You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

60 lines
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import requests
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from application.parser.remote.base import BaseRemote
class CrawlerLoader(BaseRemote):
def __init__(self, limit=10):
from langchain.document_loaders import WebBaseLoader
self.loader = WebBaseLoader # Initialize the document loader
self.limit = limit # Set the limit for the number of pages to scrape
def load_data(self, inputs):
url = inputs
# Check if the input is a list and if it is, use the first element
if isinstance(url, list) and url:
url = url[0]
# Check if the URL scheme is provided, if not, assume http
if not urlparse(url).scheme:
url = "http://" + url
visited_urls = set() # Keep track of URLs that have been visited
base_url = urlparse(url).scheme + "://" + urlparse(url).hostname # Extract the base URL
urls_to_visit = [url] # List of URLs to be visited, starting with the initial URL
loaded_content = [] # Store the loaded content from each URL
# Continue crawling until there are no more URLs to visit
while urls_to_visit:
current_url = urls_to_visit.pop(0) # Get the next URL to visit
visited_urls.add(current_url) # Mark the URL as visited
# Try to load and process the content from the current URL
response = requests.get(current_url) # Fetch the content of the current URL
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception for HTTP errors
loader = self.loader([current_url]) # Initialize the document loader for the current URL
loaded_content.extend(loader.load()) # Load the content and add it to the loaded_content list
except Exception as e:
# Print an error message if loading or processing fails and continue with the next URL
print(f"Error processing URL {current_url}: {e}")
# Parse the HTML content to extract all links
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
all_links = [
urljoin(current_url, a['href'])
for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True)
if base_url in urljoin(current_url, a['href']) # Ensure links are from the same domain
# Add new links to the list of URLs to visit if they haven't been visited yet
urls_to_visit.extend([link for link in all_links if link not in visited_urls])
urls_to_visit = list(set(urls_to_visit)) # Remove duplicate URLs
# Stop crawling if the limit of pages to scrape is reached
if self.limit is not None and len(visited_urls) >= self.limit:
return loaded_content # Return the loaded content from all visited URLs