from pathlib import Path APP_NAME = "DataChad" MODEL = "gpt-3.5-turbo" PAGE_ICON = "🤖" K = 10 FETCH_K = 20 CHUNK_SIZE = 1000 TEMPERATURE = 0.7 MAX_TOKENS = 3357 ENABLE_ADVANCED_OPTIONS = True DATA_PATH = Path.cwd() / "data" DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE = "" REPO_URL = "" AUTHENTICATION_HELP = f""" Your credentials are only stored in your session state.\n The keys are neither exposed nor made visible or stored permanently in any way.\n Feel free to check out [the code base]({REPO_URL}) to validate how things work. """ USAGE_HELP = f""" These are the accumulated OpenAI API usage metrics.\n The app uses '{MODEL}' for chat and 'text-embedding-ada-002' for embeddings.\n Learn more about OpenAI's pricing [here]( """ OPENAI_HELP = """ You can sign-up for OpenAI's API [here](\n Once you are logged in, you find the API keys [here]( """ ACTIVELOOP_HELP = """ You can create an ActiveLoops account (including 500GB of free database storage) [here](\n Once you are logged in, you find the API token [here](\n The organisation name is your username, or you can create new organisations [here]( """