#!/bin/bash # install pyenv? echo " ### ## # # ### ## ### # # # #### # # # # # # # # # #### ### # # # # # # # # # # # #### # # ### ## # # # # # # ### installing... " ### # Create paths ###### echo ' 1) setting up folders... ' # install dir? echo "Where should comrad live on your device?" path_comrad_default="`realpath ~/comrad`" if [ "$1" = "-n" ] then read -p "[$path_comrad_default] " path_comrad else path_comrad=$path_comrad_default fi if [ -z "$path_comrad" ] then path_comrad=$path_comrad_default fi if [ ! -d "$path_comrad" ] then mkdir -p $path_comrad echo "created $path_comrad" fi path_lib="$path_comrad/lib" if [ ! -d "$path_lib" ] then mkdir -p $path_lib echo "created $path_lib" fi path_repo="$path_comrad/code" path_bin="$path_repo/bin" echo ' 2) configuring OS environment... ' #### # Package manager setups # pacman -S --needed curl wget unzip gcc make openssl-devel git libcrypt-devel python3 python3-pip mingw-w64-x86_64-python-pandas python-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-python3-numpy ### Downloading via git! echo ' 2) downloading Comrad... ' # if exists, pull if [ -d "$path_repo" ] then cd $path_repo git pull else cd $path_comrad git clone https://github.com/ComradOrg/Comrad.git mv Comrad code fi ############################################################ echo ' 5) creating virtual environment... ' path_venv="$path_repo/venv" echo "Now using python (t1): `which python`" pip install virtualenv python -m virtualenv "$path_venv" source "$path_venv/bin/activate" echo "Now using python (t2): `which python`" python -m pip install -U setuptools pip wheel ########################################################### echo ' Install python requirements ' cd $path_repo python -m pip install --prefer-binary -r requirements.txt exit 1 ############################################################# # echo ' # Installing other requirements # Rlite, hardware based redis database # ' # cd $path_lib # git clone https://github.com/seppo0010/rlite.git # cd rlite # make # make all # exit 1 ######################################################################### if [ "$machine" = "Mac" ] then echo "Installing Mac native GUI bridge" python -m pip install git+https://github.com/kivy/pyobjus fi ####################################### echo ' Themis, cryptography backend... ' if [ "$machine" = "Mac" ] then echo 'installing themis with brew' /usr/local/bin/brew tap cossacklabs/tap /usr/local/bin/brew install libthemis else if [ ! -f "/usr/local/lib/libthemis.so" ] then if [ ! -f "/usr/lib/libthemis.so" ] then echo 'building themis' cd "$path_lib" # pwd #git clone https://github.com/cossacklabs/themis.git curl https://codeload.github.com/cossacklabs/themis/zip/master -o themis.zip unzip -q -o themis.zip #mv themis-master themis cd themis-master make make install # sudo make install fi fi fi echo ' Completing... ' commands_app=" source $path_conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh\n export PATH=\"$path_conda/bin:\$PATH\"\n conda activate $path_venv\n python -m pip install -r $path_repo/requirements.txt\n python $path_repo/comrad/app/main.py\n " export PATH="$path_bin:$PATH" bashline="export PATH=\"$path_bin:\$PATH\" # comrad installation" bashfn="`realpath ~/.bashrc`" # add to bashrc? if grep -Fxq "$bashline" "$bashfn" then # code if found echo "setting already in $bashfn: $bashline" else # code if not found echo "$bashline" >> "$bashfn" fi echo -e "Now run Comrad with: comrad-app [GUI interface -- alpha] If that doesn't work, try running this series of comands: $commands_app " if [ "$machine" = "Mac" ] then cd /Applications unzip -q -o "$path_bin/Comrad.app.zip" echo "You may run the app by looking for 'Comrad.app' in your /Applications folder." fi # run? . $path_bin/comrad-app