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synced 2024-11-03 23:15:37 +00:00
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170 lines
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import os
import shutil
import string
import zipfile
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import nltk
import requests
from application.core.settings import settings
from application.parser.file.bulk import SimpleDirectoryReader
from application.parser.remote.remote_creator import RemoteCreator
from application.parser.open_ai_func import call_openai_api
from application.parser.schema.base import Document
from application.parser.token_func import group_split
nltk.download('punkt', quiet=True)
nltk.download('averaged_perceptron_tagger', quiet=True)
except FileExistsError:
# Define a function to extract metadata from a given filename.
def metadata_from_filename(title):
store = '/'.join(title.split('/')[1:3])
return {'title': title, 'store': store}
# Define a function to generate a random string of a given length.
def generate_random_string(length):
return ''.join([string.ascii_letters[i % 52] for i in range(length)])
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
# Define the main function for ingesting and processing documents.
def ingest_worker(self, directory, formats, name_job, filename, user):
Ingest and process documents.
self: Reference to the instance of the task.
directory (str): Specifies the directory for ingesting ('inputs' or 'temp').
formats (list of str): List of file extensions to consider for ingestion (e.g., [".rst", ".md"]).
name_job (str): Name of the job for this ingestion task.
filename (str): Name of the file to be ingested.
user (str): Identifier for the user initiating the ingestion.
dict: Information about the completed ingestion task, including input parameters and a "limited" flag.
# directory = 'inputs' or 'temp'
# formats = [".rst", ".md"]
input_files = None
recursive = True
limit = None
exclude = True
# name_job = 'job1'
# filename = 'install.rst'
# user = 'local'
sample = False
token_check = True
min_tokens = 150
max_tokens = 1250
full_path = directory + '/' + user + '/' + name_job
import sys
print(full_path, file=sys.stderr)
# check if API_URL env variable is set
file_data = {'name': name_job, 'file': filename, 'user': user}
response = requests.get(urljoin(settings.API_URL, "/api/download"), params=file_data)
# check if file is in the response
print(response, file=sys.stderr)
file = response.content
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
with open(full_path + '/' + filename, 'wb') as f:
# check if file is .zip and extract it
if filename.endswith('.zip'):
with zipfile.ZipFile(full_path + '/' + filename, 'r') as zip_ref:
os.remove(full_path + '/' + filename)
self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'current': 1})
raw_docs = SimpleDirectoryReader(input_dir=full_path, input_files=input_files, recursive=recursive,
required_exts=formats, num_files_limit=limit,
exclude_hidden=exclude, file_metadata=metadata_from_filename).load_data()
raw_docs = group_split(documents=raw_docs, min_tokens=min_tokens, max_tokens=max_tokens, token_check=token_check)
docs = [Document.to_langchain_format(raw_doc) for raw_doc in raw_docs]
call_openai_api(docs, full_path, self)
self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'current': 100})
if sample:
for i in range(min(5, len(raw_docs))):
# get files from outputs/inputs/index.faiss and outputs/inputs/index.pkl
# and send them to the server (provide user and name in form)
file_data = {'name': name_job, 'user': user}
if settings.VECTOR_STORE == "faiss":
files = {'file_faiss': open(full_path + '/index.faiss', 'rb'),
'file_pkl': open(full_path + '/index.pkl', 'rb')}
response = requests.post(urljoin(settings.API_URL, "/api/upload_index"), files=files, data=file_data)
response = requests.get(urljoin(settings.API_URL, "/api/delete_old?path=" + full_path))
response = requests.post(urljoin(settings.API_URL, "/api/upload_index"), data=file_data)
# delete local
return {
'directory': directory,
'formats': formats,
'name_job': name_job,
'filename': filename,
'user': user,
'limited': False
def remote_worker(self, source_data, name_job, user, directory = 'temp', loader = 'url'):
# sample = False
token_check = True
min_tokens = 150
max_tokens = 1250
full_path = directory + '/' + user + '/' + name_job
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'current': 1})
# source_data {"data": [url]} for url type task just urls
# Use RemoteCreator to load data from URL
remote_loader = RemoteCreator.create_loader(loader)
raw_docs = remote_loader.load_data(source_data)
docs = group_split(documents=raw_docs, min_tokens=min_tokens, max_tokens=max_tokens, token_check=token_check)
#docs = [Document.to_langchain_format(raw_doc) for raw_doc in raw_docs]
call_openai_api(docs, full_path, self)
self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'current': 100})
# Proceed with uploading and cleaning as in the original function
file_data = {'name': name_job, 'user': user}
if settings.VECTOR_STORE == "faiss":
files = {'file_faiss': open(full_path + '/index.faiss', 'rb'),
'file_pkl': open(full_path + '/index.pkl', 'rb')}
requests.post(urljoin(settings.API_URL, "/api/upload_index"), files=files, data=file_data)
requests.get(urljoin(settings.API_URL, "/api/delete_old?path=" + full_path))
requests.post(urljoin(settings.API_URL, "/api/upload_index"), data=file_data)
return {
'urls': source_data,
'name_job': name_job,
'user': user,
'limited': False
} |