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6 years ago
package client
import (
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
log ""
5 years ago
mux ""
6 years ago
5 years ago
// RawConfig represents the fields in the config json file
// jsonOptional means if the json's empty, its value will be set from environment variables or commandline args
// but it mustn't be empty when ProcessRawConfig is called
5 years ago
type RawConfig struct {
// Required fields
// ServerName is the domain you appear to be visiting
// to your Firewall or ISP
ServerName string
// ProxyMethod is the name of the underlying proxy you wish
// to connect to, as determined by your server. The value can
// be any string whose UTF-8 ENCODED byte length is no greater than
// 12 bytes
ProxyMethod string
// UID is a 16-byte secret string unique to an authorised user
// The same UID can be used by the same user for multiple Cloak connections
UID []byte
// PublicKey is the 32-byte public Curve25519 ECDH key of your server
PublicKey []byte
// RemoteHost is the Cloak server's hostname or IP address
RemoteHost string // jsonOptional
// Optional Fields
// EncryptionMethod is the cryptographic algorithm used to
// encrypt data on the wire.
// Valid values are `aes-128-gcm`, `aes-256-gcm`, `chacha20-poly1305`, and `plain`
// Defaults to `aes-256-gcm`
EncryptionMethod string
// NumConn is the amount of underlying TLS connections to establish with Cloak server.
// Cloak multiplexes any number of incoming connections to a fixed number of underlying TLS connections.
// If set to 0, a special singleplex mode is enabled: each incoming connection will correspond to exactly one
// TLS connection
// Defaults to 4
NumConn *int
// UDP enables UDP semantics, where packets must fit into one unit of message (below 16000 bytes by default),
// and packets can be received out of order. Though reliable delivery is still guaranteed.
UDP bool
// BrowserSig is the browser signature to be used. Options are `chrome` and `firefox`
// Defaults to `chrome`
BrowserSig string
// Transport is either `direct` or `cdn`. Under `direct`, the client connects to a Cloak server directly.
// Under `cdn`, the client connects to a CDN provider such as Amazon Cloudfront, which in turn connects
// to a Cloak server.
// Defaults to `direct`
Transport string
// CDNOriginHost is the CDN Origin's (i.e. Cloak server) real hostname or IP address, which is encrypted between
// the client and the CDN server, and therefore hidden to ISP or firewalls. This only has effect when Transport
// is set to `cdn`
// Defaults to RemoteHost
CDNOriginHost string
// KeepAlive is the interval between TCP KeepAlive packets to be sent over the underlying TLS connections
// Defaults to -1, which means no TCP KeepAlive is ever sent
KeepAlive int
// RemotePort is the port Cloak server is listening to
// Defaults to 443
RemotePort string
6 years ago
type RemoteConnConfig struct {
Singleplex bool
NumConn int
KeepAlive time.Duration
RemoteAddr string
TransportMaker func() transports.Transport
type AuthInfo = transports.AuthInfo
func (raw *RawConfig) ProcessRawConfig(worldState common.WorldState) (remote RemoteConnConfig, auth AuthInfo, err error) {
nullErr := func(field string) (remote RemoteConnConfig, auth AuthInfo, err error) {
err = fmt.Errorf("%v cannot be empty", field)
auth.UID = raw.UID
auth.Unordered = raw.UDP
if raw.ServerName == "" {
return nullErr("ServerName")
auth.MockDomain = raw.ServerName
if raw.ProxyMethod == "" {
return nullErr("ProxyMethod")
auth.ProxyMethod = raw.ProxyMethod
if len(raw.UID) == 0 {
return nullErr("UID")
// static public key
if len(raw.PublicKey) == 0 {
return nullErr("PublicKey")
pub, ok := ecdh.Unmarshal(raw.PublicKey)
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal Public key")
auth.ServerPubKey = pub
5 years ago
auth.WorldState = worldState
// Encryption method
switch strings.ToLower(raw.EncryptionMethod) {
case "plain":
auth.EncryptionMethod = mux.EncryptionMethodPlain
case "aes-gcm", "aes-256-gcm":
auth.EncryptionMethod = mux.EncryptionMethodAES256GCM
case "aes-128-gcm":
auth.EncryptionMethod = mux.EncryptionMethodAES128GCM
case "chacha20-poly1305":
auth.EncryptionMethod = mux.EncryptionMethodChaha20Poly1305
case "":
auth.EncryptionMethod = mux.EncryptionMethodAES256GCM
err = fmt.Errorf("unknown encryption method %v", raw.EncryptionMethod)
if raw.RemoteHost == "" {
return nullErr("RemoteHost")
var remotePort string
if raw.RemotePort == "" {
remotePort = "443"
} else {
remotePort = raw.RemotePort
remote.RemoteAddr = net.JoinHostPort(raw.RemoteHost, remotePort)
if raw.NumConn == nil {
remote.NumConn = 4
remote.Singleplex = false
} else if *raw.NumConn <= 0 {
remote.NumConn = 1
remote.Singleplex = true
} else {
remote.NumConn = *raw.NumConn
remote.Singleplex = false
// Transport and (if TLS mode), browser
switch strings.ToLower(raw.Transport) {
case "cdn":
cdnPort := raw.RemotePort
var cdnHost string
if raw.CDNOriginHost == "" {
cdnHost = raw.RemoteHost
} else {
cdnHost = raw.CDNOriginHost
remote.TransportMaker = func() transports.Transport {
return &transports.WSOverTLS{
CDNHost: cdnHost,
CDNPort: cdnPort,
case "direct":
var browser browser
switch strings.ToLower(raw.BrowserSig) {
case "firefox":
browser = firefox
case "safari":
browser = safari
case "chrome":
browser = chrome
remote.TransportMaker = func() transports.Transport {
return &transports.DirectTLS{
Browser: browser,
// KeepAlive
if raw.KeepAlive <= 0 {
remote.KeepAlive = -1
} else {
remote.KeepAlive = remote.KeepAlive * time.Second