"""HTML parser. Contains parser for html files. """ import re from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, Union from parser.file.base_parser import BaseParser class HTMLParser(BaseParser): """HTML parser.""" def _init_parser(self) -> Dict: """Init parser.""" return {} def parse_file(self, file: Path, errors: str = "ignore") -> Union[str, list[str]]: """Parse file. Returns: Union[str, List[str]]: a string or a List of strings. """ try: from unstructured.partition.html import partition_html from unstructured.staging.base import convert_to_isd from unstructured.cleaners.core import clean except ImportError: raise ValueError("unstructured package is required to parse HTML files.") # Using the unstructured library to convert the html to isd format # isd sample : isd = [ # {"text": "My Title", "type": "Title"}, # {"text": "My Narrative", "type": "NarrativeText"} # ] with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp: elements = partition_html(file=fp) isd = convert_to_isd(elements) # Removing non ascii charactwers from isd_el['text'] for isd_el in isd: isd_el['text'] = isd_el['text'].encode("ascii", "ignore").decode() # Removing all the \n characters from isd_el['text'] using regex and replace with single space # Removing all the extra spaces from isd_el['text'] using regex and replace with single space for isd_el in isd: isd_el['text'] = re.sub(r'\n', ' ', isd_el['text'], flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) isd_el['text'] = re.sub(r"\s{2,}", " ", isd_el['text'], flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) # more cleaning: extra_whitespaces, dashes, bullets, trailing_punctuation for isd_el in isd: clean(isd_el['text'], extra_whitespace=True, dashes=True, bullets=True, trailing_punctuation=True) # Creating a list of all the indexes of isd_el['type'] = 'Title' title_indexes = [i for i, isd_el in enumerate(isd) if isd_el['type'] == 'Title'] # Creating 'Chunks' - List of lists of strings # each list starting with with isd_el['type'] = 'Title' and all the data till the next 'Title' # Each Chunk can be thought of as an individual set of data, which can be sent to the model # Where Each Title is grouped together with the data under it Chunks = [[]] final_chunks = list(list()) for i, isd_el in enumerate(isd): if i in title_indexes: Chunks.append([]) Chunks[-1].append(isd_el['text']) # Removing all the chunks with sum of lenth of all the strings in the chunk < 25 # TODO: This value can be a user defined variable for chunk in Chunks: # sum of lenth of all the strings in the chunk sum = 0 sum += len(str(chunk)) if sum < 25: Chunks.remove(chunk) else: # appending all the approved chunks to final_chunks as a single string final_chunks.append(" ".join([str(item) for item in chunk])) return final_chunks