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import base64
import os
from . import syfr as crypto
def test_rsa_encrypt_and_decrypt():
priv = crypto.generate_rsa_key(complexity=512)
message = "Attack at Calais"
ciphertext = crypto.rsa_encrypt(message, priv.public_key())
assert crypto.rsa_decrypt(ciphertext, priv) == message
def test_aes_encrypt_decrypt():
priv = crypto.create_aes_key()
message = "Sell Watermelons"
ciphertext, iv = crypto.aes_encrypt(message, priv)
assert crypto.aes_decrypt(ciphertext, priv, iv) == message
def test_full_encrypt():
priv1 = crypto.generate_rsa_key()
priv2 = crypto.generate_rsa_key()
target_pubkey = crypto.serialize_pubkey(priv2.public_key())
message = "Santa is not real."
aes_ciphertext, encry_aes_key, hmac, hmac_signature, iv, metadata = \
crypto.encrypt(message, priv1, target_pubkey)
aes_key = crypto.rsa_decrypt(encry_aes_key, priv2)
assert crypto.aes_decrypt(aes_ciphertext, aes_key, iv) == message
assert message == \
aes_ciphertext, encry_aes_key, hmac, hmac_signature,
priv2, iv, metadata
def test_sign():
priv = crypto.generate_rsa_key(complexity=512)
message = "Secret wish list"
sig = crypto.sign(message, priv)
assert crypto.verify_signature(sig, message, priv.public_key())
def test_long_pad():
complexity = 10**3 # won't create exactly this length
contents = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(complexity))
padded = crypto.long_pad(contents, 3*complexity)
assert crypto.long_unpad(padded) == contents