import os import subprocess import time from datetime import datetime from typing import Dict, List from ansi import ANSI, Color, Style from import BaseToolSet, SessionGetter, ToolScope, tool from import StdoutTracer from import SyscallTracer from env import settings from logger import logger class Terminal(BaseToolSet): def __init__(self): self.sessions: Dict[str, List[SyscallTracer]] = {} @tool( name="Terminal", description="Executes commands in a terminal." "If linux errno occurs, we have to solve the problem with the terminal. " "Input must be one valid command. " "Output will be any output from running that command.", scope=ToolScope.SESSION, ) def execute(self, commands: str, get_session: SessionGetter) -> str: session, _ = get_session() try: process = subprocess.Popen( commands, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, )"Realtime Terminal Output").to(Color.magenta()) + ": ") output = "" tracer = StdoutTracer( process, on_output=lambda p, o: ANSI(p).to(Style.dim()) + " " + o.strip("\n") ), ) exitcode, output = tracer.wait_until_stop_or_exit() except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed Terminal, Input Commands: {commands} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output if __name__ == "__main__": import time o = Terminal().execute( "sleep 1; echo 1; sleep 2; echo 2; sleep 3; echo 3; sleep 10;", lambda: ("", None), ) print(o) time.sleep(10) # see if timer has reset