# Code from # https://github.com/snorfalorpagus/ascii-world-map import os,sys; sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'..')),'..'))) import json from functools import partial from shutil import get_terminal_size from shapely.geometry import shape, Point from shapely import ops import pyproj,math,os import rtree import curses,random,time from komrade.utils import Logger import pandas as pd import numpy as np import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') PLACE_MARKER='@' BASEMAP_MARKER='_' PATH_MARKER='+' # # read the data into a list of shapely geometries # with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"data/world-countries2.json")) as f: # data = json.load(f) default_places = { 'Cambridge':(52.205338,0.121817), 'Sydney':(-33.868820,151.209290), 'New York':(40.712776,-74.005974), 'Hong Kong':(22.278300,114.174700), 'Cape Town':(-33.9249, 18.4241), 'San Francisco':(37.774929,-122.419418), 'Honolulu':(21.306944,-157.858337), 'Tokyo':(35.689487,139.691711), 'Ushuaia':(-54.801910,-68.302948), 'Reykjavik':(64.126518,-21.817438) } # print_map(['Brazil','Netherlands','Thailand']) # print_map_simple(places) class Map(Logger): def __init__(self,stdscr): self.stdscr=stdscr self.base_df=None self.last_coords=None self.stdscr.clear() @property def width(self): return get_terminal_size().columns - 1 # from komrade.constants import CLI_WIDTH # return CLI_WIDTH @property def height(self): return get_terminal_size().lines - 1 # from komrade.constants import CLI_HEIGHT # return CLI_HEIGHT def precompute_basemap(self,countries=[]): data_fn=os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "data/world-countries.json" ) with open(data_fn) as f: data = json.load(f) geoms = [ shape(feature["geometry"]) for feature in data["features"] ] # transform the geometries into web mercator wgs84 = pyproj.Proj(init="EPSG:4326") webmerc = pyproj.Proj(proj="webmerc") t = partial(pyproj.transform, wgs84, webmerc) geoms = [ops.transform(t, geom) for geom in geoms] # create a spatial index of the geometries def gen(geoms): for n, geom in enumerate(geoms): yield n, geom.bounds, geom index = rtree.index.Index(gen(geoms)) # get the window size columns = self.width lines = self.height # allow for prompt at bottom # calculate the projected extent and pixel size # xmin, ymin = t(-180, -85) # xmax, ymax = t(180, 85) xmin, ymin = t(-170, -55) xmax, ymax = t(165, 75) pixel_width = (xmax - xmin) / columns pixel_height = (ymax - ymin) / lines land = "*" water = " " # stringl=[] # os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear') ld=[] for line in range(lines): for col in range(columns): # get the projected x, y of the pixel centroid x = xmin + (col + 0.5) * pixel_width y = ymax - (line + 0.5) * pixel_height # check for a collision # self.log((col,line), (x,y),'???') objects = [n.object for n in index.intersection((x, y, x, y), objects=True)] value=None for geom in objects: value = geom.intersects(Point(x, y)) if value: d={'x':x,'y':y} #,'col':col,'row':line} ld+=[d] break self.stdscr.addstr(line,col,land if value else water) self.stdscr.refresh() # print(land if value else water, end="") # print("") # stringl+=['\n'] df=pd.DataFrame(ld) # self.log(df,'!!') df['x_norm']=self.do_norm(df['x']) df['y_norm']=self.do_norm(df['y']) df.to_csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(data_fn),'basemap.csv'),index=False) # string = ''.join(stringl) # print(string) def do_norm(self,xcol): # self.log('<--',xcol) minn=xcol.min() maxx=xcol.max() xcol=pd.Series([x + minn for x in xcol]) minn=xcol.min() maxx=xcol.max() res = [(x - minn) / (maxx - minn) for x in xcol] # self.log('-->',res) return res def add_base_map(self): # x,y coords self.base_df=df=pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'data/basemap.csv')) # self.log(df) # convert to screen,coords coords = { ( int(x*self.width), int(y*self.height) ) for x,y in zip(df.x_norm,df.y_norm) } # self.log(coords) # stop for row in range(self.width): for line in range(self.height): if (row,line) in coords: self.stdscr.addstr(self.height - line,row,BASEMAP_MARKER) self.stdscr.refresh() # self.stdscr.getch() def run_print_map(self,places=[],labels=False,msg=[],offset_y=0): if msg: for i,x in enumerate(msg): x='--> '+x if i else x self.stdscr.addstr(i,0,x) self.stdscr.refresh() self.msg=msg if not places: return df = self.do_print_map(places) self.log(df,'!?!?!?') coords = { ( int(x*self.width), int(y*self.height) ) for x,y in zip(df.x_norm,df.y_norm) } self.log('coords:',coords) for x,y in coords: # lines? self.log('xy:',x,y,self.last_coords) if self.last_coords: lx,ly=self.last_coords went_north = bool(ly-y) went_east = bool(lx-x) self.log(f'{lx} -> {x} (x); {ly} -> {y} (y)') self.log(f'went east? {went_east}; went north? {went_north}') path_x = list(range(lx if lxx else x)+1)) path_y = list(range(ly if lyy else y)+1)) if lx>x: path_x.reverse() if ly>y: path_y.reverse() self.log('path_x:',path_x) self.log('path_y:',path_y) minlen=min(len(path_x), len(path_y)) hops_x = slice(path_x,minlen) hops_y = slice(path_y,minlen) lcoord_x=None lcoord_y=None for hop_x,hop_y in zip(hops_x,hops_y): self.log('hop_x',hop_x) self.log('hop_y',hop_y) hopmaxlen=max([len(hop_x),len(hop_y)]) hopcoords=[] for hi in range(hopmaxlen): hx=hop_x[hi] if hi