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#!/usr/bin/env python
Retrieve Adobe ADEPT user key.
from __future__ import with_statement
__license__ = 'GPL v3'
import sys
import os
import struct
from calibre.constants import iswindows, isosx
class ADEPTError(Exception):
if iswindows:
from ctypes import windll, c_char_p, c_wchar_p, c_uint, POINTER, byref, \
create_unicode_buffer, create_string_buffer, CFUNCTYPE, addressof, \
string_at, Structure, c_void_p, cast, c_size_t, memmove, CDLL, c_int, \
c_long, c_ulong
from ctypes.wintypes import LPVOID, DWORD, BOOL
import _winreg as winreg
def _load_crypto_libcrypto():
from ctypes.util import find_library
libcrypto = find_library('libeay32')
if libcrypto is None:
raise ADEPTError('libcrypto not found')
libcrypto = CDLL(libcrypto)
c_char_pp = POINTER(c_char_p)
c_int_p = POINTER(c_int)
class AES_KEY(Structure):
_fields_ = [('rd_key', c_long * (4 * (AES_MAXNR + 1))),
('rounds', c_int)]
def F(restype, name, argtypes):
func = getattr(libcrypto, name)
func.restype = restype
func.argtypes = argtypes
return func
AES_set_decrypt_key = F(c_int, 'AES_set_decrypt_key',
[c_char_p, c_int, AES_KEY_p])
AES_cbc_encrypt = F(None, 'AES_cbc_encrypt',
[c_char_p, c_char_p, c_ulong, AES_KEY_p, c_char_p,
class AES(object):
def __init__(self, userkey):
self._blocksize = len(userkey)
if (self._blocksize != 16) and (self._blocksize != 24) and (self._blocksize != 32) :
raise ADEPTError('AES improper key used')
key = self._key = AES_KEY()
rv = AES_set_decrypt_key(userkey, len(userkey) * 8, key)
if rv < 0:
raise ADEPTError('Failed to initialize AES key')
def decrypt(self, data):
out = create_string_buffer(len(data))
iv = ("\x00" * self._blocksize)
rv = AES_cbc_encrypt(data, out, len(data), self._key, iv, 0)
if rv == 0:
raise ADEPTError('AES decryption failed')
return out.raw
return AES
def _load_crypto_pycrypto():
from Crypto.Cipher import AES as _AES
class AES(object):
def __init__(self, key):
self._aes =, _AES.MODE_CBC)
def decrypt(self, data):
return self._aes.decrypt(data)
return AES
def _load_crypto():
AES = None
for loader in (_load_crypto_libcrypto, _load_crypto_pycrypto):
AES = loader()
except (ImportError, ADEPTError):
return AES
AES = _load_crypto()
DEVICE_KEY_PATH = r'Software\Adobe\Adept\Device'
PRIVATE_LICENCE_KEY_PATH = r'Software\Adobe\Adept\Activation'
MAX_PATH = 255
kernel32 = windll.kernel32
advapi32 = windll.advapi32
crypt32 = windll.crypt32
def GetSystemDirectory():
GetSystemDirectoryW = kernel32.GetSystemDirectoryW
GetSystemDirectoryW.argtypes = [c_wchar_p, c_uint]
GetSystemDirectoryW.restype = c_uint
def GetSystemDirectory():
buffer = create_unicode_buffer(MAX_PATH + 1)
GetSystemDirectoryW(buffer, len(buffer))
return buffer.value
return GetSystemDirectory
GetSystemDirectory = GetSystemDirectory()
def GetVolumeSerialNumber():
GetVolumeInformationW = kernel32.GetVolumeInformationW
GetVolumeInformationW.argtypes = [c_wchar_p, c_wchar_p, c_uint,
POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint),
POINTER(c_uint), c_wchar_p, c_uint]
GetVolumeInformationW.restype = c_uint
def GetVolumeSerialNumber(path):
vsn = c_uint(0)
path, None, 0, byref(vsn), None, None, None, 0)
return vsn.value
return GetVolumeSerialNumber
GetVolumeSerialNumber = GetVolumeSerialNumber()
def GetUserName():
GetUserNameW = advapi32.GetUserNameW
GetUserNameW.argtypes = [c_wchar_p, POINTER(c_uint)]
GetUserNameW.restype = c_uint
def GetUserName():
buffer = create_unicode_buffer(32)
size = c_uint(len(buffer))
while not GetUserNameW(buffer, byref(size)):
buffer = create_unicode_buffer(len(buffer) * 2)
size.value = len(buffer)
return buffer.value.encode('utf-16-le')[::2]
return GetUserName
GetUserName = GetUserName()
MEM_COMMIT = 0x1000
MEM_RESERVE = 0x2000
def VirtualAlloc():
_VirtualAlloc = kernel32.VirtualAlloc
_VirtualAlloc.argtypes = [LPVOID, c_size_t, DWORD, DWORD]
_VirtualAlloc.restype = LPVOID
def VirtualAlloc(addr, size, alloctype=(MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE),
return _VirtualAlloc(addr, size, alloctype, protect)
return VirtualAlloc
VirtualAlloc = VirtualAlloc()
MEM_RELEASE = 0x8000
def VirtualFree():
_VirtualFree = kernel32.VirtualFree
_VirtualFree.argtypes = [LPVOID, c_size_t, DWORD]
_VirtualFree.restype = BOOL
def VirtualFree(addr, size=0, freetype=MEM_RELEASE):
return _VirtualFree(addr, size, freetype)
return VirtualFree
VirtualFree = VirtualFree()
class NativeFunction(object):
def __init__(self, restype, argtypes, insns):
self._buf = buf = VirtualAlloc(None, len(insns))
memmove(buf, insns, len(insns))
ftype = CFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes)
self._native = ftype(buf)
def __call__(self, *args):
return self._native(*args)
def __del__(self):
if self._buf is not None:
self._buf = None
if struct.calcsize("P") == 4:
"\x53" # push %ebx
"\x31\xc0" # xor %eax,%eax
"\x0f\xa2" # cpuid
"\x8b\x44\x24\x08" # mov 0x8(%esp),%eax
"\x89\x18" # mov %ebx,0x0(%eax)
"\x89\x50\x04" # mov %edx,0x4(%eax)
"\x89\x48\x08" # mov %ecx,0x8(%eax)
"\x5b" # pop %ebx
"\xc3" # ret
"\x53" # push %ebx
"\x31\xc0" # xor %eax,%eax
"\x40" # inc %eax
"\x0f\xa2" # cpuid
"\x5b" # pop %ebx
"\xc3" # ret
"\x49\x89\xd8" # mov %rbx,%r8
"\x49\x89\xc9" # mov %rcx,%r9
"\x48\x31\xc0" # xor %rax,%rax
"\x0f\xa2" # cpuid
"\x4c\x89\xc8" # mov %r9,%rax
"\x89\x18" # mov %ebx,0x0(%rax)
"\x89\x50\x04" # mov %edx,0x4(%rax)
"\x89\x48\x08" # mov %ecx,0x8(%rax)
"\x4c\x89\xc3" # mov %r8,%rbx
"\xc3" # retq
"\x53" # push %rbx
"\x48\x31\xc0" # xor %rax,%rax
"\x48\xff\xc0" # inc %rax
"\x0f\xa2" # cpuid
"\x5b" # pop %rbx
"\xc3" # retq
def cpuid0():
_cpuid0 = NativeFunction(None, [c_char_p], CPUID0_INSNS)
buf = create_string_buffer(12)
def cpuid0():
return buf.raw
return cpuid0
cpuid0 = cpuid0()
cpuid1 = NativeFunction(c_uint, [], CPUID1_INSNS)
class DataBlob(Structure):
_fields_ = [('cbData', c_uint),
('pbData', c_void_p)]
DataBlob_p = POINTER(DataBlob)
def CryptUnprotectData():
_CryptUnprotectData = crypt32.CryptUnprotectData
_CryptUnprotectData.argtypes = [DataBlob_p, c_wchar_p, DataBlob_p,
c_void_p, c_void_p, c_uint, DataBlob_p]
_CryptUnprotectData.restype = c_uint
def CryptUnprotectData(indata, entropy):
indatab = create_string_buffer(indata)
indata = DataBlob(len(indata), cast(indatab, c_void_p))
entropyb = create_string_buffer(entropy)
entropy = DataBlob(len(entropy), cast(entropyb, c_void_p))
outdata = DataBlob()
if not _CryptUnprotectData(byref(indata), None, byref(entropy),
None, None, 0, byref(outdata)):
raise ADEPTError("Failed to decrypt user key key (sic)")
return string_at(outdata.pbData, outdata.cbData)
return CryptUnprotectData
CryptUnprotectData = CryptUnprotectData()
def retrieve_key():
if AES is None:
"ADEPT Key",
"This script requires PyCrypto or OpenSSL which must be installed "
"separately. Read the top-of-script comment for details.")
return False
root = GetSystemDirectory().split('\\')[0] + '\\'
serial = GetVolumeSerialNumber(root)
vendor = cpuid0()
signature = struct.pack('>I', cpuid1())[1:]
user = GetUserName()
entropy = struct.pack('>I12s3s13s', serial, vendor, signature, user)
cuser = winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER
regkey = winreg.OpenKey(cuser, DEVICE_KEY_PATH)
except WindowsError:
raise ADEPTError("Adobe Digital Editions not activated")
device = winreg.QueryValueEx(regkey, 'key')[0]
keykey = CryptUnprotectData(device, entropy)
userkey = None
plkroot = winreg.OpenKey(cuser, PRIVATE_LICENCE_KEY_PATH)
except WindowsError:
raise ADEPTError("Could not locate ADE activation")
for i in xrange(0, 16):
plkparent = winreg.OpenKey(plkroot, "%04d" % (i,))
except WindowsError:
ktype = winreg.QueryValueEx(plkparent, None)[0]
if ktype != 'credentials':
for j in xrange(0, 16):
plkkey = winreg.OpenKey(plkparent, "%04d" % (j,))
except WindowsError:
ktype = winreg.QueryValueEx(plkkey, None)[0]
if ktype != 'privateLicenseKey':
userkey = winreg.QueryValueEx(plkkey, 'value')[0]
if userkey is not None:
if userkey is None:
raise ADEPTError('Could not locate privateLicenseKey')
userkey = userkey.decode('base64')
aes = AES(keykey)
userkey = aes.decrypt(userkey)
userkey = userkey[26:-ord(userkey[-1])]
return userkey
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
import subprocess
NSMAP = {'adept': '',
'enc': ''}
def findActivationDat():
home = os.getenv('HOME')
cmdline = 'find "' + home + '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Digital Editions" -name "activation.dat"'
cmdline = cmdline.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
p2 = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=False)
out1, out2 = p2.communicate()
reslst = out1.split('\n')
cnt = len(reslst)
for j in xrange(cnt):
resline = reslst[j]
pp = resline.find('activation.dat')
if pp >= 0:
ActDatPath = resline
if os.path.exists(ActDatPath):
return ActDatPath
return None
def retrieve_key():
actpath = findActivationDat()
if actpath is None:
raise ADEPTError("Could not locate ADE activation")
tree = etree.parse(actpath)
adept = lambda tag: '{%s}%s' % (NSMAP['adept'], tag)
expr = '//%s/%s' % (adept('credentials'), adept('privateLicenseKey'))
userkey = tree.findtext(expr)
userkey = userkey.decode('base64')
userkey = userkey[26:]
return userkey