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Welcome to the tools!
14 years ago
12 years ago
This ReadMe_First.txt is meant to give users a quick overview of what is available and how to get started. This document is part of the Tools v5.3 archive.
14 years ago
The is archive includes tools to remove DRM from:
12 years ago
- Kindle ebooks (including Mobi, Topaz, Print Replica and KF8).
- Barnes and Noble ePubs
12 years ago
- Adobe Digital Editions ePubs
- Adobe Digital Editions PDFs
- Mobipocket ebooks
- eReader PDB books
14 years ago
These tools do NOT work with Apple's iBooks FairPlay DRM.
14 years ago
The only tool that removes Apple's iBooks Fairplay DRM that is Requiem by Brahms version 3.3 or later. Requiem is NOT included in this tools package. It is under active development because Apple constantly updates its DRM scheme to stop Requiem from working.
12 years ago
The latest version as of September 2012 is 3.3.5 and works with iTunes 10.5 and above.
14 years ago
Requiem has a Tor website: http://tag3ulp55xczs3pn.onion. To reach the site using Tor, you will need to install Tor ( If you're willing to sacrifice your anonymity, you can use the regular web with tor2web. Just go to
14 years ago
Calibre Users (Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux)
12 years ago
If you are a calibre user, the quickest and easiest way to remove DRM from your ebooks is to install each of the plugins in the Calibre_Plugins folder, following the instructions and configuration directions provided in each plugin's ReadMe file.
14 years ago
12 years ago
Once installed and configured, you can simply add a DRM book to calibre and the DeDRMed version will be imported into the calibre database. Note that DRM removal ONLY occurs on import. If you have already imported DRM books you'll need to remove them from calibre and re-import them.
14 years ago
12 years ago
These plugins work for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. For ebooks from Kindle 4 PC and Adobe Digital Editions, Linux users should read the section at the end of this ReadMe.
14 years ago
12 years ago
DeDRM application for Mac OS X users: (Mac OS X 10.5 and above)
12 years ago
Drag the "DeDRM" application from the DeDRM_Applications/Macintosh folder to your Desktop (or your Applications Folder, or anywhere else you find convenient). Double-click on the application to run it and it will guide you through collecting the data it needs to remove the DRM from any of the kinds of DRMed ebook listed in the first section of this ReadMe.
14 years ago
12 years ago
To use the DeDRM application, simply drag ebooks, or folders containing ebooks, onto the DeDRM application and it will remove the DRM of the kinds listed above.
12 years ago
For more detailed instructions, see the "DeDRM ReadMe.rtf" file in the DeDRM_Applications/Macintosh folder.
12 years ago
DeDRM application for Windows users: (Windows XP through Windows 7)
12 years ago
***This program requires that Python and PyCrypto be properly installed.***
***See below for details on recommended versions are where to get them.***
12 years ago
Unzip the archive that's in the DeDRM_Applications/Windows folder, saving the resulting DeDRM_5.3_Win folder in your "My Documents" folder (or anywhere else you find convenient). Make a short-cut on your Desktop of the DeDRM_Drop_Target.bat file that's in the DeDRM_5.3_Win folder. Double-click on the shortcut and the DeDRM application will run and guide you through collecting the data it needs to remove the DRM from any of the kinds of DRMed ebook listed in the first section of this ReadMe.
12 years ago
To use the DeDRM application, simply drag ebooks, or folders containing ebooks, onto the DeDRM_Drop_Target.bat shortcut and it will remove the DRM of the kinds listed above.
12 years ago
For more detailed instructions, see the DeDRM_ReadMe.txt file in the DeDRM_Applications/Windows folder.
14 years ago
There are a number of other python based tools that have graphical user interfaces to make them easy to use. To use any of these tools, you need to have Python 2.5, 2.6, or 2.7 for 32 bits installed on your machine as well as a matching PyCrypto or OpenSSL for some tools.
14 years ago
On Mac OS X (10.5, 10.6 and 10.7), your systems already have the proper Python and OpenSSL installed. So nothing need be done, you can already run these tools by double-clicking on the .pyw python scripts.
14 years ago
Users of Mac OS X 10.3 and 10.4, need to download and install the "32-bit Mac Installer disk Image (2.7.X) for OS X 10.3 and later from
14 years ago
On Windows, you need to install a 32 bit version of Python (even on Windows 64) plus a matching 32 bit version of PyCrypto *OR* OpenSSL. We ***strongly*** recommend the free community edition of ActiveState's Active Python version. See the end of this document for details.
14 years ago
Linux users should have python 2.7, and openssl installed. but may need to run some of these tools under recent versions of Wine. See the Linux_Users section below:
14 years ago
The scripts in the Other_Tools folder are organized by type of ebook you need to remove the DRM from. Choose from among:
"ePub_Fixer" (for fixing incorrectly made Adobe and Barnes and Noble ePubs)
14 years ago
by simply opening that folder.
14 years ago
Look for a README inside of the relevant folder to get you started.
14 years ago
Additional Tools
12 years ago
Some additional useful tools **unrelated to DRM** are also provided in the "Additional_Tools" folder inside the "Other_Tools" folder. There are tools for working with finding Topaz ebooks, unpacking Kindle/Mobipocket ebooks (without DRM) to get to the Mobipocket markup language inside, tools to strip source archive from Kindlegen generated mobis, tools to work with Kindle for iPhone/iPad, etc, and tools to dump the contents of mobi headers to see all EXTH (metadata) and related values.
14 years ago
Windows and Python
We **strongly** recommend ActiveState's Active Python 2.7 Community Edition for Windows (x86) 32 bits. This can be downloaded for free from:
14 years ago
We do **NOT** recommend the version of Python from
The version from is not as complete as most normal Python installations on Linux and even Mac OS X. It is missing various Windows specific libraries, does not install the default Tk Widget kit (for graphical user interfaces) unless you select it as an option in the installer, and does not properly update the system PATH environment variable. Therefore using the default build on Windows is simply an exercise in frustration for most Windows users.
14 years ago
In addition, Windows Users need one of PyCrypto OR OpenSSL.
For OpenSSL:
Win32 OpenSSL v0.9.8o (8Mb)
(if you get an error message about missing Visual C++
redistributables... cancel the install and install the
below support program from Microsoft, THEN install OpenSSL)
Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables (1.7Mb)
For PyCrypto:
There are many places to get PyCrypto installers for Windows. One such place is:
14 years ago
Please get the latest PyCrypto meant for Windows 32 bit that matches the version of Python you installed (2.7)
14 years ago
Once Windows users have installed Python 2.X for 32 bits, and the matching OpenSSL OR PyCrypto pieces, they too are ready to run the scripts.
13 years ago
Linux Users Only
Since Kindle for PC and Adobe Digital Editions do not offer native Linux versions, here are instructions for using Windows versions under Wine as well as related instructions for the special way to handle some of these tools:
12 years ago
Linux and Kindle for PC
It is possible to run the Kindle for PC application under Wine.
1. Install a recent version of Wine (>=1.3.15)
2. Some versions of winecfg have a bug in setting the volume serial number, so create a .windows-serial file at root of drive_c to set a proper windows volume serial number (8 digit hex value for unsigned integer).
cd ~
cd .wine
cd drive_c
echo deadbeef > .windows-serial
Replace "deadbeef" with whatever hex value you want but I would stay away from the default setting of "ffffffff" which does not seem to work. BTW: deadbeef is itself a valid possible hex value if you want to use it
3. Download and install Kindle for PC under Wine.
Linux and Kindle for PC (Other_Tools/KindleBooks/)
Here are the instructions for using Kindle for PC and KindleBooks.pyw on Linux under Wine. (Thank you Eyeless and Pete)
1. upgrade to very recent versions of Wine; This has been tested with Wine 1.3.15 1.3.2X. It may work with earlier versions but no promises. It does not work with wine 1.2.X versions.
If you have not already installed Kindle for PC under wine, follow steps 2 and 3 otherwise jump to step 4
2. Some versions of winecfg have a bug in setting the volume serial number, so create a .windows-serial file at root of drive_c to set a proper windows volume serial number (8 digit hex value for unsigned integer).
cd ~
cd .wine
cd drive_c
echo deadbeef > .windows-serial
Replace "deadbeef" with whatever hex value you want but I would stay away from the default setting of "ffffffff" which does not seem to work. BTW: deadbeef is itself a valid possible hex value if you want to use it
3. Only ***after*** setting the volume serial number properly download and install under wine K4PC version for Windows. Register it and download from your Archive one of your Kindle ebooks. Versions known to work are K4PC 1.7.1 and earlier. Later version may work but no promises.
4. Download and install under wine ActiveState Active Python 2.7 for Windows 32bit
5. Download and unzip
6. Now make sure the executable bit is NOT set for KindleBooks.pyw as Linux will actually keep trying to ignore wine and launch it under Linux python which will cause it to fail.
cd tools_vX.X/KindleBooks/
chmod ugo-x KindleBooks.pyw
7. Then run KindleBook.pyw ***under python running on wine*** using the Linux shell as follows:
wine python KindleBooks.pyw
Select the ebook file directly from your “My Kindle Content” folder, select a new/unused directory for the output. You should not need to enter any PID or Serial Number for Kindle for PC.
Linux and Adobe Digital Editions ePubs
Here are the instructions for using the tools with ePub books and Adobe Digital Editions on Linux under Wine. (Thank you mclien!)
1. download the most recent version of wine from (1.3.29 in my case)
For debian users:
to get a recent version of wine I decited to use aptosid (2011-02, xfce)
(because Im used to debian)
install aptosid and upgrade it (see aptosid site for detaild instructions)
2. properly install Wine (see the Wine site for details)
For debian users:
cd to this dir and install the packages as root:
dpkg -i *.deb
you will get some error messages, which can be ignored.
again as root use
apt-get -f install to correct this errors
3. python 2.7 should already be installed on your system but you may need the following additional python package
'apt-get install python-tk
4. all programms need to be installed as normal user. All these programm are installed the same way:
we need:
a) Adobe Digital Edition 1.7.2(from:
(there is a “cant install ADE” site, where the setup.exe hides)
b) ActivePython- (from:
c) Win32OpenSSL_Light-0_9_8r.exe (from:
d) pycrypto-2.3.win32-py2.7.msi (from:
5. now get and unpack the very latest tools_vX.X (from Apprentice Alf) in the users drive_c of wine
6. start ADE with:
wine digitaleditions.exe or from the start menue wine-adobe-digital..
7. register this instance of ADE with your adobeID and close it
change to the tools_vX.X dir:
cd ~/.wine/drive_c/tools_vX.X/Other_Tools/Adobe_ePub_Tools
8. create the adeptkey.der with:
wine python ineptkey_v5.4.pyw (only need once!)
(key will be here: ~/.wine/drive_c/tools_v4.X/Other_Tools/Adobe_ePub_Tools/adeptkey.der)
9. Use ADE running under Wine to dowload all of your purchased ePub ebooks
10. for each book you have downloaded via Adobe Digital Editions
There is no need to use Wine for this step!
'python ineptpub_v5.6.pyw
this will launch a window with 3 lines
1. key: (allready filled in, otherwise its in the path where you did step 8.
2. input file: drmbook.epub
3. output file: name-ypu-want_for_free_book.epub
12 years ago
Also… once you successfully generate your adept.der keyfile using Wine, you can use the regular ineptepub plugin with the standard Linux calibre. Just put the *.der file(s) in your calibre configuration directory.
so if you want you can use calibre in Linux:
11. install the plugins from the tools as discribed in the readmes for win
12. copy the adeptkey.der into the config dir of calibre (~/.config/calibre in debian). Every book imported to calibre will automaticly freed from DRM.