topazscripts 2.0

some_updates 16 years ago committed by Apprentice Alf
parent 24f001c61e
commit 3b4f1fe587

@ -1,17 +1,29 @@
Changes in version 1.8
Changes in version 2.0
- now accepts two options
-x : output browseable XHTML+SVG pages (default)
-r : output raw SVG images (useful for later conversion to pdf)
- now understands page.groups of type graphic
and handles vertical regions as svg images
- now accepts an option
--fixed-image : which will force the conversion
of all fixed regions to svg images
- minor bug fixes and html conversion improvements
Changes in version 1.8
- now builds wonderful xhtml pages with embedded svg
that can be easily paged through as if reading a book!
(tested in Safari for Mac and Win and Firefox)
(requires javascript to be enabled)
- now REQUIRES that be run FIRST
this allows create of images on the fly from glyphs
- now automatically makes tables of words into svg
based images and will handle glyph based ornate first
letters of words
- has been renamed to be to make it clearer
when it needs to be used

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
# For use in Topaz Scripts version 1.8
# For use in Topaz Scripts version 2.0

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 1.8
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 2.0
from __future__ import with_statement

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 1.8
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 2.0
from __future__ import with_statement
import csv

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 1.8
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 2.0
from __future__ import with_statement
import csv

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 1.8
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 2.0
from __future__ import with_statement
import csv
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from struct import unpack
class DocParser(object):
def __init__(self, flatxml, classlst, fileid, bookDir):
def __init__(self, flatxml, classlst, fileid, bookDir, fixedimage): = os.path.basename(fileid).replace('.dat','')
self.svgcount = 0
self.docList = flatxml.split('\n')
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class DocParser(object):
# remove the leading period from the css name
cname = pclass[1:]
self.classList[cname] = True
self.fixedimage = fixedimage
self.ocrtext = []
self.link_id = []
self.link_title = []
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ class DocParser(object):
imgname = + '_%04d.svg' % self.svgcount
imgfile = os.path.join(imgDir,imgname)
# build hash table of glyph paths keyed by glyph id
# build hashtable of glyph paths keyed by glyph id
if self.numPaths == 0:
gfile = open(glyfile, 'r')
while True:
@ -194,15 +195,9 @@ class DocParser(object):
return argres
# build a description of the paragraph
def getParaDescription(self, start, end):
result = []
# paragraph
(pos, pclass) = self.findinDoc('paragraph.class',start,end)
# get the class
def getClass(self, pclass):
nclass = pclass
# class names are an issue given topaz may start them with numerals (not allowed),
# use a mix of cases (which cause some browsers problems), and actually
# attach numbers after "_reclustered*" to the end to deal classeses that inherit
@ -212,17 +207,85 @@ class DocParser(object):
# so we clean this up by lowercasing, prepend 'cl-', and getting any baseclass
# that exists in the stylesheet first, and then adding this specific class
# after
if pclass != None :
if nclass != None :
classres = ''
pclass = pclass.lower()
pclass = 'cl-' + pclass
p = pclass.find('_')
if p > 0 :
baseclass = pclass[0:p]
if baseclass in self.classList:
classres += baseclass + ' '
classres += pclass
pclass = classres
nclass = nclass.lower()
nclass = 'cl-' + nclass
baseclass = ''
# graphic is the base class for captions
if nclass.find('cl-cap-') >=0 :
classres = 'graphic' + ' '
else :
# strip to find baseclass
p = nclass.find('_')
if p > 0 :
baseclass = nclass[0:p]
if baseclass in self.classList:
classres += baseclass + ' '
classres += nclass
nclass = classres
return nclass
# develop a sorted description of the starting positions of
# groups and regions on the page, as well as the page type
def PageDescription(self):
def compare(x, y):
(xtype, xval) = x
(ytype, yval) = y
if xval > yval:
return 1
if xval == yval:
return 0
return -1
result = []
(pos, pagetype) = self.findinDoc('page.type',0,-1)
groupList = self.posinDoc('')
groupregionList = self.posinDoc('')
pageregionList = self.posinDoc('page.region')
# integrate into one list
for j in groupList:
for j in groupregionList:
for j in pageregionList:
# insert group end and page end indicators
inGroup = False
j = 0
while True:
if j == len(result): break
rtype = result[j][0]
rval = result[j][1]
if not inGroup and (rtype == 'grpbeg') :
inGroup = True
j = j + 1
elif inGroup and (rtype in ('grpbeg', 'pregion')):
inGroup = False
j = j + 1
if inGroup:
result.append(('pageend', -1))
return pagetype, result
# build a description of the paragraph
def getParaDescription(self, start, end, regtype):
result = []
# paragraph
(pos, pclass) = self.findinDoc('paragraph.class',start,end)
pclass = self.getClass(pclass)
# build up a description of the paragraph in result and return it
# first check for the basic - all words paragraph
@ -231,13 +294,49 @@ class DocParser(object):
if (sfirst != None) and (slast != None) :
first = int(sfirst)
last = int(slast)
for wordnum in xrange(first, last):
result.append(('ocr', wordnum))
makeImage = (regtype == 'vertical') or (regtype == 'table')
if self.fixedimage:
makeImage = makeImage or (regtype == 'fixed')
if (pclass != None):
makeImage = makeImage or (pclass.find('.inverted') >= 0)
if self.fixedimage :
makeImage = makeImage or (pclass.find('cl-f-') >= 0)
if not makeImage :
# standard all word paragraph
for wordnum in xrange(first, last):
result.append(('ocr', wordnum))
return pclass, result
# convert paragraph to svg image
# translate first and last word into first and last glyphs
# and generate inline image and include it
glyphList = []
firstglyphList = self.getData('word.firstGlyph',0,-1)
gidList = self.getData('info.glyph.glyphID',0,-1)
firstGlyph = firstglyphList[first]
if last < len(firstglyphList):
lastGlyph = firstglyphList[last]
else :
lastGlyph = len(gidList)
for glyphnum in xrange(firstGlyph, lastGlyph):
# include any extratokens if they exist
(pos, sfg) = self.findinDoc('extratokens.firstGlyph',start,end)
(pos, slg) = self.findinDoc('extratokens.lastGlyph',start,end)
if (sfg != None) and (slg != None):
for glyphnum in xrange(int(sfg), int(slg)):
num = self.svgcount
self.svgcount += 1
result.append(('svg', num))
return pclass, result
# this type of paragrph may be made up of multiple _spans, inline
# word monograms (images) and words with semantic meaning
# and now a new type "span" versus the old "_span"
# this type of paragrph may be made up of multiple spans, inline
# word monograms (images), and words with semantic meaning,
# plus glyphs used to form starting letter of first word
# need to parse this type line by line
@ -252,6 +351,7 @@ class DocParser(object):
(name, argres) = self.lineinDoc(line)
# handle both span and _span
if name.endswith('span.firstWord') :
first = int(argres)
(name, argres) = self.lineinDoc(line+1)
@ -422,148 +522,78 @@ class DocParser(object):
# get page type
(pos, pagetype) = self.findinDoc('page.type',0,-1)
# generate a list of each region starting point
# each region has one paragraph,, or one image, or one chapterheading
regionList= self.posinDoc('region')
regcnt = len(regionList)
# get a descriptions of the starting points of the regions
# and groups on the page
(pagetype, pageDesc) = self.PageDescription()
regcnt = len(pageDesc) - 1
anchorSet = False
breakSet = False
# process each region tag and convert what you can to html
inGroup = False
# process each region on the page and convert what you can to html
for j in xrange(regcnt):
start = regionList[j]
end = regionList[j+1]
(pos, regtype) = self.findinDoc('region.type',start,end)
(etype, start) = pageDesc[j]
(ntype, end) = pageDesc[j+1]
# set anchor for link target on this page
if not anchorSet and not first_para_continued:
htmlpage += '<div style="visibility: hidden; height: 0; width: 0;" id="' + + '" title="pagetype_' + pagetype + '"></div>\n'
htmlpage += '<div style="visibility: hidden; height: 0; width: 0;" id="'
htmlpage += + '" title="pagetype_' + pagetype + '"></div>\n'
anchorSet = True
if regtype == 'graphic' :
(pos, simgsrc) = self.findinDoc('img.src',start,end)
if simgsrc:
htmlpage += '<div class="graphic"><img src="img/img%04d.jpg" alt="" /></div>' % int(simgsrc)
# handle groups of graphics with text captions
if (etype == 'grpbeg'):
(pos, grptype) = self.findinDoc('group.type', start, end)
if grptype != None:
if grptype == 'graphic':
gcstr = ' class="' + grptype + '"'
htmlpage += '<div' + gcstr + '>'
inGroup = True
elif (etype == 'grpend'):
if inGroup:
htmlpage += '</div>\n'
inGroup = False
(pos, regtype) = self.findinDoc('region.type',start,end)
if regtype == 'graphic' :
(pos, simgsrc) = self.findinDoc('img.src',start,end)
if simgsrc:
if inGroup:
htmlpage += '<img src="img/img%04d.jpg" alt="" />' % int(simgsrc)
htmlpage += '<div class="graphic"><img src="img/img%04d.jpg" alt="" /></div>' % int(simgsrc)
elif regtype == 'chapterheading' :
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end)
if not breakSet:
htmlpage += '<div style="page-break-after: always;">&nbsp;</div>\n'
breakSet = True
tag = 'h1'
if pclass and (len(pclass) >= 7):
if pclass[3:7] == 'ch1-' : tag = 'h1'
if pclass[3:7] == 'ch2-' : tag = 'h2'
if pclass[3:7] == 'ch3-' : tag = 'h3'
htmlpage += '<' + tag + ' class="' + pclass + '">'
htmlpage += '<' + tag + '>'
htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, 'middle', regtype)
htmlpage += '</' + tag + '>'
elif (regtype == 'text') or (regtype == 'fixed') or (regtype == 'insert') or (regtype == 'listitem'):
ptype = 'full'
# check to see if this is a continution from the previous page
if first_para_continued :
ptype = 'end'
first_para_continued = False
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end)
if pclass and (len(pclass) >= 6) and (ptype == 'full'):
tag = 'p'
if pclass[3:6] == 'h1-' : tag = 'h4'
if pclass[3:6] == 'h2-' : tag = 'h5'
if pclass[3:6] == 'h3-' : tag = 'h6'
htmlpage += '<' + tag + ' class="' + pclass + '">'
elif regtype == 'chapterheading' :
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end, regtype)
if not breakSet:
htmlpage += '<div style="page-break-after: always;">&nbsp;</div>\n'
breakSet = True
tag = 'h1'
if pclass and (len(pclass) >= 7):
if pclass[3:7] == 'ch1-' : tag = 'h1'
if pclass[3:7] == 'ch2-' : tag = 'h2'
if pclass[3:7] == 'ch3-' : tag = 'h3'
htmlpage += '<' + tag + ' class="' + pclass + '">'
htmlpage += '<' + tag + '>'
htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, 'middle', regtype)
htmlpage += '</' + tag + '>'
else :
htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, ptype, regtype)
elif (regtype == 'tocentry') :
ptype = 'full'
if first_para_continued :
ptype = 'end'
first_para_continued = False
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end)
htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, ptype, regtype)
elif (regtype == 'vertical') :
ptype = 'full'
if first_para_continued :
ptype = 'end'
first_para_continued = False
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end)
htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, ptype, regtype)
elif (regtype == 'table') :
# translate first and last word into first and last glyphs
# and generate table as an image and include a link to it
glyphList = []
(pos, sfirst) = self.findinDoc('paragraph.firstWord',start,end)
(pos, slast) = self.findinDoc('paragraph.lastWord',start,end)
firstglyphList = self.getData('word.firstGlyph',0,-1)
gidList = self.getData('info.glyph.glyphID',0,-1)
if (sfirst != None) and (slast != None) :
first = int(sfirst)
last = int(slast)
firstGlyph = firstglyphList[first]
if last < len(firstglyphList):
lastGlyph = firstglyphList[last]
else :
lastGlyph = len(gidList)
for glyphnum in xrange(firstGlyph, lastGlyph):
num = self.svgcount
self.svgcount += 1
htmlpage += '<div class="graphic"><img src="img/' + + '_%04d.svg" alt="" /></div>' % num
else :
ptype = 'full'
if first_para_continued :
ptype = 'end'
first_para_continued = False
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end)
htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, ptype, regtype)
print " "
print "Warning: - Table Conversions are notoriously poor"
print " Strongly recommend taking a screen capture image of the "
print " table in %s.svg and using it to replace this attempt at a table" %
print " "
elif (regtype == '') or (regtype == ''):
(pos, simgsrc) = self.findinDoc('img.src',start,end)
if simgsrc:
htmlpage += '<div class="graphic"><img src="img/img%04d.jpg" alt="" /></div>' % int(simgsrc)
else :
print 'Warning: region type', regtype
(pos, temp) = self.findinDoc('paragraph',start,end)
if pos != -1:
print ' is a "text" region'
regtype = 'fixed'
elif (regtype == 'text') or (regtype == 'fixed') or (regtype == 'insert') or (regtype == 'listitem'):
ptype = 'full'
# check to see if this is a continution from the previous page
if first_para_continued :
ptype = 'end'
first_para_continued = False
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end)
if pclass and (ptype == 'full') and (len(pclass) >= 6):
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end, regtype)
if pclass and (len(pclass) >= 6) and (ptype == 'full'):
tag = 'p'
if pclass[3:6] == 'h1-' : tag = 'h4'
if pclass[3:6] == 'h2-' : tag = 'h5'
@ -573,12 +603,60 @@ class DocParser(object):
htmlpage += '</' + tag + '>'
else :
htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, ptype, regtype)
else :
print ' is a "graphic" region'
elif (regtype == 'tocentry') :
ptype = 'full'
if first_para_continued :
ptype = 'end'
first_para_continued = False
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end, regtype)
htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, ptype, regtype)
elif (regtype == 'vertical') or (regtype == 'table') :
ptype = 'full'
if inGroup:
ptype = 'middle'
if first_para_continued :
ptype = 'end'
first_para_continued = False
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start, end, regtype)
htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, ptype, regtype)
elif (regtype == '') or (regtype == ''):
(pos, simgsrc) = self.findinDoc('img.src',start,end)
if simgsrc:
htmlpage += '<div class="graphic"><img src="img/img%04d.jpg" alt="" /></div>' % int(simgsrc)
else :
print 'Warning: region type', regtype
(pos, temp) = self.findinDoc('paragraph',start,end)
if pos != -1:
print ' is a "text" region'
regtype = 'fixed'
ptype = 'full'
# check to see if this is a continution from the previous page
if first_para_continued :
ptype = 'end'
first_para_continued = False
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end, regtype)
if pclass and (ptype == 'full') and (len(pclass) >= 6):
tag = 'p'
if pclass[3:6] == 'h1-' : tag = 'h4'
if pclass[3:6] == 'h2-' : tag = 'h5'
if pclass[3:6] == 'h3-' : tag = 'h6'
htmlpage += '<' + tag + ' class="' + pclass + '">'
htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, 'middle', regtype)
htmlpage += '</' + tag + '>'
else :
htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, ptype, regtype)
else :
print ' is a "graphic" region'
(pos, simgsrc) = self.findinDoc('img.src',start,end)
if simgsrc:
htmlpage += '<div class="graphic"><img src="img/img%04d.jpg" alt="" /></div>' % int(simgsrc)
if last_para_continued :
if htmlpage[-4:] == '</p>':
@ -589,10 +667,10 @@ class DocParser(object):
def convert2HTML(flatxml, classlst, fileid, bookDir):
def convert2HTML(flatxml, classlst, fileid, bookDir, fixedimage):
# create a document parser
dp = DocParser(flatxml, classlst, fileid, bookDir)
dp = DocParser(flatxml, classlst, fileid, bookDir, fixedimage)
htmlpage = dp.process()

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 1.8
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 2.0
import os, sys, getopt
@ -14,13 +14,16 @@ import getpagedim
def usage():
print 'Usage: '
print ' '
print ' unencryptedBookDir'
print ' [--fixed-image] unencryptedBookDir'
print ' '
print ' Options: '
print ' --fixed-image : force translation of fixed regions into svg images '
print ' '
def main(argv):
bookDir = ''
fixedimage = False
if len(argv) == 0:
argv = sys.argv
@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ def main(argv):
argv = argv.split()
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "h:")
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "h:",["fixed-image"])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print str(err)
@ -43,6 +46,8 @@ def main(argv):
if o =="-h":
if o =="--fixed-image":
fixedimage = True
bookDir = args[0]
@ -139,7 +144,7 @@ def main(argv):
print ' ', filename
fname = os.path.join(pageDir,filename)
flat_xml = convert2xml.main(' --flat-xml ' + dictFile + ' ' + fname)
htmlstr += flatxml2html.convert2HTML(flat_xml, classlst, fname, bookDir)
htmlstr += flatxml2html.convert2HTML(flat_xml, classlst, fname, bookDir, fixedimage)
htmlstr += '</body>\n</html>\n'

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 1.8
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 2.0
import os, sys, getopt

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 1.8
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 2.0
import os, sys, getopt

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 1.8
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 2.0
from __future__ import with_statement
import csv

@ -31,9 +31,8 @@ - main program to generate "book.html" - (author: clarknova) main program to create an xhmtl page with embedded svg graphics
Please note,,, and import and use,,, and
so please keep all of these python scripts together in the same place.
Please note, these scripts all import code from each other so please
keep all of these python scripts together in the same place.
@ -78,6 +77,12 @@ The step must NOW be done BEFORE attempting conversion to html
When complete, use a web-browser to open the page*.xhtml files
in TARGETDIR/svg/ to see what the book really looks like.
If you would prefer pure svg pages, then use the -r option
as follows: -r TARGETDIR
All thanks go to CLARKNOVA for this program. This program is
needed to actually see the true image of each page and so that
the next step can properly create images from glyphs for
@ -97,6 +102,16 @@ properly set bold and/or italics, handle font size changes,
and to fix the sometimes horiffic mistakes in the ocrText
used to create the html.
If there critical pages that need fixed layout in your book
you might want to consider forcing these fixed regions to
become svg images using the command instead --fixed-image TARGETDIR
This will convert all fixed regions into svg images at the
expense of increased book size, slower loading speed, and
a loss of the ability to search for words in those regions
FYI: Sigil is a wonderful, free cross-
platform program that can be used to edit the html and
create an epub if you so desire.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 1.8
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 2.0
from __future__ import with_statement
import csv
