import os,sys; sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'..')),'..'))) from komrade import * from komrade.backend import * import art import textwrap as tw class CLI(Logger): ROUTES = { 'help':'see help messages', 'register':'register new user', 'login':'log back in' } def __init__(self):'' self.cmd='' def run(self,inp='',name=''): clear_screen() self.boot() if inp: self.route(inp) while True: try: inp=input(f'@{ if else "?"}: ') except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() self.route(inp) #await asyncio.sleep(0.5) def route(self,inp): inp=inp.strip() if not inp.startswith('/'): return cmd=inp.split()[0] dat=inp[len(cmd):].strip() cmd=cmd[1:] if cmd in self.ROUTES and hasattr(self,cmd): f=getattr(self,cmd) return f(dat) def boot(self,indent=5): logo=art.text2art(CLI_TITLE,font=CLI_FONT) # logo=make_key_discreet_str(logo,chance_bowdlerize=0.1) #.decode() logo=tw.indent(logo, ' '*indent) scan_print(logo,max_pause=0.005) def help(self): print() for cmd,info in self.ROUTES.items(): print(f' /{cmd}: {info}') # print('\n') print('\n') def intro(self): self.status(None,) def register(self,dat): self.persona = Persona( self.persona.register() ### DIALOGUES # hello, op? def status_keymaker_intro(self,name): self.status(None,{ART_OLDPHONE4+'\n',True},3) #,scan=False,width=None,pause=None,clear=None) nm=name if name else '?' self.status( f'\n\n\n@{nm}: Uh yes hello, Operator? I would like to join Komrade, the socialist network. Could you patch me through?',clear=False) while not name: name=self.status(('name','@TheTelephone: Of course, Komrade...?\n@')).get('vals').get('name').strip() print() self.status( f'@TheTelephone: Of course, Komrade @{name}. A fine name.', '''@TheTelephone: However, I'm just the local operator who lives on your device; my only job is to communicate with the remote operator securely.''', '''Komrade @TheOperator lives on the deep web. She's the one you want to speak with.''', None,{ART_OLDPHONE4},f'''@{name}: Hm, ok. Well, could you patch me through to the remote operator then?''', f'''@{TELEPHONE_NAME}: I could, but it's not safe yet. Your information could be exposed. You need to forge your encryption keys first.''', f'@{name}: Fine, but how do I do that?', f'@{TELEPHONE_NAME}: Visit the Keymaker.', clear=False,pause=True) ### KEYMAKER self.status(None,{tw.indent(ART_KEY,' '*5)+'\n',True},3) #,clear=False,indent=10,pause=False) # convo self.status( f'\n@{name}: Hello, Komrade @Keymaker? I would like help forging a new set of keys.', f'@Keymaker: Of course, Komrade @{name}.', ) return name def status_keymaker_body(self,name,passphrase,pubkey,privkey,hasher): # gen what we need uri_id = pubkey.data_b64 qr_str = get_qr_str(uri_id) qr_path = os.path.join(PATH_QRCODES,name+'.png') # # what are pub/priv? # self.status( # 'I will forge for you two matching keys, part of an "asymmetric" pair.', # 'Please, watch me work.', # None,{tw.indent(ART_KEY,' '*5)+'\n'}, # 'I use a high-level cryptographic function from Themis, a well-respected open-source cryptography library.', # 'I use the iron-clad Elliptic Curve algorthm to generate the asymmetric keypair.', # '> GenerateKeyPair(KEY_PAIR_TYPE.EC)', # 3 # ) # self.status( # None, # {ART_KEY_PAIR,True} # ) #,clear=False,indent=10,pause=False) # self.status( # None,{ART_KEY_PAIR}, # 'A matching set of keys have been generated.', # None,{ART_KEY_PAIR2A+'\n\nA matching set of keys have been generated.'}, # '1) First, I have made a "public key" which you can share with anyone:', # f'{repr(pubkey)}', # 'This key is a randomly-generated binary string, which acts as your "address" on Komrade.', # 'By sharing this key with someone, you enable them to write you an encrypted message which only you can read.' # ) # self.status( # None,{ART_KEY_PAIR2A}, # f'You can share your public key by copy/pasting it to them over a secure channel (e.g. Signal).', # 'Or, you can share it as a QR code, especially phone to phone:', # {qr_str+'\n\n',True,5}, # f'\n\n(If registration is successful, this QR code be saved as an image to your device at: {qr_path}.)' # ) # private keys # self.status(None, # {ART_KEY_PAIR2B}, # 'Second, I have forged a matching "private key":', # f'{repr(privkey)}', # 'With it, you can decrypt any message sent to you via your public key.', # 'You you should never, ever give this key to anyone.', # 'In fact, this key is so dangerous that I will immediately destroy it by splitting it into two half-keys:' # ) # self.status(None, # {ART_KEY_PAIR31A}, # {ART_KEY_PAIR3B+'\n',True}, # 3,'Allow me to explain.', # '(2A) is a separate encryption key generated by your password.', # '(2B) is a version of (2) which has been encrypted by (2A).', # "Because (2) will be destroyed, to rebuild it requires decrypting (2B) with (2A).", # ) # self.status( # None,{ART_KEY_PAIR5+'\n'}, # "However, in a final move, I will now destroy (2A), too.", # None,{ART_KEY_PAIR4Z1+'\n'}, # 'Why? Because now only you can regenerate it, by remembering the password which created it.', # # None,{ART_KEY_PAIR4Z1+'\n'}, # 'However, this also means that if you lose or forget your password, you\'re screwed.', # None,{ART_KEY_PAIR4Z2+'\n'}, # "Because without key (2A),you couldn never unlock (2B).", # None,{ART_KEY_PAIR4Z3+'\n'}, # "And without (2B) and (2A) together, you could never re-assemble the private key of (2).", # None,{ART_KEY_PAIR4Z42+'\n'}, # "And without (2), you couldn't read messages sent to your public key.", ) self.status( None,{ART_KEY_PAIR4Z1}, 'So choosing a password is an important thing!' ) if not passphrase: self.status( 'And it looks like you haven\'t yet chosen a password.', 3,"Don't tell it to me! Never tell it to anyone.", "Ideally, don't even save it on your computer; just remember it, or write it down on paper.", "Instead, whisper it to Komrade @Hasher, who scrambles information '1-way', like a blender.", ) res = self.status(None, {ART_FROG_BLENDER,True}, "@Keymaker: Go ahead, try it. Type anything to @Hasher.", ('str_to_hash',f'@{name}: ',input) ) str_to_hash = res.get('vals').get('str_to_hash') hashed_str = hasher(str_to_hash.encode()) res = self.status( '@Hasher: '+hashed_str ) res = self.status( '@Keymaker: See? Ok, now type in a password.' ('str_to_hash',f'@{name}: ',getpass) ) str_to_hash = res.get('vals').get('str_to_hash') hashed_pass1 = hasher(str_to_hash.encode()) res = self.status( '@Hasher: '+hashed_pass1 ) res = self.status( '@Keymaker: Whatever you entered, it\'s already forgotten. That hashed mess is all that remains.', 'Now type in the same password one more time to verify it:', ('str_to_hash',f'@{name}: ',getpass) ) str_to_hash = res.get('vals').get('str_to_hash') hashed_pass2 = hasher(str_to_hash.encode()) res = self.status( '@Hasher: '+hashed_pass2 ) if hashed_pass1==hashed_pass2: self.status('The passwords matched.') else: self.status('The passwords did not match.') def run_cli(): cli = CLI()'/register','elon') #'/register',name='elon') if __name__=='__main__': run_cli() #