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package multiplex
import (
log ""
const (
acceptBacklog = 1024
// TODO: will this be a signature?
defaultSendRecvBufSize = 20480
defaultInactivityTimeout = 30 * time.Second
var ErrBrokenSession = errors.New("broken session")
var errRepeatSessionClosing = errors.New("trying to close a closed session")
var errRepeatStreamClosing = errors.New("trying to close a closed stream")
var errNoMultiplex = errors.New("a singleplexing session can have only one stream")
type switchboardStrategy int
type SessionConfig struct {
// Valve is used to limit transmission rates, and record and limit usage
Unordered bool
// A Singleplexing session always has just one stream
Singleplex bool
// maximum size of an obfuscated frame, including headers and overhead
MsgOnWireSizeLimit int
// StreamSendBufferSize sets the buffer size used to send data from a Stream (Stream.obfsBuf)
StreamSendBufferSize int
// ConnReceiveBufferSize sets the buffer size used to receive data from an underlying Conn (allocated in
// switchboard.deplex)
ConnReceiveBufferSize int
// InactivityTimeout sets the duration a Session waits while it has no active streams before it closes itself
InactivityTimeout time.Duration
// A Session represents a self-contained communication chain between local and remote. It manages its streams,
// controls serialisation and encryption of data sent and received using the supplied Obfuscator, and send and receive
// data through a manged connection pool filled with underlying connections added to it.
type Session struct {
id uint32
// atomic
nextStreamID uint32
// atomic
activeStreamCount uint32
streams sync.Map
// a pool of heap allocated frame objects so we don't have to allocate a new one each time we receive a frame
recvFramePool sync.Pool
// Switchboard manages all connections to remote
sb *switchboard
// Used for LocalAddr() and RemoteAddr() etc.
addrs atomic.Value
// For accepting new streams
acceptCh chan *Stream
closed uint32
terminalMsg atomic.Value
// the max size passed to Write calls before it splits it into multiple frames
// i.e. the max size a piece of data can fit into a Frame.Payload
maxStreamUnitWrite int
func MakeSession(id uint32, config SessionConfig) *Session {
sesh := &Session{
id: id,
SessionConfig: config,
nextStreamID: 1,
acceptCh: make(chan *Stream, acceptBacklog),
recvFramePool: sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return &Frame{} }},
sesh.addrs.Store([]net.Addr{nil, nil})
if config.Valve == nil {
if config.StreamSendBufferSize <= 0 {
sesh.StreamSendBufferSize = defaultSendRecvBufSize
if config.ConnReceiveBufferSize <= 0 {
sesh.ConnReceiveBufferSize = defaultSendRecvBufSize
if config.MsgOnWireSizeLimit <= 0 {
sesh.MsgOnWireSizeLimit = defaultSendRecvBufSize - 1024
if config.InactivityTimeout == 0 {
sesh.InactivityTimeout = defaultInactivityTimeout
// todo: validation. this must be smaller than StreamSendBufferSize
sesh.maxStreamUnitWrite = sesh.MsgOnWireSizeLimit - frameHeaderLength - sesh.Obfuscator.maxOverhead = makeSwitchboard(sesh)
time.AfterFunc(sesh.InactivityTimeout, sesh.checkTimeout)
return sesh
func (sesh *Session) streamCountIncr() uint32 {
return atomic.AddUint32(&sesh.activeStreamCount, 1)
func (sesh *Session) streamCountDecr() uint32 {
return atomic.AddUint32(&sesh.activeStreamCount, ^uint32(0))
func (sesh *Session) streamCount() uint32 {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&sesh.activeStreamCount)
// AddConnection is used to add an underlying connection to the connection pool
func (sesh *Session) AddConnection(conn net.Conn) {
addrs := []net.Addr{conn.LocalAddr(), conn.RemoteAddr()}
// OpenStream is similar to net.Dial. It opens up a new stream
func (sesh *Session) OpenStream() (*Stream, error) {
if sesh.IsClosed() {
return nil, ErrBrokenSession
id := atomic.AddUint32(&sesh.nextStreamID, 1) - 1
// Because atomic.AddUint32 returns the value after incrementation
if sesh.Singleplex && id > 1 {
// if there are more than one streams, which shouldn't happen if we are
// singleplexing
return nil, errNoMultiplex
stream := makeStream(sesh, id)
sesh.streams.Store(id, stream)
log.Tracef("stream %v of session %v opened", id,
return stream, nil
// Accept is similar to net.Listener's Accept(). It blocks and returns an incoming stream
func (sesh *Session) Accept() (net.Conn, error) {
if sesh.IsClosed() {
return nil, ErrBrokenSession
stream := <-sesh.acceptCh
if stream == nil {
return nil, ErrBrokenSession
log.Tracef("stream %v of session %v accepted",,
return stream, nil
func (sesh *Session) closeStream(s *Stream, active bool) error {
// must be holding s.wirtingM on entry
if atomic.SwapUint32(&s.closed, 1) == 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("closing stream %v: %w",, errRepeatStreamClosing)
_ = s.getRecvBuf().Close() // recvBuf.Close should not return error
if active {
// Notify remote that this stream is closed
padding := genRandomPadding()
s.writingFrame.Closing = closingStream
s.writingFrame.Payload = padding
obfsBuf := make([]byte, len(padding)+frameHeaderLength+sesh.Obfuscator.maxOverhead)
i, err := sesh.Obfs(&s.writingFrame, obfsBuf, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err =[:i], &s.assignedConnId)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Tracef("stream %v actively closed.",
} else {
log.Tracef("stream %v passively closed",
// We set it as nil to signify that the stream id had existed before.
// If we Delete( straight away, later on in recvDataFromRemote, it will not be able to tell
// if the frame it received was from a new stream or a dying stream whose frame arrived late
sesh.streams.Store(, nil)
if sesh.streamCountDecr() == 0 {
if sesh.Singleplex {
return sesh.Close()
} else {
log.Debugf("session %v has no active stream left",
time.AfterFunc(sesh.InactivityTimeout, sesh.checkTimeout)
return nil
// recvDataFromRemote deobfuscate the frame and read the Closing field. If it is a closing frame, it writes the frame
// to the stream buffer, otherwise it fetches the desired stream instance, or creates and stores one if it's a new
// stream and then writes to the stream buffer
func (sesh *Session) recvDataFromRemote(data []byte) error {
frame := sesh.recvFramePool.Get().(*Frame)
defer sesh.recvFramePool.Put(frame)
err := sesh.Deobfs(frame, data)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to decrypt a frame for session %v: %v",, err)
if frame.Closing == closingSession {
sesh.SetTerminalMsg("Received a closing notification frame")
return sesh.passiveClose()
newStream := makeStream(sesh, frame.StreamID)
existingStreamI, existing := sesh.streams.LoadOrStore(frame.StreamID, newStream)
if existing {
if existingStreamI == nil {
// this is when the stream existed before but has since been closed. We do nothing
return nil
return existingStreamI.(*Stream).recvFrame(*frame)
} else {
// new stream
sesh.acceptCh <- newStream
return newStream.recvFrame(*frame)
func (sesh *Session) SetTerminalMsg(msg string) {
func (sesh *Session) TerminalMsg() string {
msg := sesh.terminalMsg.Load()
if msg != nil {
return msg.(string)
} else {
return ""
func (sesh *Session) closeSession(closeSwitchboard bool) error {
if atomic.SwapUint32(&sesh.closed, 1) == 1 {
log.Debugf("session %v has already been closed",
return errRepeatSessionClosing
sesh.acceptCh <- nil
sesh.streams.Range(func(key, streamI interface{}) bool {
if streamI == nil {
return true
stream := streamI.(*Stream)
atomic.StoreUint32(&stream.closed, 1)
_ = stream.getRecvBuf().Close() // will not block
return true
if closeSwitchboard {
return nil
func (sesh *Session) passiveClose() error {
log.Debugf("attempting to passively close session %v",
err := sesh.closeSession(true)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("session %v closed gracefully",
return nil
func genRandomPadding() []byte {
lenB := make([]byte, 1)
pad := make([]byte, int(lenB[0])+1)
return pad
func (sesh *Session) Close() error {
log.Debugf("attempting to actively close session %v",
err := sesh.closeSession(false)
if err != nil {
return err
// we send a notice frame telling remote to close the session
pad := genRandomPadding()
f := &Frame{
StreamID: 0xffffffff,
Seq: 0,
Closing: closingSession,
Payload: pad,
obfsBuf := make([]byte, len(pad)+frameHeaderLength+sesh.Obfuscator.maxOverhead)
i, err := sesh.Obfs(f, obfsBuf, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err =[:i], new(uint32))
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("session %v closed gracefully",
return nil
func (sesh *Session) IsClosed() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&sesh.closed) == 1
func (sesh *Session) checkTimeout() {
if sesh.streamCount() == 0 && !sesh.IsClosed() {
func (sesh *Session) Addr() net.Addr { return sesh.addrs.Load().([]net.Addr)[0] }