# Welcome to DocsGPT Contributing Guidelines Thank you for choosing this project to contribute to. We are all very grateful! ### [πŸŽ‰ Join the Hacktoberfest with DocsGPT and Earn a Free T-shirt! πŸŽ‰](https://github.com/arc53/DocsGPT/blob/main/HACKTOBERFEST.md) # We accept different types of contributions πŸ“£ Discussions - where you can start a new topic or answer some questions 🐞 Issues - This is how we track tasks, sometimes it is bugs that need fixing, and sometimes it is new features πŸ› οΈ Pull requests - This is how you can suggest changes to our repository, to work on existing issues or add new features πŸ“š Wiki - where we have our documentation ## 🐞 Issues and Pull requests We value contributions to our issues in the form of discussion or suggestions. We recommend that you check out existing issues and our [roadmap](https://github.com/orgs/arc53/projects/2). If you want to contribute by writing code, there are a few things that you should know before doing it: We have a frontend in React (Vite) and backend in Python. ### If you are looking to contribute to frontend (βš›οΈReact, Vite): - The current frontend is being migrated from `/application` to `/frontend` with a new design, so please contribute to the new one. - Check out this [milestone](https://github.com/arc53/DocsGPT/milestone/1) and its issues. - The Figma design can be found [here](https://www.figma.com/file/OXLtrl1EAy885to6S69554/DocsGPT?node-id=0%3A1&t=hjWVuxRg9yi5YkJ9-1). Please try to follow the guidelines. ### If you are looking to contribute to Backend (🐍 Python): - Check out our issues and contribute to `/application` or `/scripts` (ignore old `ingest_rst.py` `ingest_rst_sphinx.py` files; they will be deprecated soon). - All new code should be covered with unit tests ([pytest](https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest)). Please find tests under [`/tests`](https://github.com/arc53/DocsGPT/tree/main/tests) folder. - Before submitting your PR, ensure it is queryable after ingesting some test data. ### Testing To run unit tests from the root of the repository, execute: ``` python -m pytest ``` ### Workflow: Create a fork, make changes on your forked repository, and submit changes as a pull request. ## Questions/collaboration Please join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/n5BX8dh8rU). Don't hesitate; we are very friendly and welcoming to new contributors. # Thank you so much for considering contributing to DocsGPT!πŸ™