You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from import get_vectorstore
# Test cases for get_vectorstore function
def test_no_active_docs():
data = {}
assert get_vectorstore(data) == ""
def test_default_active_docs():
data = {"active_docs": "default"}
assert get_vectorstore(data) == ""
def test_local_default_active_docs():
data = {"active_docs": "local/default"}
assert get_vectorstore(data) == ""
def test_local_custom_active_docs():
data = {"active_docs": "local/custom_index"}
assert get_vectorstore(data) == "indexes/local/custom_index"
def test_remote_active_docs():
data = {"active_docs": "remote_index"}
assert get_vectorstore(data) == "vectors/remote_index"
def test_active_docs_not_in_data():
data = {"other_key": "value"}
assert get_vectorstore(data) == ""
def test_multiple_slashes_in_active_docs():
data = {"active_docs": "local/some/other/index"}
assert get_vectorstore(data) == "indexes/local/some/other/index"