You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

152 lines
7.3 KiB

#! /usr/bin/python
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
import sys
import csv
import os
import getopt
from struct import pack
from struct import unpack
class PParser(object):
def __init__(self, gd, flatxml): = gd
self.flatdoc = flatxml.split('\n')
self.temp = []
foo = self.getData('page.h') or self.getData('book.h') = foo[0]
foo = self.getData('page.w') or self.getData('book.w') = foo[0]
self.gx = self.getData('info.glyph.x') = self.getData('info.glyph.y')
self.gid = self.getData('info.glyph.glyphID')
def getData(self, path):
result = None
cnt = len(self.flatdoc)
for j in xrange(cnt):
item = self.flatdoc[j]
if item.find('=') >= 0:
(name, argt) = item.split('=')
argres = argt.split('|')
name = item
argres = []
if (name.endswith(path)):
result = argres
if (len(argres) > 0) :
for j in xrange(0,len(argres)):
argres[j] = int(argres[j])
return result
def getDataTemp(self, path):
result = None
cnt = len(self.temp)
for j in xrange(cnt):
item = self.temp[j]
if item.find('=') >= 0:
(name, argt) = item.split('=')
argres = argt.split('|')
name = item
argres = []
if (name.endswith(path)):
result = argres
if (len(argres) > 0) :
for j in xrange(0,len(argres)):
argres[j] = int(argres[j])
return result
def getImages(self):
result = []
self.temp = self.flatdoc
while (self.getDataTemp('img') != None):
h = self.getDataTemp('img.h')[0]
w = self.getDataTemp('img.w')[0]
x = self.getDataTemp('img.x')[0]
y = self.getDataTemp('img.y')[0]
src = self.getDataTemp('img.src')[0]
result.append('<image xlink:href="../img/img%04d.jpg" x="%d" y="%d" width="%d" height="%d" />\n' % (src, x, y, w, h))
return result
def getGlyphs(self):
result = []
if (self.gid != None) and (len(self.gid) > 0):
glyphs = []
for j in set(self.gid):
for gid in glyphs:
id='id="gl%d"' % gid
path =
if path:
result.append(id + ' ' + path)
return result
def convert2SVG(gdict, flat_xml, counter, numfiles, svgDir, raw, meta_array, scaledpi):
ml = ''
pp = PParser(gdict, flat_xml)
ml += '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>\n'
if (raw):
ml += '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C/DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">\n'
ml += '<svg width="%fin" height="%fin" viewBox="0 0 %d %d" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1">\n' % ( / scaledpi, / scaledpi, -1, -1)
ml += '<title>Page %d - %s by %s</title>\n' % (counter, meta_array['Title'],meta_array['Authors'])
ml += '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">\n'
ml += '<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" ><head>\n'
ml += '<title>Page %d - %s by %s</title>\n' % (counter, meta_array['Title'],meta_array['Authors'])
ml += '<script><![CDATA[\n'
ml += 'function gd(){var p=window.location.href.replace(/^.*\?dpi=(\d+).*$/i,"$1");return p;}\n'
ml += 'var dpi=%d;\n' % scaledpi
if (counter) :
ml += 'var prevpage="page%04d.xhtml";\n' % (counter - 1)
if (counter < numfiles-1) :
ml += 'var nextpage="page%04d.xhtml";\n' % (counter + 1)
ml += 'var pw=%d;var ph=%d;' % (,
ml += 'function zoomin(){dpi=dpi*(0.8);setsize();}\n'
ml += 'function zoomout(){dpi=dpi*1.25;setsize();}\n'
ml += 'function setsize(){var svg=document.getElementById("svgimg");var prev=document.getElementById("prevsvg");var next=document.getElementById("nextsvg");var width=(pw/dpi)+"in";var height=(ph/dpi)+"in";svg.setAttribute("width",width);svg.setAttribute("height",height);prev.setAttribute("height",height);prev.setAttribute("width","50px");next.setAttribute("height",height);next.setAttribute("width","50px");}\n'
ml += 'function ppage(){window.location.href=prevpage+"?dpi="+Math.round(dpi);}\n'
ml += 'function npage(){window.location.href=nextpage+"?dpi="+Math.round(dpi);}\n'
ml += 'var gt=gd();if(gt>0){dpi=gt;}\n'
ml += 'window.onload=setsize;\n'
ml += ']]></script>\n'
ml += '</head>\n'
ml += '<body onLoad="setsize();" style="background-color:#777;text-align:center;">\n'
ml += '<div style="white-space:nowrap;">\n'
if (counter == 0) :
ml += '<a href="javascript:ppage();"><svg id="prevsvg" viewBox="0 0 100 300" xmlns="" version="1.1" style="background-color:#777"></svg></a>\n'
ml += '<a href="javascript:ppage();"><svg id="prevsvg" viewBox="0 0 100 300" xmlns="" version="1.1" style="background-color:#777"><polygon points="5,150,95,5,95,295" fill="#AAAAAA" /></svg></a>\n'
ml += '<a href="javascript:npage();"><svg id="svgimg" viewBox="0 0 %d %d" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" style="background-color:#FFF;border:1px solid black;">' % (,
if (pp.gid != None):
ml += '<defs>\n'
gdefs = pp.getGlyphs()
for j in xrange(0,len(gdefs)):
ml += gdefs[j]
ml += '</defs>\n'
img = pp.getImages()
if (img != None):
for j in xrange(0,len(img)):
ml += img[j]
if (pp.gid != None):
for j in xrange(0,len(pp.gid)):
ml += '<use xlink:href="#gl%d" x="%d" y="%d" />\n' % (pp.gid[j], pp.gx[j],[j])
if (img == None or len(img) == 0) and (pp.gid == None or len(pp.gid) == 0):
ml += '<text x="10" y="10" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="100" stroke="black">This page intentionally left blank.</text>\n<text x="10" y="110" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="50" stroke="black">Until this notice unintentionally gave it content. (</text>\n'
if (raw) :
ml += '</svg>'
else :
ml += '</svg></a>\n'
if (counter == numfiles - 1) :
ml += '<a href="javascript:npage();"><svg id="nextsvg" viewBox="0 0 100 300" xmlns="" version="1.1" style="background-color:#777"></svg></a>\n'
else :
ml += '<a href="javascript:npage();"><svg id="nextsvg" viewBox="0 0 100 300" xmlns="" version="1.1" style="background-color:#777"><polygon points="5,5,5,295,95,150" fill="#AAAAAA" /></svg></a>\n'
ml += '</div>\n'
ml += '<div><a href="javascript:zoomin();">zoom in</a> - <a href="javascript:zoomout();">zoom out</a></div>\n'
ml += '</body>\n'
ml += '</html>\n'
return ml