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About {% if not api_key_set %} {% endif %}

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How to merge tables?

To merge two tables in pandas, you can use the pd.merge() function. The basic syntax is:
pd.merge(left, right, on, how)
where left and right are the two tables to merge, on is the column to merge on, and how is the type of merge to perform.
For example, to merge the two tables df1 and df2 on the column 'key', you can use:
pd.merge(df1, df2, on='key', how='left')
This will return a new DataFrame with all the columns from both tables, and only the rows that match the 'key' column.

This is a chatbot that uses the GPT-3, Faiss and LangChain to answer questions

The source code is available on Github

Currently It uses python pandas documentation, so it will respond to information relevant to pandas. If you want to train it on different documentation - please follow this guide

If you want to launch it on your own server - follow this guide

{% if not api_key_set %}