timeout waiting for LoRa ACKs (if enabled). Wouldn't go less than 200ms
#define LORA_RETRIES 2 // [0 - 3] When ACK enabled, number of sensor node tx retries when ACK not received or invalid CRC

@ -25,5 +25,9 @@
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_BAND 915E6
#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_ACK // Uncomment to enable request for LoRa ACKs at cost of increased battery usage
#define LORA_NOACK_CRC 0xFFFF // CRC value to be used when ACKs are disabled to tell gateway we do not want ACK
#define LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT 400 // ms timeout waiting for LoRa ACKs (if enabled). Wouldn't go less than 200ms
#define LORA_RETRIES 2 // [0 - 3] When ACK enabled, number of sensor node tx retries when ACK not received or invalid CRC

@ -25,5 +25,9 @@
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_BAND 915E6
#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_ACK // Uncomment to enable request for LoRa ACKs at cost of increased battery usage
#define LORA_NOACK_CRC 0xFFFF // CRC value to be used when ACKs are disabled to tell gateway we do not want ACK
#define LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT 400 // ms timeout waiting for LoRa ACKs (if enabled). Wouldn't go less than 200ms
#define LORA_RETRIES 2 // [0 - 3] When ACK enabled, number of sensor node tx retries when ACK not received or invalid CRC

@ -25,5 +25,9 @@
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_BAND 915E6
#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_ACK // Uncomment to enable request for LoRa ACKs at cost of increased battery usage
#define LORA_NOACK_CRC 0xFFFF // CRC value to be used when ACKs are disabled to tell gateway we do not want ACK
#define LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT 400 // ms timeout waiting for LoRa ACKs (if enabled). Wouldn't go less than 200ms
#define LORA_RETRIES 2 // [0 - 3] When ACK enabled, number of sensor node tx retries when ACK not received or invalid CRC

@ -25,5 +25,9 @@
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_BAND 915E6
#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_ACK // Uncomment to enable request for LoRa ACKs at cost of increased battery usage
#define LORA_NOACK_CRC 0xFFFF // CRC value to be used when ACKs are disabled to tell gateway we do not want ACK
#define LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT 400 // ms timeout waiting for LoRa ACKs (if enabled). Wouldn't go less than 200ms
#define LORA_RETRIES 2 // [0 - 3] When ACK enabled, number of sensor node tx retries when ACK not received or invalid CRC

@ -25,5 +25,9 @@
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_BAND 915E6
#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_ACK // Uncomment to enable request for LoRa ACKs at cost of increased battery usage
#define LORA_NOACK_CRC 0xFFFF // CRC value to be used when ACKs are disabled to tell gateway we do not want ACK
#define LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT 400 // ms timeout waiting for LoRa ACKs (if enabled). Wouldn't go less than 200ms
#define LORA_RETRIES 2 // [0 - 3] When ACK enabled, number of sensor node tx retries when ACK not received or invalid CRC

@ -25,5 +25,9 @@
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_BAND 915E6
#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_ACK // Uncomment to enable request for LoRa ACKs at cost of increased battery usage
#define LORA_NOACK_CRC 0xFFFF // CRC value to be used when ACKs are disabled to tell gateway we do not want ACK
#define LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT 400 // ms timeout waiting for LoRa ACKs (if enabled). Wouldn't go less than 200ms
#define LORA_RETRIES 2 // [0 - 3] When ACK enabled, number of sensor node tx retries when ACK not received or invalid CRC

@ -25,5 +25,9 @@
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_BAND 915E6
#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_ACK // Uncomment to enable request for LoRa ACKs at cost of increased battery usage
#define LORA_NOACK_CRC 0xFFFF // CRC value to be used when ACKs are disabled to tell gateway we do not want ACK
#define LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT 400 // ms timeout waiting for LoRa ACKs (if enabled). Wouldn't go less than 200ms
#define LORA_RETRIES 2 // [0 - 3] When ACK enabled, number of sensor node tx retries when ACK not received or invalid CRC

@ -25,5 +25,9 @@
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_BAND 915E6
#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_ACK // Uncomment to enable request for LoRa ACKs at cost of increased battery usage
#define LORA_NOACK_CRC 0xFFFF // CRC value to be used when ACKs are disabled to tell gateway we do not want ACK
#define LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT 400 // ms timeout waiting for LoRa ACKs (if enabled). Wouldn't go less than 200ms
#define LORA_RETRIES 2 // [0 - 3] When ACK enabled, number of sensor node tx retries when ACK not received or invalid CRC

@ -25,5 +25,9 @@
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_BAND 915E6
#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_ACK // Uncomment to enable request for LoRa ACKs at cost of increased battery usage
#define LORA_NOACK_CRC 0xFFFF // CRC value to be used when ACKs are disabled to tell gateway we do not want ACK
#define LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT 400 // ms timeout waiting for LoRa ACKs (if enabled). Wouldn't go less than 200ms
#define LORA_RETRIES 2 // [0 - 3] When ACK enabled, number of sensor node tx retries when ACK not received or invalid CRC

@ -25,5 +25,9 @@
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
//#define LORA_BAND 915E6
//#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_BAND 915E6
#define LORA_SF 7
#define LORA_ACK // Uncomment to enable request for LoRa ACKs at cost of increased battery usage
#define LORA_NOACK_CRC 0xFFFF // CRC value to be used when ACKs are disabled to tell gateway we do not want ACK
#define LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT 400 // ms timeout waiting for LoRa ACKs (if enabled). Wouldn't go less than 200ms
#define LORA_RETRIES 2 // [0 - 3] When ACK enabled, number of sensor node tx retries when ACK not received or invalid CRC

@ -57,10 +57,27 @@ typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) DataReading {
} DataReading;
enum crcResult{
} returnCRC;
enum {
const uint16_t espnow_size = 250 / sizeof(DataReading);
uint8_t gatewayAddress[] = {MAC_PREFIX, GTWY_MAC};
uint8_t gtwyAddress[] = {gatewayAddress[3], gatewayAddress[4], GTWY_MAC};
uint8_t LoRaAddress[] = {0x42, 0x00};
uint16_t gtwyAddress = ((gatewayAddress[4] << 8) | GTWY_MAC);
uint16_t LoRaAddress = 0x4200;
unsigned long transmitLoRaMsg = 0; // Number of total LoRa packets destined for us and of valid size
unsigned long msgOkLoRa = 0; // Number of total LoRa packets with valid CRC
uint32_t wait_time = 0;
DataReading fdrsData[espnow_size];
@ -159,16 +176,143 @@ void beginFDRS() {
#endif // USE_LORA
void transmitLoRa(uint8_t* mac, DataReading * packet, uint8_t len) {
// USED to get ACKs from LoRa gateway at this point. May be used in the future to get other data
// Return type is crcResult struct - CRC_OK, CRC_BAD, CRC_NULL. CRC_NULL used for non-ack data
crcResult getLoRa() {
#ifdef USE_LORA
int packetSize = LoRa.parsePacket();
if ((packetSize - 6) % sizeof(SystemPacket) == 0 && packetSize > 0) { // packet size should be 6 bytes plus multiple of size of SystemPacket
uint8_t packet[packetSize];
uint16_t sourceMAC = 0x0000;
uint16_t destMAC = 0x0000;
uint16_t packetCRC = 0x0000; // CRC Extracted from received LoRa packet
uint16_t calcCRC = 0x0000; // CRC calculated from received LoRa packet
uint ln = (packetSize - 6) / sizeof(SystemPacket);
SystemPacket receiveData[ln];
LoRa.readBytes((uint8_t *)&packet, packetSize);
destMAC = (packet[0] << 8) | packet[1];
sourceMAC = (packet[2] << 8) | packet[3];
packetCRC = ((packet[packetSize - 2] << 8) | packet[packetSize - 1]);
DBG("Incoming LoRa. Size: " + String(packetSize) + " Bytes, RSSI: " + String(LoRa.packetRssi()) + "dBi, SNR: " + String(LoRa.packetSnr()) + "dB, PacketCRC: 0x" + String(packetCRC,16));
if (destMAC == LoRaAddress) {
memcpy(receiveData, &packet[4], packetSize - 6); //Split off data portion of packet (N bytes)
if(ln == 1 && receiveData[0].cmd == cmd_ack) { // We have received an ACK packet
if(packetCRC == 0xFFFF) {
DBG("ACK Received - address 0x" + String(sourceMAC,16) + "(hex) does not want ACKs");
return CRC_OK;
else {
for(int i = 0; i < (packetSize - 2); i++) { // Last 2 bytes of packet are the CRC so do not include them in calculation
//printf("CRC: %02X : %d\n",calcCRC, i);
calcCRC = crc16_update(calcCRC, packet[i]);
if(calcCRC == packetCRC) {
DBG("ACK Received - CRC Match");
return CRC_OK;
else {
DBG("ACK Received CRC Mismatch! Packet CRC is 0x" + String(packetCRC,16) + ", Calculated CRC is 0x" + String(calcCRC,16));
return CRC_BAD;
else{ // data we have received is not of type ACK_T. How we handle is future enhancement.
DBG("Received some LoRa SystemPacket data that is not of type ACK. To be handled in future enhancement.");
DBG("ln: " + String(ln) + "data type: " + String(receiveData[0].cmd));
return CRC_NULL;
else if((packetSize - 6) % sizeof(DataReading) == 0) { // packet size should be 6 bytes plus multiple of size of DataReading)
DBG("Incoming LoRa packet of " + String(packetSize) + " bytes received, with DataReading data to be processed.");
return CRC_NULL;
else {
DBG("Incoming LoRa packet of " + String(packetSize) + " bytes received, not destined to our address.");
return CRC_NULL;
else {
if(packetSize != 0) {
DBG("Incoming LoRa packet of " + String(packetSize) + " bytes received");
return CRC_NULL;
void printLoraPacket(uint8_t* p,int size) {
printf("Printing packet of size %d.",size);
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
if(i % 2 == 0) printf("\n%02d: ", i);
printf("%02X ", p[i]);
void transmitLoRa(uint16_t* destMAC, DataReading * packet, uint8_t len) {
#ifdef USE_LORA
uint8_t pkt[5 + (len * sizeof(DataReading))];
memcpy(&pkt, mac, 3); //
memcpy(&pkt[3], &LoRaAddress, 2);
memcpy(&pkt[5], packet, len * sizeof(DataReading));
uint8_t pkt[6 + (len * sizeof(DataReading))];
uint16_t calcCRC = 0x0000;
pkt[0] = (*destMAC >> 8);
pkt[1] = (*destMAC & 0x00FF);
pkt[2] = (LoRaAddress >> 8);
pkt[3] = (LoRaAddress & 0x00FF);
memcpy(&pkt[4], packet, len * sizeof(DataReading));
#ifdef LORA_ACK
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(pkt) - 2); i++) { // Last 2 bytes are CRC so do not include them in the calculation itself
//printf("CRC: %02X : %d\n",calcCRC, i);
calcCRC = crc16_update(calcCRC, pkt[i]);
#endif // LORA_ACK
pkt[len * sizeof(DataReading) + 4] = (calcCRC >> 8);
pkt[len * sizeof(DataReading) + 5] = (calcCRC & 0x00FF);
#ifdef LORA_ACK // Wait for ACK
int retries = LORA_RETRIES + 1;
while(retries != 0) {
if(transmitLoRaMsg != 0)
DBG("Transmitting LoRa message of size " + String(sizeof(pkt)) + " bytes with CRC 0x" + String(calcCRC,16) + " to gateway 0x" + String(*destMAC,16) + ". Retries remaining: " + String(retries - 1) + ", CRC OK " + String((float)msgOkLoRa/transmitLoRaMsg*100) + "%");
DBG("Transmitting LoRa message of size " + String(sizeof(pkt)) + " bytes with CRC 0x" + String(calcCRC,16) + " to gateway 0x" + String(*destMAC,16) + ". Retries remaining: " + String(retries - 1));
LoRa.write((uint8_t*)&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
unsigned long loraAckTimeout = millis() + LORA_ACK_TIMEOUT;
while(returnCRC == CRC_NULL && (millis() < loraAckTimeout)) {
returnCRC = getLoRa();
if(returnCRC == CRC_OK) {
//DBG("LoRa ACK Received! CRC OK");
return; // we're done
else if(returnCRC == CRC_BAD) {
//DBG("LoRa ACK Received! CRC BAD");
// Resend original packet again if retries are available
else {
DBG("LoRa Timeout waiting for ACK!");
// resend original packet again if retries are available
#else // Send and do not wait for ACK reply
DBG("Transmitting LoRa message of size " + String(sizeof(pkt)) + " bytes with CRC 0x" + String(calcCRC,16) + " to gateway 0x" + String(*destMAC,16));
LoRa.write((uint8_t*)&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
#endif // LORA_ACK
#endif // USE_LORA
void sendFDRS() {
@ -183,6 +327,7 @@ void sendFDRS() {
DBG(" LoRa sent.");
data_count = 0;
returnCRC = CRC_NULL;
void loadFDRS(float d, uint8_t t) {
@ -211,3 +356,32 @@ void sleepFDRS(int sleep_time) {
DBG(" Delaying.");
delay(sleep_time * 1000);
// CRC16 from
/** @ingroup util_crc16
Processor-independent CRC-16 calculation.
Polynomial: x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1 (0xA001)<br>
Initial value: 0xFFFF
This CRC is normally used in disk-drive controllers.
@param uint16_t crc (0x0000..0xFFFF)
@param uint8_t a (0x00..0xFF)
@return calculated CRC (0x0000..0xFFFF)
static uint16_t crc16_update(uint16_t crc, uint8_t a)
int i;
crc ^= a;
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
if (crc & 1)
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ 0xA001;
crc = (crc >> 1);
return crc;