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1 year ago
# DataChad 🤖
This is an app that let's you ask questions about any data source by leveraging [embeddings](, [vector databases](, [large language models]( and last but not least [langchains](
## How does it work?
1. Upload any `file` or enter any `path` or `url`
2. The data source is detected and loaded into text documents
3. The text documents are embedded using openai embeddings
4. The embeddings are stored as a vector dataset to activeloop's database hub
5. A langchain is created consisting of a LLM model (`gpt-3.5-turbo` by default) and the vector store as retriever
1 year ago
6. When sending questions to the bot this chain is used as context to answer your questions
7. Finally the chat history is cached locally to enable a [ChatGPT]( like Q&A conversation
## Good to know
- As default context this git repository is taken so you can directly start asking question about its functionality without chosing an own data source.
- To run locally or deploy somewhere, execute `cp .env.template .env` and set credentials in the newly created `.env` file. Other options are manually setting of system environment variables, or storing them into `.streamlit/secrets.toml` when hosted via streamlit.
1 year ago
- If you have credentials set like explained above, you can just hit `submit` in the authentication without reentering your credentials in the app.
- To enable `Local Mode` (disabled for the demo) set `ENABLE_LOCAL_MODE` to `True` in `datachad/`. You need to have the model binaries downloaded and stored inside `./models/`
- Currently supported `Local Mode` OSS models are `GPT4All` and `LlamaCpp`
- If you are running `Local Mode` all your data stays locally on your machine. No API calls are made. Same with the embeddings database which stores its data to `./data/`
- Your data won't load? Feel free to open an Issue or PR and contribute!
- Yes, Chad in `DataChad` refers to the well-known [meme](
## How does it look like?
<img src="./datachad.png" width="100%"/>
If you like to contribute, feel free to grab any task
- [x] Refactor utils, especially the loaders
- [x] Add option to choose model and embeddings
- [x] Enable fully local / private mode
1 year ago
- [ ] Add Image caption and Audio transcription support