## CONFIG # change this to your external ip address for your server #(needs to be external to allow tor routing) from config import * import os,sys; sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'..')),'..'))) from komrade import * from komrade.api import Api # monkeypatching the things that asyncio needs import subprocess subprocess.PIPE = -1 # noqa subprocess.STDOUT = -2 # noqa subprocess.DEVNULL = -3 # noqa import asyncio import os os.environ['KIVY_EVENTLOOP'] = 'asyncio' # loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # loop.set_debug(True) # imports from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen,ScreenManager from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.button import MDFillRoundFlatButton, MDIconButton from kivymd.uix.toolbar import MDToolbar from kivymd.uix.screen import MDScreen from kivymd.uix.dialog import MDDialog from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivymd.theming import ThemeManager from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty,ListProperty import time,os from collections import OrderedDict from functools import partial from kivy.uix.screenmanager import NoTransition from kivymd.uix.label import MDLabel from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from kivymd.uix.list import OneLineListItem from kivymd.uix.card import MDCard, MDSeparator from kivymd.uix.boxlayout import MDBoxLayout from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout from kivy.metrics import dp from kivy.properties import NumericProperty from kivymd.uix.list import * #MDList, ILeftBody, IRightBody, ThreeLineAvatarListItem, TwoLineAvatarListItem, BaseListItem, ImageLeftWidget from kivy.uix.image import Image, AsyncImage import requests,json from kivy.storage.jsonstore import JsonStore from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.core.text import LabelBase import shutil,sys from kivy.uix.image import Image import sys sys.path.append("..") # Adds higher directory to python modules path. from kivy.event import EventDispatcher import threading,asyncio,sys # raise Exception(str(Window.size)) Window.size = WINDOW_SIZE # Window.fullscreen = True #'auto' # with open('log.txt','w') as of: # of.write('### LOG ###\n') def rgb(r,g,b,a=1): return (r/255,g/255,b/255,a) class MyLayout(MDBoxLayout): scr_mngr = ObjectProperty(None) post_id = ObjectProperty() @property def app(self): if not hasattr(self,'_app'): from kivy.app import App self._app = App.get_running_app() return self._app def rgb(self,r,g,b,a=1): return rgb(r,g,b,a=a) def change_screen(self, screen, *args): self.scr_mngr.current = screen def change_screen_from_uri(self,uri,*args): self.app.uri=uri screen_name = route(uri) self.app.screen = screen_name self.app.log(f'routing to {screen_name}') self.scr_mngr.current = screen_name def view_post(self,post_id): self.post_id=post_id self.change_screen('view') class ProgressPopup(MDDialog): pass class MessagePopup(MDDialog): pass class MyBoxLayout(MDBoxLayout): pass class MyLabel(MDLabel): pass class MyToolbar(MDToolbar): action_icon_color = ListProperty() def update_action_bar(self, action_bar, action_bar_items): action_bar.clear_widgets() new_width = 0 for item in action_bar_items: new_width += dp(48) action_bar.add_widget( MDIconButton( icon=item[0], on_release=item[1], opposite_colors=True, text_color=(self.specific_text_color if not self.action_icon_color else self.action_icon_color), theme_text_color="Custom", ) ) action_bar.width = new_width def update_action_bar_text_colors(self, instance, value): for child in self.ids["left_actions"].children: if not self.action_icon_color: child.text_color = self.specific_text_color else: child.text_color = self.action_icon_color for child in self.ids["right_actions"].children: if not self.action_icon_color: child.text_color = self.specific_text_color else: child.text_color = self.action_icon_color def get_tor_proxy_session(): session = requests.session() # Tor uses the 9050 port as the default socks port session.proxies = {'http': 'socks5://', 'https': 'socks5://'} return session def get_async_tor_proxy_session(): from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession session = FuturesSession() # Tor uses the 9050 port as the default socks port session.proxies = {'http': 'socks5://', 'https': 'socks5://'} return session def get_tor_python_session(): from torpy.http.requests import TorRequests with TorRequests() as tor_requests: with tor_requests.get_session() as s: return s def draw_background(widget, img_fn='assets/bg.png'): from kivy.core.image import Image as CoreImage from kivy.graphics import Color, Rectangle widget.canvas.before.clear() with widget.canvas.before: Color(.4, .4, .4, 1) texture = CoreImage(img_fn).texture texture.wrap = 'repeat' nx = float(widget.width) / texture.width ny = float(widget.height) / texture.height Rectangle(pos=widget.pos, size=widget.size, texture=texture, tex_coords=(0, 0, nx, 0, nx, ny, 0, ny)) #### LOOPER def route(uri): if not '/' in uri: return None prefix=uri.split('/')[1] #,channel,rest = uri.split('/',3) mapd = { 'inbox':'feed', 'outbox':'feed', 'login':'login', } return mapd.get(prefix,None) # DEFAULT_SCREEN = route(DEFAULT_URI) class MainApp(MDApp): title = 'Komrade' logged_in=False # store = JsonStore('../p2p/.keys.json') # store_global = JsonStore('../p2p/.keys.global.json') store = JsonStore('app.json') login_expiry = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 # once a week texture = ObjectProperty() uri = '/inbox/world' # def connect(self): # # connect to kad? # self.node = p2p.connect() def rgb(self,*_): return rgb(*_) def change_screen(self, screen, *args): self.screen=screen self.root.change_screen(screen,*args) @property def channel(self): if not hasattr(self,'uri'): return None if self.uri.count('/')<2: return None return self.uri.split('/')[2] def change_screen_from_uri(self,uri,*args): self.uri=uri self.log('CHANGING SCREEN',uri,'??') return self.root.change_screen_from_uri(uri,*args) @property def logger(self): if not hasattr(self,'_logger'): import logging handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s]\n%(message)s\n') handler.setFormatter(formatter) self._logger = logger = logging.getLogger('komrade') logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) return self._logger def log(self,*args,**msgs): line = ' '.join(str(x) for x in args) self.logger.debug(line) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.event_loop_worker = None self.loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() # load json storage self.username='' self.load_store() self.uri=DEFAULT_URI # connect to API self.api = Api(log=self.log) @property async def node(self): return await self.api.node def get_username(self): if hasattr(self,'username'): return self.username self.load_store() if hasattr(self,'username'): return self.username return '' def build(self): # bind global app,root app = self # load root self.root = root = Builder.load_file('root.kv') draw_background(self.root) # edit logo toolbar=root.ids.toolbar toolbar.md_bg_color = root.rgb(*COLOR_TOOLBAR) toolbar.action_icon_color=root.rgb(*COLOR_ICON) logo=toolbar.ids.label_title logo.font_name='assets/Strengthen.ttf' logo.font_size='58dp' logo.pos_hint={'center_y':0.43} logo.text_color=root.rgb(*COLOR_LOGO) self.root.change_screen_from_uri(self.uri if self.uri else DEFAULT_URI) return self.root def load_store(self): if not self.store.exists('user'): return userd=self.store.get('user') if not userd: return self.username = userd.get('username','') async def upload(self,filename,file_id=None): self.log('uploading filename:',filename) rdata=await self.api.upload(filename,file_id=file_id) self.log('upload result:',rdata) if rdata is not None: rdata['success']='File uploaded' return rdata return {'error':'Upload failed'} async def download(self,file_id,output_fn=None): self.log('downloading:',file_id) file_dat = await self.api.download(file_id) self.log('file_dat =',file_dat) if not output_fn: file_id=file_dat['id'] file_ext=file_dat['ext'] output_fn=os.path.join('cache',file_id[:3]+'/'+file_id[3:]+'.'+file_ext) output_dir=os.path.dirname(output_fn) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) with open(output_fn,'wb') as of: for data_piece in file_dat['parts_data']: if data_piece is not None: of.write(data_piece) async def post(self, content='', file_id=None, file_ext=None, anonymous=False,channel='world'): #timestamp=time.time() jsond={} #jsond['timestamp']= if content: jsond['content']=str(content) if file_id: jsond['file_id']=str(file_id) if file_ext: jsond['file_ext']=str(file_ext) if channel and channel[0]=='@': channel=channel[1:] self.log(f'''app.post( content={content}, file_id={file_id}, file_ext={file_ext}, anonymous={anonymous}, channel={channel}, [username={self.username}]''' ) if not anonymous and self.username: jsond['author']=self.username #jsond['channel']=channel self.log('posting:',jsond) res=await self.api.post(jsond,channel = channel) if 'success' in res: self.root.change_screen('feed') return {'post_id':res['post_id']} @property def keys(self): return self.api.keys async def get_post(self,post_id): return await self.api.get_post(post_id) async def get_posts(self,uri=b'/inbox/world'): return await self.persona.read_inbox(uri) # if uri.count('/')<2: raise Exception('not a URI: '+uri) # if 'login' in uri: # raise Exception('!!!! '+uri) # self.log(f'app.get_posts(uri={uri} -> ...') # data = await self.api.get_posts(uri) # self.log(f'app.get_posts() got back from api.get_posts() a {type(data)}') # newdata=[] # for d in data: # # self.log('data d:',d) # if not 'val' in d: continue # newdict = dict(d['val'].items()) # newdict['timestamp']=float(d['time']) # newdict['to_name']=d['channel'] # newdata.append(newdict) # # return index # return newdata async def get_channel_posts(self,channel,prefix='inbox'): # am I allowed to? if not channel in self.keys: self.log('!! tsk tsk dont be nosy') return return await self.get_posts(uri='/'+os.path.join(prefix,channel)) async def get_channel_inbox(self,channel): return await self.get_channel_posts(channel=channel,prefix='inbox') async def get_channel_outbox(self,channel): return await self.get_channel_posts(channel=channel,prefix='outbox') async def get_my_posts(self): return await self.persona.read_outbox() ### SYNCHRONOUS? def app_func(self): '''This will run both methods asynchronously and then block until they are finished ''' # self.other_task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.waste_time_freely()) self.other_task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.api.connect_forever()) async def run_wrapper(): # we don't actually need to set asyncio as the lib because it is # the default, but it doesn't hurt to be explicit await self.async_run() #async_lib='asyncio') print('App done') self.other_task.cancel() return asyncio.gather(run_wrapper(), self.other_task) def open_dialog(self,msg): if not hasattr(self,'dialog') or not self.dialog: self.dialog = ProgressPopup() # raise Exception(self.dialog, msg) self.dialog.text=msg self.dialog.open() #stop def open_msg_dialog(self,msg): from screens.post.post import MessagePopup,ProgressPopup if not hasattr(self,'msg_dialog') or not self.msg_dialog: self.msg_dialog = MessagePopup() self.msg_dialog.ids.msg_label.text=msg self.msg_dialog.open() def close_dialog(self): if hasattr(self,'dialog'): self.dialog.dismiss() def close_msg_dialog(self): if hasattr(self,'msg_dialog'): self.msg_dialog.dismiss() if __name__ == '__main__': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(MainApp().app_func()) loop.close() # def main(): # # start_logger() # App = MainApp() # App.run() # if __name__ == '__main__': # # loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # # asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) # # loop.run_until_complete(main()) # # loop.close() # main()