""" Package for interacting on the network at a high level. """ STORE_ANYWHERE=False import random import pickle import asyncio import logging class CannotReachNetworkError(Exception): pass from kademlia.protocol import KademliaProtocol from kademlia.utils import digest from kademlia.storage import HalfForgetfulStorage from kademlia.node import Node from kademlia.crawling import ValueSpiderCrawl from kademlia.crawling import NodeSpiderCrawl log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class Server: """ High level view of a node instance. This is the object that should be created to start listening as an active node on the network. """ protocol_class = KademliaProtocol def __init__(self, ksize=20, alpha=3, node_id=None, storage=None,log=print): """ Create a server instance. This will start listening on the given port. Args: ksize (int): The k parameter from the paper alpha (int): The alpha parameter from the paper node_id: The id for this node on the network. storage: An instance that implements the interface :class:`~kademlia.storage.IStorage` """ self.ksize = ksize self.alpha = alpha self.log = log self.storage = HalfForgetfulStorage() #storage or ForgetfulStorage() print('[Server] storage loaded with %s keys' % len(self.storage.data)) self.node = Node(node_id or digest(random.getrandbits(255))) self.transport = None self.protocol = None self.refresh_loop = None self.save_state_loop = None ## echo #self.re_echo() #def re_echo(self): # return [asyncio.create_task(self.set_digest(k,v)) for k,v in self.storage.items()] def __repr__(self): neighbs=self.bootstrappable_neighbors() neighbors=' '.join(':'.join(str(x) for x in ip_port) for ip_port in neighbs) repr = f"""storing {len(self.storage.data)} keys and has {len(neighbs)} neighbors""" #:\n\t{neighbors}""" return repr def stop(self): if self.transport is not None: self.transport.close() if self.refresh_loop: self.refresh_loop.cancel() if self.save_state_loop: self.save_state_loop.cancel() def _create_protocol(self): return self.protocol_class(self.node, self.storage, self.ksize, self.log) async def listen(self, port, interface=''): """ Start listening on the given port. Provide interface="::" to accept ipv6 address """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() listen = loop.create_datagram_endpoint(self._create_protocol, local_addr=(interface, port)) self.log("Node %i listening on %s:%i" % (self.node.long_id, interface, port)) self.transport, self.protocol = await listen # finally, schedule refreshing table self.refresh_table() def refresh_table(self): self.log("Refreshing routing table") asyncio.ensure_future(self._refresh_table()) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.refresh_loop = loop.call_later(3600, self.refresh_table) async def _refresh_table(self): """ Refresh buckets that haven't had any lookups in the last hour (per section 2.3 of the paper). """ results = [] for node_id in self.protocol.get_refresh_ids(): node = Node(node_id) nearest = self.protocol.router.find_neighbors(node, self.alpha) spider = NodeSpiderCrawl(self.protocol, node, nearest, self.ksize, self.alpha) spider.log=self.log results.append(spider.find()) # do our crawling await asyncio.gather(*results) # now republish keys older than one hour # repub_every=3600 repub_every=3600 for dkey, value in self.storage.iter_older_than(repub_every): await self.set_digest(dkey, value) def bootstrappable_neighbors(self): """ Get a :class:`list` of (ip, port) :class:`tuple` pairs suitable for use as an argument to the bootstrap method. The server should have been bootstrapped already - this is just a utility for getting some neighbors and then storing them if this server is going down for a while. When it comes back up, the list of nodes can be used to bootstrap. """ neighbors = self.protocol.router.find_neighbors(self.node) return [tuple(n)[-2:] for n in neighbors] async def bootstrap(self, addrs): """ Bootstrap the server by connecting to other known nodes in the network. Args: addrs: A `list` of (ip, port) `tuple` pairs. Note that only IP addresses are acceptable - hostnames will cause an error. """ self.log("Attempting to bootstrap node with %i initial contacts", len(addrs)) cos = list(map(self.bootstrap_node, addrs)) gathered = await asyncio.gather(*cos) nodes = [node for node in gathered if node is not None] spider = NodeSpiderCrawl(self.protocol, self.node, nodes, self.ksize, self.alpha) spider.log=self.log return await spider.find() async def bootstrap_node(self, addr): result = await self.protocol.ping(addr, self.node.id) return Node(result[1], addr[0], addr[1]) if result[0] else None async def get(self, key, store_anywhere=STORE_ANYWHERE): """ Get a key if the network has it. Returns: :class:`None` if not found, the value otherwise. """ dkey = digest(key) self.log("Looking up key %s %s" % (key,dkey)) # if this node has it, return it if self.storage.get(dkey) is not None: self.log(f'already have {key} ({dkey}) in storage, returning...') return self.storage.get(dkey) node = Node(dkey) self.log(f'creating node {node}') nearest = self.protocol.router.find_neighbors(node) self.log(f'nearest = {nearest}') if not nearest: raise CannotReachNetworkError("There are no known neighbors to get key %s" % key) found = None #while found is None: spider = ValueSpiderCrawl(self.protocol, node, nearest, self.ksize, self.alpha, log=self.log) self.log(f'spider crawling... {spider}') found = await spider.find() self.log('spider found <-',found,'for key',key,'(',dkey,')') #await asyncio.sleep(5) self.log(f"Eventually found for key {key} value {found}") # if not found: # return None #raise Exception('nothing found!') # # set it locally? @EDIT # if store_anywhere and found: # self.log(f'storing anywhere: {dkey} -> {found}') # self.storage[dkey]=found return found async def set(self, key, value): """ Set the given string key to the given value in the network. """ if not check_dht_value_type(value): raise TypeError( "Value must be of type int, float, bool, str, or bytes" ) self.log(f"setting '{key}' = '{value}' ({type(value)}) on network") dkey = digest(key) return await self.set_digest(dkey, value) async def set_digest(self, dkey, value, store_anywhere=STORE_ANYWHERE): """ Set the given SHA1 digest key (bytes) to the given value in the network. """ node = Node(dkey) self.log('set_digest()',node) nearest = self.protocol.router.find_neighbors(node) self.log('set_digest() nearest -->',nearest) if not nearest: self.log("There are no known neighbors to set key %s" % dkey.hex()) return False spider = NodeSpiderCrawl(self.protocol, node, nearest, self.ksize, self.alpha, log=self.log) nodes = await spider.find() self.log(f"setting '%s' on %s" % (dkey.hex(), list(map(str, nodes)))) # if this node is close too, then store here as well biggest = max([n.distance_to(node) for n in nodes]) if self.node.distance_to(node) < biggest: self.log(f'< bigges -> {dkey} --> {value}') self.storage[dkey] = value results = [self.protocol.call_store(n, dkey, value) for n in nodes] results = await asyncio.gather(*results) self.log(f'--> set() results --> {results}') if store_anywhere: self.log(f'store_anywhere -> {dkey} --> {value}') self.storage[dkey]=value # return true only if at least one store call succeeded return any(results) def save_state(self, fname): """ Save the state of this node (the alpha/ksize/id/immediate neighbors) to a cache file with the given fname. """ self.log("Saving state to %s" % fname) data = { 'ksize': self.ksize, 'alpha': self.alpha, 'id': self.node.id, 'neighbors': self.bootstrappable_neighbors() } if not data['neighbors']: self.log("No known neighbors, so not writing to cache.") return with open(fname, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(data, file) @classmethod async def load_state(cls, fname, port, interface=''): """ Load the state of this node (the alpha/ksize/id/immediate neighbors) from a cache file with the given fname and then bootstrap the node (using the given port/interface to start listening/bootstrapping). """ self.log("Loading state from %s" % fname) with open(fname, 'rb') as file: data = pickle.load(file) svr = Server(data['ksize'], data['alpha'], data['id']) await svr.listen(port, interface) if data['neighbors']: await svr.bootstrap(data['neighbors']) return svr def save_state_regularly(self, fname, frequency=600): """ Save the state of node with a given regularity to the given filename. Args: fname: File name to save retularly to frequency: Frequency in seconds that the state should be saved. By default, 10 minutes. """ self.save_state(fname) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.save_state_loop = loop.call_later(frequency, self.save_state_regularly, fname, frequency) def check_dht_value_type(value): """ Checks to see if the type of the value is a valid type for placing in the dht. """ typeset = [ int, float, bool, str, bytes ] return type(value) in typeset # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck