# internal imports import os,sys; sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'..')),'..'))) from komrade import * from komrade.backend import * # external imports from flask import Flask, request, jsonify from flask_classful import FlaskView OPERATOR = None from flask_classful import FlaskView, route class TheSwitchboard(FlaskView, Logger): #default_methods = ['POST'] def get(self,msg): self.log('Incoming call!:',msg) if not msg: self.log('empty request!') return OPERATOR_INTERCEPT_MESSAGE # unenescape msg = msg.replace('_','/') if not isBase64(msg): self.log('not valid input!') return OPERATOR_INTERCEPT_MESSAGE encr_b64_str = msg # first try to get from string to bytes self.log('incoming <--',encr_b64_str) try: encr_b64_b = encr_b64_str.encode('utf-8') self.log('encr_b64_b',encr_b64_b) except UnicodeEncodeError: self.log('not valid unicode?') return OPERATOR_INTERCEPT_MESSAGE # then try to get from b64 bytes to raw bytes try: data = b64decode(encr_b64_b) self.log('data',data) self.log(f'successfully understood input') except binascii.Error as e: self.log('not valid b64?') return OPERATOR_INTERCEPT_MESSAGE # then try to unwrap top level encryption try: tele_pubkey = b64decode(TELEPHONE_PUBKEY) data = SMessage(OPERATOR.privkey_, tele_pubkey).unwrap(data) self.log('decrypted data:',data) except ThemisError: self.log('not really from the telephone?') return OPERATOR_INTERCEPT_MESSAGE # step 3: give to The Operator try: # return 'Success! your message was: '+str(data) res = OPERATOR.route(data) return res except Exception as e: self.log('got exception!!',e) return OPERATOR_INTERCEPT_MESSAGE # return response to caller return OPERATOR_INTERCEPT_MESSAGE def run_forever(port='8080'): global OPERATOR OPERATOR = TheOperator() app = Flask(__name__) TheSwitchboard.register(app, route_base='/op/', route_prefix=None) app.run(debug=True, port=port, host='')