class KomradeException(Exception): pass # make sure komrade is on path import sys,os sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def logger(): import logging handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s]\n%(message)s\n') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger = logging.getLogger('komrade') logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) return logger LOG = None def log(*x,off=False): global LOG #if not LOG: LOG=logger().debug if not LOG: LOG=print tolog=' '.join(str(_) for _ in x) if not off: LOG(tolog) if SAVE_LOGS: path_log = os.path.join(PATH_LOG_OUTPUT,date_today()+'.log') with open(path_log,'a') as of: of.write('\n'+tolog+'\n') def clear_screen(): import os # pass os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') def do_pause(): try: input('') except KeyboardInterrupt: exit('\n\nGoodbye.') import textwrap as tw def dict_format(d, tab=0): def reppr(v): if type(v)==bytes: if not isBase64(v): v=b64encode(v) v=v.decode() # v='\n'.join(tw.wrap(v,10)) return v s = ['{\n\n'] for k,v in sorted(d.items()): v=reppr(v) #print(k,v,type(v)) if isinstance(v, dict): v = dict_format(v, tab+1) else: v = repr(v) # s.append('%s%r: %s (%s),\n' % (' '*tab, k, v, type(v).__name__)) s.append('%s%r: %s,\n\n' % (' '*tab, k, reppr(v))) s.append('%s}' % (' '*(tab-2))) return ''.join(s) import inspect,time from komrade.constants import * class Logger(object): @property def off(self): x=os.environ.get('KOMRADE_SHOW_LOG') if x is not None: x=x.strip().lower() return x in {'n','0','false'} return not SHOW_LOG def hide_log(self): os.environ['KOMRADE_SHOW_LOG']='0' def show_log(self): os.environ['KOMRADE_SHOW_LOG']='1' def toggle_log(self): self.show_log() if else self.hide_log() def log(self,*x,pause=PAUSE_LOGGER,clear=CLEAR_LOGGER): curframe = inspect.currentframe() calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 2) mytype = type(self).__name__ caller = calframe[1][3] x=list(x) x.insert(0,f'[{mytype}.{caller}()]') log( # .center(CLI_WIDTH) + '\n\n', *x, ) # try: if pause: do_pause() if clear: clear_screen() # except KeyboardInterrupt: # exit() def printt(*x,width=STATUS_LINE_WIDTH,end='\n',indent=1,ret=False,scan=False,**y): if not scan and not width: print(*x,end=end,**y) else: import textwrap as tw xs=end.join(str(xx) for xx in x if type(xx)==str) if width: xw = [_.strip() for _ in tw.wrap(xs,width=width)] # xw = [_ for _ in tw.wrap(xs,width=width)] xs=end.join(xw) xs = tw.indent(xs,' '*indent) if ret: return xs print(xs) if scan==False else scan_print(xs) def status(self,*msg,pause=True,clear=False,ticks=[],tab=2,speed=10,end=None,indent=0,width=80,scan=False): import random if not SHOW_STATUS: return # if len(msg)==1 and type(msg[0])==str: # msg=[x for x in msg[0].split('\n\n')] if clear: clear_screen() paras=[] res={} for para in msg: plen = para if type(para)==int or type(para)==float else None if type(para) in {int,float}: plen=int(para) # print() print(' '*indent,end='',flush=True) for i in range(plen): tick = ticks[i] if i2 else input ans=None while not ans: ans=f(q).strip() res[k]=ans elif type(para) is dict: print(dict_format(para,tab=tab)) elif pause: self.printt(para,flush=True,end=end if end else '\n',scan=scan,indent=indent) paras+=[para] do_pause() else: self.printt(para,flush=True,end=end if end else '\n',scan=scan,indent=indent) paras+=[para] return {'paras':paras, 'vals':res} import binascii,base64 def isBase64(sb): try: if isinstance(sb, str): # If there's any unicode here, an exception will be thrown and the function will return false sb_bytes = bytes(sb, 'ascii') elif isinstance(sb, bytes): sb_bytes = sb else: return False raise ValueError("Argument must be string or bytes") return base64.b64encode(base64.b64decode(sb_bytes)) == sb_bytes except binascii.Error: return False import inspect,functools def get_class_that_defined_method(meth): if isinstance(meth, functools.partial): return get_class_that_defined_method(meth.func) if inspect.ismethod(meth) or (inspect.isbuiltin(meth) and getattr(meth, '__self__', None) is not None and getattr(meth.__self__, '__class__', None)): for cls in inspect.getmro(meth.__self__.__class__): if meth.__name__ in cls.__dict__: return cls meth = getattr(meth, '__func__', meth) # fallback to __qualname__ parsing if inspect.isfunction(meth): cls = getattr(inspect.getmodule(meth), meth.__qualname__.split('.', 1)[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0], None) if isinstance(cls, type): return cls return getattr(meth, '__objclass__', None) # handle special descriptor objects def d2b64(d): d2={} for k,v in d.items(): if type(v)==bytes and not isBase64(v): d2[k]=b64encode(v) else: d2[k]=v return d2 def b64enc(x): if x is None: return b'' if type(x) not in {str,bytes}: return x if type(x)==str: x=x.encode() if not isBase64(x): x=b64encode(x) return x def b64dec(x): if x is None: return b'' if type(x) not in {str,bytes}: return x if type(x)==str: x=x.encode() if isBase64(x): x=b64decode(x) return x def b64enc_s(x): return b64enc(x).decode() def hashish(binary_data): import hashlib return hashlib.sha256(binary_data).hexdigest() def create_secret(): if not os.path.exists(PATH_CRYPT_SECRET): secret = get_random_binary_id() from komrade.backend.keymaker import make_key_discreet print('shhh! creating secret:',make_key_discreet(secret)) with open(PATH_CRYPT_SECRET,'wb') as of: of.write(secret) def hasher(dat,secret=None): import hashlib if not secret: create_secret() with open(PATH_CRYPT_SECRET,'rb') as f: secret = if type(dat)==str: dat=dat.encode() # print(dat,secret[:10]) return b64encode(hashlib.sha256(dat + secret).hexdigest().encode()).decode() from base64 import b64encode,b64decode import ujson as json import pickle def package_for_transmission(data_json): # print('package_for_transmission.data_json =',data_json) data_json_b = pickle.dumps(data_json) # print('data_json_b??') # print('package_for_transmission.data_json_b =',data_json_bstr) return data_json_b def dejsonize(dict): for k,v in dict.items(): if type(v)==str and isBase64(v): dict[k]=v.encode() # if type(v)==bytes and isBase64(v): # dict[k]=b64decode(v) elif type(v)==dict: dict[k]=dejsonize(v) return dict def unpackage_from_transmission(data_json_b64): # print('unpackage_from_transmission.data_json_b64 =',data_json_b64) data_json_b = b64decode(data_json_b64) # print('unpackage_from_transmission.data_json_bstr =',data_json_b) data_json = pickle.loads(data_json_b) # print('unpackage_from_transmission.data_json =',data_json) # data_json_dejson = dejsonize(data_json) # print('unpackage_from_transmission.data_json =',data_json_dejson) return data_json def get_random_id(): import uuid return uuid.uuid4().hex def get_random_binary_id(): import base64 idstr = get_random_id() return base64.b64encode(idstr.encode()) # Recursive dictionary merge # # # Copyright (C) 2016 Paul Durivage # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import collections def dict_merge(dct, merge_dct): """ Recursive dict merge. Inspired by :meth:``dict.update()``, instead of updating only top-level keys, dict_merge recurses down into dicts nested to an arbitrary depth, updating keys. The ``merge_dct`` is merged into ``dct``. :param dct: dict onto which the merge is executed :param merge_dct: dct merged into dct :return: None """ for k, v in merge_dct.items(): if (k in dct and isinstance(dct[k], dict) and isinstance(merge_dct[k], collections.Mapping)): dict_merge(dct[k], merge_dct[k]) else: dct[k] = merge_dct[k] def capture_stdout(func): import io from contextlib import redirect_stdout f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): func() out = f.getvalue() return out def scan_print(xstr,min_pause=0,max_pause=.01,speed=2): import random,time for c in xstr: print(c,end='',flush=True) naptime=random.uniform(min_pause, max_pause / speed) time.sleep(naptime) # time.sleep() def get_qr_str(data): import qrcode qr=qrcode.QRCode() qr.add_data(data) ascii = capture_stdout(qr.print_ascii) ascii = ascii[:-1] # removing last line break return '\n ' + ascii.strip() def indent_str(x,n): import textwrap as tw return tw.indent(x,' '*n) def date_today(): import datetime dt = return f'{dt.year}-{str(dt.month).zfill(2)}-{}' def multiline_input(msg=None): # if msg: # print(msg,end=' ') contents = [] i=-1 while True: i+=1 try: line = input(msg if msg and not i else "") #.decode('utf-8',errors='ignore') contents.append(line) except EOFError: break except KeyboardInterrupt: contents='' break txt="\n".join(contents) if contents else contents return txt