from pathlib import Path from import BaseToolSet, tool from env import settings from logger import logger from .patch import CodePatcher from .read import CodeReader from .write import CodeWriter class CodeEditor(BaseToolSet): @tool( name="CodeEditor.READ", description="Read and understand code. " f"Input should be filename and line number group. ex.|1-10 " "and the output will be code. ", ) def read(self, inputs: str) -> str: try: output = except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.READ, Input Commands: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.SUMMARY", description="Summary code. " "Read the code structured into a tree. " "If you set specific line, it will show the code from the specific line. " "Input should be filename, depth, and specific line if you want. ex.|2 or|3|print('hello world') " "and the output will be list of (line number: code). ", ) def summary(self, inputs: str) -> str: try: output = CodeReader.summary(inputs) except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.SUMMARY, Input Commands: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.APPEND", description="Append code to the existing file. " "If the code is completed, use the Terminal tool to execute it, if not, append the code through the this tool. " "Input should be filename and code to append. " "Input code must be the code that should be appended, NOT whole code. " "ex.\nprint('hello world')\n " "and the output will be last 3 line.", ) def append(self, inputs: str) -> str: try: code = CodeWriter.append(inputs) output = ( "Last 3 line was:\n" + "\n".join(code.split("\n")[-3:]) + "\nYou can use CodeEditor.APPEND tool to append the code if it is not completed." ) except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.APPEND, Input: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.WRITE", description="Write code to create a new tool. " "If the code is completed, use the Terminal tool to execute it, if not, append the code through the CodeEditor.APPEND tool. " "Input should be filename and code. This file must be in playground folder. " "ex.\nprint('hello world')\n " "and the output will be last 3 line.", ) def write(self, inputs: str) -> str: try: code = CodeWriter.write(inputs) output = ( "Last 3 line was:\n" + "\n".join(code.split("\n")[-3:]) + "\nYou can use CodeEditor.APPEND tool to append the code if it is not completed." ) except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.WRITE, Input: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.PATCH", description="Patch the code to correct the error if an error occurs or to improve it. " "Input is a list of patches. The patch is separated by {seperator}. ".format( seperator=CodePatcher.separator.replace("\n", "\\n") ) + "Each patch has to be formatted like below.\n" "|,|,|" "Here is an example. If the original code is:\n" "print('hello world')\n" "and you want to change it to:\n" "print('hi corca')\n" "then the patch should be:\n" "|1,8|1,19|hi corca\n" "Code between start and end will be replaced with new_code. " "The output will be written/deleted bytes or error message. ", ) def patch(self, patches: str) -> str: try: w, d = CodePatcher.patch(patches) output = f"successfully wrote {w}, deleted {d}" except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.PATCH, Input Patch: {patches} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.DELETE", description="Delete code in file for a new start. " "Input should be filename." "ex. " "Output will be success or error message.", ) def delete(self, inputs: str) -> str: filepath: str = str(Path(settings["PLAYGROUND_DIR"]) / Path(inputs)) try: with open(filepath, "w") as f: f.write("") output = "success" except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.DELETE, Input filename: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output