# Chat Widget A simple chat widget that can be easily integrated into any website. ## Installation 1. Host the `widget.html`, `styles.css`, and `script.js` files from the `src` folder on your own server or a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Make sure to note the URLs for these files. 2. Update the URLs in the `dist/chat-widget.js` file to match the locations of your hosted files: ```javascript fetch("https://your-server-or-cdn.com/path/to/widget.html"), fetch("https://your-server-or-cdn.com/path/to/styles.css"), fetch("https://your-server-or-cdn.com/path/to/script.js"), ``` 3. Host the `dist/chat-widget.js` file on your own server or a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Make sure to note the URL for this file. ##Integration To integrate the chat widget into a website, add the following script tag to the HTML file, replacing URL_TO_CHAT_WIDGET_JS with the actual URL of your hosted chat-widget.js file: ```javascript ```