You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
884 B

read protocol:
<filepath>|<start line>-<end line>
class ReadCommand:
separator = "|"
def __init__(self, filepath: str, start: int, end: int):
self.filepath: str = filepath
self.start: int = start
self.end: int = end
def execute(self):
with open(self.filepath, "r") as f:
code = f.readlines()
if self.start == self.end:
code = code[self.start - 1]
code = "".join(code[self.start - 1 : self.end])
return code
def from_str(command: str) -> "ReadCommand":
filepath, line = command.split(ReadCommand.separator)
start, end = line.split("-")
return ReadCommand(filepath, int(start), int(end))
class CodeReader:
def read(command: str) -> str:
return ReadCommand.from_str(command).execute()