Refactor server configuration

Andy Wang 4 years ago
parent 97858197cd
commit 15f343db31

@ -17,19 +17,25 @@ import (
var version string
func parseBindAddr(bindAddrs []string) ([]net.Addr, error) {
var addrs []net.Addr
for _, addr := range bindAddrs {
bindAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addrs = append(addrs, bindAddr)
return addrs, nil
func main() {
// set TLS bind host through commandline for legacy support, default 0.0.0,0
var ssRemoteHost string
// set TLS bind port through commandline for legacy support, default 443
var ssRemotePort string
var config string
var pluginMode bool
if os.Getenv("SS_LOCAL_HOST") != "" && os.Getenv("SS_LOCAL_PORT") != "" {
pluginMode = true
ssRemoteHost = os.Getenv("SS_REMOTE_HOST")
ssRemotePort = os.Getenv("SS_REMOTE_PORT")
config = os.Getenv("SS_PLUGIN_OPTIONS")
} else {
flag.StringVar(&config, "c", "server.json", "config: path to the configuration file or its content")
@ -79,29 +85,31 @@ func main() {
log.Infof("Starting standalone mode")
sta, _ := server.InitState(time.Now)
err := sta.ParseConfig(config)
raw, err := server.ParseConfig(config)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Configuration file error: %v", err)
if !pluginMode && len(sta.BindAddr) == 0 {
bindAddr, err := parseBindAddr(raw.BindAddr)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to parse BindAddr: %v", err)
if !pluginMode && len(bindAddr) == 0 {
https, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", ":443")
http, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", ":80")
sta.BindAddr = []net.Addr{https, http}
bindAddr = []net.Addr{https, http}
// when cloak is started as a shadowsocks plugin
if pluginMode {
ssLocalHost := os.Getenv("SS_LOCAL_HOST")
ssLocalPort := os.Getenv("SS_LOCAL_PORT")
raw.ProxyBook["shadowsocks"] = []string{"tcp", net.JoinHostPort(ssLocalHost, ssLocalPort)}
sta.ProxyBook["shadowsocks"], err = net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", net.JoinHostPort(ssLocalHost, ssLocalPort))
if err != nil {
ssRemoteHost := os.Getenv("SS_REMOTE_HOST")
ssRemotePort := os.Getenv("SS_REMOTE_PORT")
var ssBind string
// When listening on an IPv6 and IPv4, SS gives REMOTE_HOST as e.g. ::|
v4nv6 := len(strings.Split(ssRemoteHost, "|")) == 2
@ -116,7 +124,7 @@ func main() {
shouldAppend := true
for i, addr := range sta.BindAddr {
for i, addr := range bindAddr {
if addr.String() == ssBindAddr.String() {
shouldAppend = false
@ -128,15 +136,20 @@ func main() {
// listen on both
if ssBindAddr.String() == ":"+ssRemotePort {
shouldAppend = true
sta.BindAddr[i] = ssBindAddr
bindAddr[i] = ssBindAddr
if shouldAppend {
sta.BindAddr = append(sta.BindAddr, ssBindAddr)
bindAddr = append(bindAddr, ssBindAddr)
sta, err := server.InitState(raw, time.Now)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to initialise server state: %v", err)
listen := func(bindAddr net.Addr) {
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", bindAddr.String())
log.Infof("Listening on %v", bindAddr)
@ -153,8 +166,8 @@ func main() {
for i, addr := range sta.BindAddr {
if i != len(sta.BindAddr)-1 {
for i, addr := range bindAddr {
if i != len(bindAddr)-1 {
go listen(addr)
} else {

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import (
gmux ""
type rawConfig struct {
type RawConfig struct {
ProxyBook map[string][]string
BindAddr []string
BypassUID [][]byte
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ type rawConfig struct {
// State type stores the global state of the program
type State struct {
BindAddr []net.Addr
ProxyBook map[string]net.Addr
ProxyDialer common.Dialer
@ -55,17 +54,6 @@ type State struct {
LocalAPIRouter *gmux.Router
func InitState(nowFunc func() time.Time) (*State, error) {
ret := &State{
Now: nowFunc,
BypassUID: make(map[[16]byte]struct{}),
ProxyBook: map[string]net.Addr{},
usedRandom: map[[32]byte]int64{},
go ret.UsedRandomCleaner()
return ret, nil
func parseRedirAddr(redirAddr string) (net.Addr, string, error) {
var host string
var port string
@ -109,18 +97,6 @@ func parseLocalPanel(databasePath string) (*userPanel, *gmux.Router, error) {
func parseBindAddr(bindAddrs []string) ([]net.Addr, error) {
var addrs []net.Addr
for _, addr := range bindAddrs {
bindAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addrs = append(addrs, bindAddr)
return addrs, nil
func parseProxyBook(bookEntries map[string][]string) (map[string]net.Addr, error) {
proxyBook := map[string]net.Addr{}
for name, pair := range bookEntries {
@ -149,28 +125,40 @@ func parseProxyBook(bookEntries map[string][]string) (map[string]net.Addr, error
return proxyBook, nil
// ParseConfig parses the config (either a path to json or the json itself as argument) into a State variable
func (sta *State) ParseConfig(conf string) (err error) {
var content []byte
var preParse rawConfig
func ParseConfig(conf string) (raw RawConfig, err error) {
content, errPath := ioutil.ReadFile(conf)
if errPath != nil {
errJson := json.Unmarshal(content, &preParse)
errJson := json.Unmarshal(content, &raw)
if errJson != nil {
return errors.New("Failed to read/unmarshal configuration, path is invalid or " + errJson.Error())
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to read/unmarshal configuration, path is invalid or %v", errJson)
} else {
errJson := json.Unmarshal(content, &preParse)
errJson := json.Unmarshal(content, &raw)
if errJson != nil {
return errors.New("Failed to read configuration file: " + errJson.Error())
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to read configuration file: %v", errJson)
// ParseConfig parses the config (either a path to json or the json itself as argument) into a State variable
func InitState(preParse RawConfig, nowFunc func() time.Time) (sta *State, err error) {
sta = &State{
Now: nowFunc,
BypassUID: make(map[[16]byte]struct{}),
ProxyBook: map[string]net.Addr{},
usedRandom: map[[32]byte]int64{},
if preParse.CncMode {
return errors.New("command & control mode not implemented")
err = errors.New("command & control mode not implemented")
} else {
sta.Panel, sta.LocalAPIRouter, err = parseLocalPanel(preParse.DatabasePath)
if err != nil {
if preParse.StreamTimeout == 0 {
@ -187,17 +175,14 @@ func (sta *State) ParseConfig(conf string) (err error) {
sta.RedirHost, sta.RedirPort, err = parseRedirAddr(preParse.RedirAddr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse RedirAddr: %v", err)
sta.BindAddr, err = parseBindAddr(preParse.BindAddr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse BindAddr: %v", err)
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to parse RedirAddr: %v", err)
sta.ProxyBook, err = parseProxyBook(preParse.ProxyBook)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse ProxyBook: %v", err)
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to parse ProxyBook: %v", err)
var pv [32]byte
@ -214,7 +199,8 @@ func (sta *State) ParseConfig(conf string) (err error) {
copy(arrUID[:], sta.AdminUID)
sta.BypassUID[arrUID] = struct{}{}
return nil
go sta.UsedRandomCleaner()
return sta, nil
// IsBypass checks if a UID is a bypass user
