create_user($name, $pwd)) { log_error("successfully created user"); exit(json_encode(strtolower($name))); } else { log_error("create user failed"); report_problem('Authentication failed', '401'); } } catch(Exception $e) { log_error("db exception create user"); header("X-Weave-Backoff: 1800"); report_problem($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } } else { log_error("register not enabled"); report_problem(WEAVE_ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED,400); } } // ende put } catch(Exception $e) { report_problem($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } #The datasets we might be dealing with here are too large for sticking it all into an array, so #we need to define a direct-output method for the storage class to use. If we start producing multiples #(unlikely), we can put them in their own class. #include_once "WBOJsonOutput.php"; ?>