import pytest from flask import Flask from application.error import bad_request, response_error @pytest.fixture def app(): app = Flask(__name__) return app def test_bad_request_with_message(app): with app.app_context(): message = "Invalid input" response = bad_request(status_code=400, message=message) assert response.status_code == 400 assert response.json == {'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': message} def test_bad_request_without_message(app): with app.app_context(): response = bad_request(status_code=400) assert response.status_code == 400 assert response.json == {'error': 'Bad Request'} def test_response_error_with_message(app): with app.app_context(): message = "Something went wrong" response = response_error(code_status=500, message=message) assert response.status_code == 500 assert response.json == {'error': 'Internal Server Error', 'message': message} def test_response_error_without_message(app): with app.app_context(): response = response_error(code_status=500) assert response.status_code == 500 assert response.json == {'error': 'Internal Server Error'}