""" Package for interacting on the network at a high level. """ STORE_ANYWHERE=False import random import pickle import asyncio import logging from kademlia.protocol import KademliaProtocol from kademlia.utils import digest from kademlia.storage import HalfForgetfulStorage from kademlia.node import Node from kademlia.crawling import ValueSpiderCrawl from kademlia.crawling import NodeSpiderCrawl log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class Server: """ High level view of a node instance. This is the object that should be created to start listening as an active node on the network. """ protocol_class = KademliaProtocol def __init__(self, ksize=20, alpha=3, node_id=None, storage=None,log=print): """ Create a server instance. This will start listening on the given port. Args: ksize (int): The k parameter from the paper alpha (int): The alpha parameter from the paper node_id: The id for this node on the network. storage: An instance that implements the interface :class:`~kademlia.storage.IStorage` """ self.ksize = ksize self.alpha = alpha self.log = log self.storage = HalfForgetfulStorage() #storage or ForgetfulStorage() print('[Server] storage loaded with %s keys' % len(self.storage.data)) self.node = Node(node_id or digest(random.getrandbits(255))) self.transport = None self.protocol = None self.refresh_loop = None self.save_state_loop = None ## echo #self.re_echo() #def re_echo(self): # return [asyncio.create_task(self.set_digest(k,v)) for k,v in self.storage.items()] def __repr__(self): neighbs=self.bootstrappable_neighbors() neighbors=' '.join(':'.join(str(x) for x in ip_port) for ip_port in neighbs) repr = f"""storing {len(self.storage.data)} keys and has {len(neighbs)} neighbors""" #:\n\t{neighbors}""" return repr def stop(self): if self.transport is not None: self.transport.close() if self.refresh_loop: self.refresh_loop.cancel() if self.save_state_loop: self.save_state_loop.cancel() def _create_protocol(self): return self.protocol_class(self.node, self.storage, self.ksize, self.log) async def listen(self, port, interface=''): """ Start listening on the given port. Provide interface="::" to accept ipv6 address """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() listen = loop.create_datagram_endpoint(self._create_protocol, local_addr=(interface, port)) self.log("Node %i listening on %s:%i" % (self.node.long_id, interface, port)) self.transport, self.protocol = await listen # finally, schedule refreshing table self.refresh_table() def refresh_table(self): self.log("Refreshing routing table") asyncio.ensure_future(self._refresh_table()) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.refresh_loop = loop.call_later(3600, self.refresh_table) async def _refresh_table(self): """ Refresh buckets that haven't had any lookups in the last hour (per section 2.3 of the paper). """ results = [] for node_id in self.protocol.get_refresh_ids(): node = Node(node_id) nearest = self.protocol.router.find_neighbors(node, self.alpha) spider = NodeSpiderCrawl(self.protocol, node, nearest, self.ksize, self.alpha) spider.log=self.log results.append(spider.find()) # do our crawling await asyncio.gather(*results) # now republish keys older than one hour # repub_every=3600 repub_every=3600 for dkey, value in self.storage.iter_older_than(repub_every): await self.set_digest(dkey, value) def bootstrappable_neighbors(self): """ Get a :class:`list` of (ip, port) :class:`tuple` pairs suitable for use as an argument to the bootstrap method. The server should have been bootstrapped already - this is just a utility for getting some neighbors and then storing them if this server is going down for a while. When it comes back up, the list of nodes can be used to bootstrap. """ neighbors = self.protocol.router.find_neighbors(self.node) return [tuple(n)[-2:] for n in neighbors] async def bootstrap(self, addrs): """ Bootstrap the server by connecting to other known nodes in the network. Args: addrs: A `list` of (ip, port) `tuple` pairs. Note that only IP addresses are acceptable - hostnames will cause an error. """ self.log("Attempting to bootstrap node with %i initial contacts", len(addrs)) cos = list(map(self.bootstrap_node, addrs)) gathered = await asyncio.gather(*cos) nodes = [node for node in gathered if node is not None] spider = NodeSpiderCrawl(self.protocol, self.node, nodes, self.ksize, self.alpha) spider.log=self.log return await spider.find() async def bootstrap_node(self, addr): result = await self.protocol.ping(addr, self.node.id) return Node(result[1], addr[0], addr[1]) if result[0] else None async def get(self, key, store_anywhere=STORE_ANYWHERE): """ Get a key if the network has it. Returns: :class:`None` if not found, the value otherwise. """ dkey = digest(key) self.log("Looking up key %s %s" % (key,dkey)) # if this node has it, return it if self.storage.get(dkey) is not None: self.log(f'already have {key} ({dkey}) in storage, returning...') return self.storage.get(dkey) node = Node(dkey) self.log(f'creating node {node}') nearest = self.protocol.router.find_neighbors(node) self.log(f'nearest = {nearest}') if not nearest: raise Exception("There are no known neighbors to get key %s" % key) found = None #while found is None: spider = ValueSpiderCrawl(self.protocol, node, nearest, self.ksize, self.alpha, log=self.log) self.log(f'spider crawling... {spider}') found = await spider.find() self.log('spider found <-',found,'for key',key,'(',dkey,')') #await asyncio.sleep(5) self.log(f"Eventually found for key {key} value {found}") # if not found: # return None #raise Exception('nothing found!') # # set it locally? @EDIT # if store_anywhere and found: # self.log(f'storing anywhere: {dkey} -> {found}') # self.storage[dkey]=found return found async def set(self, key, value): """ Set the given string key to the given value in the network. """ if not check_dht_value_type(value): raise TypeError( "Value must be of type int, float, bool, str, or bytes" ) self.log(f"setting '{key}' = '{value}' ({type(value)}) on network") dkey = digest(key) return await self.set_digest(dkey, value) async def set_digest(self, dkey, value, store_anywhere=STORE_ANYWHERE): """ Set the given SHA1 digest key (bytes) to the given value in the network. """ node = Node(dkey) self.log('set_digest()',node) nearest = self.protocol.router.find_neighbors(node) self.log('set_digest() nearest -->',nearest) if not nearest: self.log("There are no known neighbors to set key %s" % dkey.hex()) return False spider = NodeSpiderCrawl(self.protocol, node, nearest, self.ksize, self.alpha, log=self.log) nodes = await spider.find() self.log(f"setting '%s' on %s" % (dkey.hex(), list(map(str, nodes)))) # if this node is close too, then store here as well biggest = max([n.distance_to(node) for n in nodes]) if self.node.distance_to(node) < biggest: self.log(f'< bigges -> {dkey} --> {value}') self.storage[dkey] = value results = [self.protocol.call_store(n, dkey, value) for n in nodes] results = await asyncio.gather(*results) self.log(f'--> set() results --> {results}') if store_anywhere: self.log(f'store_anywhere -> {dkey} --> {value}') self.storage[dkey]=value # return true only if at least one store call succeeded return any(results) def save_state(self, fname): """ Save the state of this node (the alpha/ksize/id/immediate neighbors) to a cache file with the given fname. """ self.log("Saving state to %s" % fname) data = { 'ksize': self.ksize, 'alpha': self.alpha, 'id': self.node.id, 'neighbors': self.bootstrappable_neighbors() } if not data['neighbors']: self.log("No known neighbors, so not writing to cache.") return with open(fname, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(data, file) @classmethod async def load_state(cls, fname, port, interface=''): """ Load the state of this node (the alpha/ksize/id/immediate neighbors) from a cache file with the given fname and then bootstrap the node (using the given port/interface to start listening/bootstrapping). """ self.log("Loading state from %s" % fname) with open(fname, 'rb') as file: data = pickle.load(file) svr = Server(data['ksize'], data['alpha'], data['id']) await svr.listen(port, interface) if data['neighbors']: await svr.bootstrap(data['neighbors']) return svr def save_state_regularly(self, fname, frequency=600): """ Save the state of node with a given regularity to the given filename. Args: fname: File name to save retularly to frequency: Frequency in seconds that the state should be saved. By default, 10 minutes. """ self.save_state(fname) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.save_state_loop = loop.call_later(frequency, self.save_state_regularly, fname, frequency) def check_dht_value_type(value): """ Checks to see if the type of the value is a valid type for placing in the dht. """ typeset = [ int, float, bool, str, bytes ] return type(value) in typeset # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck