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2 years ago
// GATEWAY 2.000 Configuration
#include <fdrs_globals.h>
2 years ago
#define FDRS_DEBUG //Enable USB-Serial debugging
#define DEBUG_CONFIG // Displays full config info on startup
2 years ago
#define UNIT_MAC 0x02 // The address of this gateway
// Actions -- Define what happens when a packet arrives at each interface:
// Current function options are: sendESPNow(MAC), sendSerial(), sendMQTT(),
2 years ago
// sendLoRaNbr(interface) , sendESPNowNbr(interface).
2 years ago
#define ESPNOWG_ACT sendESPNow(0x01);
2 years ago
#define SERIAL_ACT
#define MQTT_ACT
#define LORAG_ACT
// Protocols -- Define which protocols the gateway will use.
// Warning: ESP-NOW and WiFi should not be used simultaneously.
#define USE_ESPNOW
//#define USE_LORA
//#define USE_WIFI //Used only for MQTT gateway
// Neighbor addresses
#define ESPNOW_NEIGHBOR_1 0x01 // ESPNOW1 Address
#define ESPNOW_NEIGHBOR_2 0x0F // ESPNOW2 Address
#define LORA_NEIGHBOR_1 0x0E // LoRa1 Address
#define LORA_NEIGHBOR_2 0x0F // LoRa2 Address
2 years ago
// Neighbor Actions
#define ESPNOW1_ACT sendSerial(); // This would display packets arriving *from* the front-end.
2 years ago
#define ESPNOW2_ACT
#define LORA1_ACT
#define LORA2_ACT
//Pins for UART data interface (ESP32 only)
#define RXD2 14
#define TXD2 15
//Logging settings -- Logging will occur when MQTT is disconnected
//#define USE_SD_LOG //Enable SD-card logging
//#define USE_FS_LOG //Enable filesystem (flash) logging
#define LOGBUF_DELAY 10000 // Log Buffer Delay - in milliseconds
#define SD_SS 0 //SD card CS pin (Use different pins for LoRa and SD)
#define LOG_FILENAME "fdrs_log.csv"
2 years ago
#define FS_FILENAME "fdrs_log.csv"
// SPI Configuration -- Needed only on Boards with multiple SPI interfaces like the ESP32
#define SPI_SCK 5
#define SPI_MISO 19
#define SPI_MOSI 27
// LoRa Configuration -- Needed only if using LoRa
#define LORA_SS 18
#define LORA_RST 14
#define LORA_DIO 26
2 years ago
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
#define LORA_BAND 915E6 // LoRa Frequency Band
#define LORA_SF 7 // LoRa Spreading Factor
#define LORA_TXPWR 17 // LoRa TX power in dBm (+2dBm - +20dBm), default is +17dBm.
// Buffer Delays - in milliseconds - Uncomment to enable any buffer
//#define ESPNOW1_DELAY 0
//#define ESPNOW2_DELAY 0
//#define ESPNOWG_DELAY 0
//#define SERIAL_DELAY 0
//#define MQTT_DELAY 0
//#define LORAG_DELAY 1000
//#define LORA1_DELAY 1000
//#define LORA2_DELAY 1000
#define PEER_TIMEOUT 300000
2 years ago
// FastLED -- Not yet fully implemented
//#define USE_LED
#define LED_PIN 32
#define NUM_LEDS 4
// WiFi and MQTT Credentials -- Needed for MQTT only if "fdrs_globals.h" is not included
//#define WIFI_SSID "Your SSID"
//#define WIFI_PASS "Your Password"
//#define MQTT_ADDR ""
//#define MQTT_PORT 1883 // Default MQTT port is 1883
//#define MQTT_AUTH //Enable MQTT authentication
//#define MQTT_USER "Your MQTT Username"
//#define MQTT_PASS "Your MQTT Password"
// MQTT Topics
#define TOPIC_DATA "fdrs/data"
#define TOPIC_STATUS "fdrs/status"
#define TOPIC_COMMAND "fdrs/command"