# Mark Straver # # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** require_once 'weave_basic_object.php'; require_once 'weave_utils.php'; require_once 'settings.php'; class WeaveStorage { private $_username; private $_dbh; function __construct($username) { $this->_username = $username; log_error("Initalizing DB connecion!"); try { if ( ! MYSQL_ENABLE ) { $path = explode('/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); $db_name = SQLITE_FILE; array_pop($path); array_push($path, $db_name); $db_name = implode('/', $path); if ( ! file_exists($db_name) ) { log_error("The required sqllite database is not present! $db_name"); } log_error("Starting SQLite connection"); $this->_dbh = new PDO('sqlite:' . $db_name); $this->_dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } else if ( MYSQL_ENABLE ) { log_error("Starting MySQL connection"); $this->_dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=". MYSQL_HOST .";dbname=". MYSQL_DB, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD); } } catch( PDOException $exception ) { log_error("database unavailable " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable " . $exception->getMessage() , 503); } } function get_connection() { return $this->_dbh; } function begin_transaction() { try { $this->_dbh->beginTransaction(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("begin_transaction: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } return 1; } function commit_transaction() { $this->_dbh->commit(); return 1; } function get_max_timestamp($collection) { if (!$collection) { return 0; } try { $select_stmt = 'select max(modified) from wbo where username = :username and collection = :collection'; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($select_stmt); $sth->bindParam(':username', $this->_username); $sth->bindParam(':collection', $collection); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("get_max_timestamp: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } $result = $sth->fetchColumn(); return round((float)$result, 2); } function get_collection_list() { try { $select_stmt = 'select distinct(collection) from wbo where username = :username'; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($select_stmt); $sth->bindParam(':username', $this->_username); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("get_collection_list: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } $collections = array(); while ($result = $sth->fetchColumn()) { $collections[] = $result; } return $collections; } function get_collection_list_with_timestamps() { try { $select_stmt = 'select collection, max(modified) as timestamp from wbo where username = :username group by collection'; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($select_stmt); $sth->bindParam(':username', $this->_username); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("get_collection_list: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } $collections = array(); while ($result = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $collections[$result[0]] = (float)$result[1]; } return $collections; } function get_collection_list_with_counts() { try { $select_stmt = 'select collection, count(*) as ct from wbo where username = :username group by collection'; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($select_stmt); $sth->bindParam(':username', $this->_username); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("get_collection_list_with_counts: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } $collections = array(); while ($result = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $collections[$result[0]] = (int)$result[1]; } return $collections; } function store_object(&$wbo) { try { if ( MYSQL_ENABLE ) { $insert_stmt = 'insert into wbo (username, id, collection, parentid, predecessorid, sortindex, modified, payload, payload_size) values (:username, :id, :collection, :parentid, :predecessorid, :sortindex, :modified, :payload, :payload_size) on duplicate key update username=values(username), id=values(id), collection=values(collection), parentid=values(parentid), predecessorid=values(predecessorid), sortindex=values(sortindex), modified=values(modified), payload=values(payload), payload_size=values(payload_size)'; } else { $insert_stmt = 'replace into wbo (username, id, collection, parentid, predecessorid, sortindex, modified, payload, payload_size) values (:username, :id, :collection, :parentid, :predecessorid, :sortindex, :modified, :payload, :payload_size)'; } $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($insert_stmt); $username = $this->_username; $id = $wbo->id(); $collection = $wbo->collection(); $parentid = $wbo->parentid(); $predecessorid = $wbo->predecessorid(); $sortindex = $wbo->sortindex(); $modified = $wbo->modified(); $payload = $wbo->payload(); $payload_size = $wbo->payload_size(); $sth->bindParam(':username', $username); $sth->bindParam(':id', $id); $sth->bindParam(':collection', $collection); $sth->bindParam(':parentid', $parentid); $sth->bindParam(':predecessorid', $predecessorid); $sth->bindParam(':sortindex', $sortindex); $sth->bindParam(':modified', $modified); $sth->bindParam(':payload', $payload); $sth->bindParam(':payload_size', $payload_size); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("store_object: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } return 1; } function update_object(&$wbo) { $update = "update wbo set "; $params = array(); $update_list = array(); #make sure we have an id and collection. No point in continuing otherwise if (!$wbo->id() || !$wbo->collection()) { error_log('Trying to update without a valid id or collection!'); return 0; } if ($wbo->parentid_exists()) { $update_list[] = "parentid = ?"; $params[] = $wbo->parentid(); } if ($wbo->predecessorid_exists()) { $update_list[] = "predecessorid = ?"; $params[] = $wbo->predecessorid(); } if ($wbo->sortindex_exists()) { $update_list[] = "sortindex = ?"; $params[] = $wbo->sortindex(); } if ($wbo->payload_exists()) { $update_list[] = "payload = ?"; $update_list[] = "payload_size = ?"; $params[] = $wbo->payload(); $params[] = $wbo->payload_size(); } # Don't modify the timestamp on a non-payload/non-parent change change if ($wbo->parentid_exists() || $wbo->payload_exists()) { #better make sure we have a modified date. Should have been handled earlier if (!$wbo->modified_exists()) { error_log("Called update_object with no defined timestamp. Please check"); $wbo->modified(microtime(1)); } $update_list[] = "modified = ?"; $params[] = $wbo->modified(); } if (count($params) == 0) { return 0; } $update .= join($update_list, ","); $update .= " where username = ? and collection = ? and id = ?"; $params[] = $this->_username; $params[] = $wbo->collection(); $params[] = $wbo->id(); try { $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($update); $sth->execute($params); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("update_object: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } return 1; } function delete_object($collection, $id) { try { $delete_stmt = 'delete from wbo where username = :username and collection = :collection and id = :id'; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($delete_stmt); $username = $this->_username; $sth->bindParam(':username', $username); $sth->bindParam(':collection', $collection); $sth->bindParam(':id', $id); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("delete_object: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } return 1; } function delete_objects($collection, $id = null, $parentid = null, $predecessorid = null, $newer = null, $older = null, $sort = null, $limit = null, $offset = null, $ids = null, $index_above = null, $index_below = null) { $params = array(); $select_stmt = ''; if ($limit || $offset || $sort) { #sqlite can't do sort or limit deletes without special compiled versions #so, we need to grab the set, then delete it manually. $params = $this->retrieve_objects($collection, $id, 0, 0, $parentid, $predecessorid, $newer, $older, $sort, $limit, $offset, $ids, $index_above, $index_below); if (!count($params)) { return 1; #nothing to delete } $paramqs = array(); $select_stmt = "delete from wbo where username = ? and collection = ? and id in (" . join(", ", array_pad($paramqs, count($params), '?')) . ")"; array_unshift($params, $collection); array_unshift($params, $username); } else { $select_stmt = "delete from wbo where username = ? and collection = ?"; $params[] = $this->_username; $params[] = $collection; if ($id) { $select_stmt .= " and id = ?"; $params[] = $id; } if ($ids && count($ids) > 0) { $qmarks = array(); $select_stmt .= " and id in ("; foreach ($ids as $temp) { $params[] = $temp; $qmarks[] = '?'; } $select_stmt .= implode(",", $qmarks); $select_stmt .= ')'; } if ($parentid) { $select_stmt .= " and parentid = ?"; $params[] = $parentid; } if ($predecessorid) { $select_stmt .= " and predecessorid = ?"; $params[] = $parentid; } if ($index_above) { $select_stmt .= " and sortindex > ?"; $params[] = $parentid; } if ($index_below) { $select_stmt .= " and sortindex < ?"; $params[] = $parentid; } if ($newer) { $select_stmt .= " and modified > ?"; $params[] = $newer; } if ($older) { $select_stmt .= " and modified < ?"; $params[] = $older; } if ($sort == 'index') { $select_stmt .= " order by sortindex desc"; } else if ($sort == 'newest') { $select_stmt .= " order by modified desc"; } else if ($sort == 'oldest') { $select_stmt .= " order by modified"; } } try { $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($select_stmt); $sth->execute($params); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("delete_objects: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } return 1; } function retrieve_object($collection, $id) { try { $select_stmt = 'select * from wbo where username = :username and collection = :collection and id = :id'; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($select_stmt); $username = $this->_username; $sth->bindParam(':username', $username); $sth->bindParam(':collection', $collection); $sth->bindParam(':id', $id); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("retrieve_object: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } $result = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $wbo = new wbo(); $wbo->populate($result); return $wbo; } function retrieve_objects($collection, $id = null, $full = null, $direct_output = null, $parentid = null, $predecessorid = null, $newer = null, $older = null, $sort = null, $limit = null, $offset = null, $ids = null, $index_above = null, $index_below = null) { $full_list = $full ? '*' : 'id'; $select_stmt = "select $full_list from wbo where username = ? and collection = ?"; $params[] = $this->_username; $params[] = $collection; if ($id) { $select_stmt .= " and id = ?"; $params[] = $id; } if ($ids && count($ids) > 0) { $qmarks = array(); $select_stmt .= " and id in ("; foreach ($ids as $temp) { $params[] = $temp; $qmarks[] = '?'; } $select_stmt .= implode(",", $qmarks); $select_stmt .= ')'; } if ($parentid) { $select_stmt .= " and parentid = ?"; $params[] = $parentid; } if ($predecessorid) { $select_stmt .= " and predecessorid = ?"; $params[] = $predecessorid; } if ($index_above) { $select_stmt .= " and sortindex > ?"; $params[] = $parentid; } if ($index_below) { $select_stmt .= " and sortindex < ?"; $params[] = $parentid; } if ($newer) { $select_stmt .= " and modified > ?"; $params[] = $newer; } if ($older) { $select_stmt .= " and modified < ?"; $params[] = $older; } if ($sort == 'index') { $select_stmt .= " order by sortindex desc"; } else if ($sort == 'newest') { $select_stmt .= " order by modified desc"; } else if ($sort == 'oldest') { $select_stmt .= " order by modified"; } if ($limit) { $select_stmt .= " limit " . intval($limit); if ($offset) { $select_stmt .= " offset " . intval($offset); } } try { $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($select_stmt); $sth->execute($params); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("retrieve_collection: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } if ($direct_output) return $direct_output->output($sth); $ids = array(); while ($result = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($full) { $wbo = new wbo(); $wbo->populate($result); $ids[] = $wbo; } else $ids[] = $result{'id'}; } return $ids; } function get_storage_total() { try { $select_stmt = 'select round(sum(length(payload))/1024) from wbo where username = :username'; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($select_stmt); $username = $this->_username; $sth->bindParam(':username', $username); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("get_storage_total: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } return (int)$sth->fetchColumn(); } function get_collection_storage_totals() { try { $select_stmt = 'select collection, sum(payload_size) from wbo where username = :username group by collection'; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($select_stmt); $username = $this->_username; $sth->bindParam(':username', $username); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("get_storage_total (" . $this->connection_details_string() . "): " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } $results = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $sth->closeCursor(); $collections = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $collections[$result[0]] = (int)$result[1]; } return $collections; } function get_user_quota() { return null; } function delete_storage($username) { log_error("delete storage"); if (!$username) { throw new Exception("3", 404); } try { $delete_stmt = 'delete from wbo where username = :username'; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($delete_stmt); $sth->bindParam(':username', $username); $sth->execute(); $sth->closeCursor(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("delete_user: " . $exception->getMessage()); return 0; } return 1; } function delete_user($username) { log_error("delete User"); if (!$username) { throw new Exception("3", 404); } try { $delete_stmt = 'delete from users where username = :username'; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($delete_stmt); $sth->bindParam(':username', $username); $sth->execute(); $sth->closeCursor(); $delete_wbo_stmt = 'delete from wbo where username = :username'; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($delete_wbo_stmt); $sth->bindParam(':username', $username); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("delete_user: " . $exception->getMessage()); return 0; } return 1; } function create_user($username, $password) { log_error("Create User - Username: ".$username."|".$password); try { $create_statement = "insert into users values (:username, :md5)"; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($create_statement); $hash = WeaveHashFactory::factory(); $password = $hash->hash($password); $sth->bindParam(':username', $username); $sth->bindParam(':md5', $password); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { log_error("create_user:" . $exception->getMessage()); error_log("create_user:" . $exception->getMessage()); return 0; } return 1; } function change_password($hash) { try { $update_statement = "update users set md5 = :md5 where username = :username"; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($update_statement); $sth->bindParam(':username', $this->_username); $sth->bindParam(':md5', $hash); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { log_error("change_password:" . $exception->getMessage()); return 0; } return 1; } #function checks if user exists function exists_user() { try { $select_stmt = 'select username from users where username = :username'; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($select_stmt); $username = $this->_username; $sth->bindParam(':username', $username); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("exists_user: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } if (!$result = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { return null; } return 1; } function get_password_hash() { log_error("auth-user: " . $this->_username); try { $select_stmt = 'select md5 from users where username = :username'; $sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($select_stmt); $username = $this->_username; $sth->bindParam(':username', $username); $sth->execute(); } catch( PDOException $exception ) { error_log("get_password_hash: " . $exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("Database unavailable", 503); } $result = $sth->fetchColumn(); if ($result === FALSE) $result = ""; return $result; } } ?>