You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

174 lines
5.2 KiB

read protocol:
<filepath>|<start line>-<end line>
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple
class Line:
def __init__(self, content: str, line_number: int, depth: int):
self.__content: str = content
self.__line_number: int = line_number
self.__depth: int = depth
self.__children: List[Line] = []
def get_content(self) -> str:
return self.__content
def get_depth(self) -> int:
return self.__depth
def append_child(self, child: "Line") -> None:
def find_by_lte_depth(self, depth: int) -> List["Line"]:
if self.__depth > depth:
return []
lines: List[Line] = [self]
for child in self.__children:
lines += child.find_by_lte_depth(depth)
return lines
def find_by_content(self, content: str) -> List["Line"]:
if content in self.__content:
return [self]
lines: List[Line] = []
for child in self.__children:
lines += child.find_by_content(content)
return lines
def find_last_lines(self) -> List["Line"]:
if len(self.__children) == 0:
return [self]
return [self, *self.__children[-1].find_last_lines()]
def print(self, depth: int = 0) -> None:
print(f"{' ' * depth}{self}", end="")
for child in self.__children:
child.print(depth + 1)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__line_number}: {self.__content}"
class CodeTree:
def __init__(self):
self.root: Line = Line("\n", -1, -1)
def append(self, content: str, line_number: int) -> None:
last_lines: List[Line] = self.root.find_last_lines()
new_leading_spaces: int = self.__get_leading_spaces(content)
previous_line: Line = self.root
previous_leading_spaces: int = -1
for line in last_lines:
leading_spaces = self.__get_leading_spaces(line.get_content())
if (
previous_leading_spaces < new_leading_spaces
and new_leading_spaces <= leading_spaces
previous_line, previous_leading_spaces = line, leading_spaces
new_line_depth: int = previous_line.get_depth() + 1
previous_line.append_child(Line(content, line_number, new_line_depth))
def find_from_root(self, depth: int) -> List[Line]:
return self.root.find_by_lte_depth(depth)
def find_from_parent(self, depth: int, parent_content: str) -> List[Line]:
lines: List[Line] = self.root.find_by_content(parent_content)
if len(lines) == 0:
return []
parent = lines[0]
return parent.find_by_lte_depth(depth + parent.get_depth())
def print(self):
print("Code Tree:")
def __get_leading_spaces(self, content: str) -> int:
return len(content) - len(content.lstrip())
class ReadCommand:
separator = "|"
def __init__(self, filepath: str, start: int, end: int):
self.filepath: str = filepath
self.start: int = start
self.end: int = end
def execute(self) -> str:
with open(self.filepath, "r") as f:
code = f.readlines()
if self.start == self.end:
code = code[self.start - 1]
code = "".join(code[self.start - 1 : self.end])
return code
def from_str(command: str) -> "ReadCommand":
filepath, line = command.split(ReadCommand.separator)
start, end = line.split("-")
return ReadCommand(filepath, int(start), int(end))
class SummaryCommand:
separator = "|"
def __init__(self, filepath: str, depth: int, parent_content: Optional[str] = None):
self.filepath: str = filepath
self.depth: int = depth
self.parent_content: Optional[str] = parent_content
def execute(self) -> str:
with open(self.filepath, "r") as f:
code = f.readlines()
code_tree = CodeTree()
for i, line in enumerate(code):
if line.strip() != "":
code_tree.append(line, i + 1)
# code_tree.print()
if self.parent_content is None:
lines = code_tree.find_from_root(self.depth)
lines = code_tree.find_from_parent(self.depth, self.parent_content)
return "".join([str(line) for line in lines])
def from_str(command: str) -> "SummaryCommand":
command_list: List[str] = command.split(SummaryCommand.separator)
filepath: str = command_list[0]
depth: int = int(command_list[1])
parent_content: str | None = command_list[2] if len(command_list) == 3 else None
return SummaryCommand(
filepath=filepath, depth=depth, parent_content=parent_content
class CodeReader:
def read(command: str) -> str:
return ReadCommand.from_str(command).execute()
def summary(command: str) -> str:
return SummaryCommand.from_str(command).execute()
if __name__ == "__main__":
summary = CodeReader.summary("|1|class ReadCommand:")