You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

205 lines
4.9 KiB

package client
import (
mux ""
// rawConfig represents the fields in the config json file
// nullable means if it's empty, a default value will be chosen in SplitConfigs
// jsonOptional means if the json's empty, its value will be set from environment variables or commandline args
// but it mustn't be empty when SplitConfigs is called
type rawConfig struct {
ServerName string
ProxyMethod string
EncryptionMethod string
UID []byte
PublicKey []byte
NumConn int
LocalHost string // jsonOptional
LocalPort string // jsonOptional
RemoteHost string // jsonOptional
RemotePort string // jsonOptional
// defaults set in SplitConfigs
UDP bool // nullable
BrowserSig string // nullable
Transport string // nullable
StreamTimeout int // nullable
KeepAlive int // nullable
type localConnConfig struct {
LocalAddr string
Timeout time.Duration
// semi-colon separated value. This is for Android plugin options
func ssvToJson(ssv string) (ret []byte) {
elem := func(val string, lst []string) bool {
for _, v := range lst {
if val == v {
return true
return false
unescape := func(s string) string {
r := strings.Replace(s, `\\`, `\`, -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, `\=`, `=`, -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, `\;`, `;`, -1)
return r
unquoted := []string{"NumConn", "StreamTimeout", "KeepAlive", "UDP"}
lines := strings.Split(unescape(ssv), ";")
ret = []byte("{")
for _, ln := range lines {
if ln == "" {
sp := strings.SplitN(ln, "=", 2)
key := sp[0]
value := sp[1]
// JSON doesn't like quotation marks around int and bool
// This is extremely ugly but it's still better than writing a tokeniser
if elem(key, unquoted) {
ret = append(ret, []byte(`"`+key+`":`+value+`,`)...)
} else {
ret = append(ret, []byte(`"`+key+`":"`+value+`",`)...)
ret = ret[:len(ret)-1] // remove the last comma
ret = append(ret, '}')
return ret
func ParseConfig(conf string) (raw *rawConfig, err error) {
var content []byte
// Checking if it's a path to json or a ssv string
if strings.Contains(conf, ";") && strings.Contains(conf, "=") {
content = ssvToJson(conf)
} else {
content, err = ioutil.ReadFile(conf)
if err != nil {
raw = new(rawConfig)
err = json.Unmarshal(content, &raw)
if err != nil {
func (raw *rawConfig) SplitConfigs() (local *localConnConfig, remote *remoteConnConfig, auth *authInfo, err error) {
nullErr := func(field string) (local *localConnConfig, remote *remoteConnConfig, auth *authInfo, err error) {
err = fmt.Errorf("%v cannot be empty", field)
auth = new(authInfo)
auth.UID = raw.UID
auth.Unordered = raw.UDP
if raw.ServerName == "" {
return nullErr("ServerName")
auth.MockDomain = raw.ServerName
if raw.ProxyMethod == "" {
return nullErr("ServerName")
auth.ProxyMethod = raw.ProxyMethod
if len(raw.UID) == 0 {
return nullErr("UID")
// static public key
if len(raw.PublicKey) == 0 {
return nullErr("PublicKey")
pub, ok := ecdh.Unmarshal(raw.PublicKey)
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal Public key")
auth.ServerPubKey = pub
// Encryption method
switch strings.ToLower(raw.EncryptionMethod) {
case "plain":
auth.EncryptionMethod = mux.E_METHOD_PLAIN
case "aes-gcm":
auth.EncryptionMethod = mux.E_METHOD_AES_GCM
case "chacha20-poly1305":
auth.EncryptionMethod = mux.E_METHOD_CHACHA20_POLY1305
err = fmt.Errorf("unknown encryption method %v", raw.EncryptionMethod)
remote = new(remoteConnConfig)
if raw.RemoteHost == "" {
return nullErr("RemoteHost")
if raw.RemotePort == "" {
return nullErr("RemotePort")
remote.RemoteAddr = net.JoinHostPort(raw.RemoteHost, raw.RemotePort)
if raw.NumConn == 0 {
return nullErr("NumConn")
remote.NumConn = raw.NumConn
// Transport and (if TLS mode), browser
switch strings.ToLower(raw.Transport) {
case "cdn":
remote.Transport = WSOverTLS{remote.RemoteAddr}
case "direct":
var browser browser
switch strings.ToLower(raw.BrowserSig) {
case "firefox":
browser = &Firefox{}
case "chrome":
browser = &Chrome{}
remote.Transport = DirectTLS{browser}
// KeepAlive
if raw.KeepAlive <= 0 {
remote.KeepAlive = -1
} else {
remote.KeepAlive = remote.KeepAlive * time.Second
local = new(localConnConfig)
if raw.LocalHost == "" {
return nullErr("LocalHost")
if raw.LocalPort == "" {
return nullErr("LocalPort")
local.LocalAddr = net.JoinHostPort(raw.LocalHost, raw.LocalPort)
// stream no write timeout
if raw.StreamTimeout == 0 {
local.Timeout = 300 * time.Second
} else {
local.Timeout = time.Duration(raw.StreamTimeout) * time.Second