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#include %A_LineFile%\..\CLR.ahk
class AutoHotInterception {
_contextManagers := {}
;_contextStates := {}
__New(cls := "Manager"){
dllName := "Interception.dll"
dllFile := A_LineFile "\..\" dllName
if (!FileExist(dllFile)){
MsgBox % "Unable to find lib\" dllName ", exiting...`nYou should take a copy of this file from where you installed Interception, and drop it into AHI's lib folder"
hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", dllFile, "Ptr")
if (hModule == 0){
this_bitness := A_PtrSize == 8 ? "64-bit" : "32-bit"
other_bitness := A_PtrSize == 4 ? "64-bit" : "32-bit"
MsgBox % "Bitness of Interception.dll does not match bitness of AHK.`nAHK is " this_bitness ", but Interception.dll is " other_bitness
DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Ptr", hModule)
dllName := "AutoHotInterception.dll"
dllFile := A_LineFile "\..\" dllName
hintMessage := "Try right-clicking lib\" dllName ", select Properties, and if there is an 'Unblock' checkbox, tick it`nAlternatively, running Unblocker.ps1 in the lib folder (ideally as admin) can do this for you."
if (!FileExist(dllFile)){
MsgBox % "Unable to find lib\" dllName ", exiting..."
asm := CLR_LoadLibrary(dllFile)
try {
this.Instance := asm.CreateInstance("AutoHotInterception." cls)
catch {
MsgBox % dllName " failed to load`n`n" hintMessage
if (this.Instance.OkCheck() != "OK"){
MsgBox % dllName " loaded but check failed!`n`n" hintMessage
return this.Instance
; --------------- Input Synthesis ----------------
SendKeyEvent(id, code, state){
this.Instance.SendKeyEvent(id, code, state)
SendMouseButtonEvent(id, btn, state){
this.Instance.SendMouseButtonEvent(id, btn, state)
SendMouseButtonEventAbsolute(id, btn, state, x, y){
this.Instance.SendMouseButtonEventAbsolute(id, btn, state, x, y)
SendMouseMove(id, x, y){
this.Instance.SendMouseMove(id, x, y)
SendMouseMoveRelative(id, x, y){
this.Instance.SendMouseMoveRelative(id, x, y)
SendMouseMoveAbsolute(id, x, y){
this.Instance.SendMouseMoveAbsolute(id, x, y)
; --------------- Querying ------------------------
GetDeviceID(IsMouse, VID, PID, instance := 1){
static devType := {0: "Keyboard", 1: "Mouse"}
dev := this.Instance.GetDeviceId(IsMouse, VID, PID, instance)
if (dev == 0){
MsgBox % "Could not get " devType[isMouse] " with VID " VID ", PID " PID ", Instance " instance
return dev
GetDeviceIdFromHandle(isMouse, handle, instance := 1){
static devType := {0: "Keyboard", 1: "Mouse"}
dev := this.Instance.GetDeviceIdFromHandle(IsMouse, handle, instance)
if (dev == 0){
MsgBox % "Could not get " devType[isMouse] " with Handle " handle ", Instance " instance
return dev
GetKeyboardID(VID, PID, instance := 1){
return this.GetDeviceId(false, VID, PID, instance)
GetMouseID(VID, PID, instance := 1){
return this.GetDeviceId(true, VID, PID, instance)
GetKeyboardIdFromHandle(handle, instance := 1){
return this.GetDeviceId(false, handle, instance)
GetMouseIDFromHandle(handle, instance := 1){
return this.GetDeviceId(true, handle, instance)
DeviceList := {}
arr := this.Instance.GetDeviceList()
for v in arr {
DeviceList[] := { ID:, VID: v.vid, PID:, IsMouse: v.IsMouse, Handle: v.Handle }
return DeviceList
; ---------------------- Subscription Mode ----------------------
SubscribeKey(id, code, block, callback){
this.Instance.SubscribeKey(id, code, block, callback)
SubscribeMouseButton(id, btn, block, callback){
this.Instance.SubscribeMouseButton(id, btn, block, callback)
SubscribeMouseMove(id, block, callback){
this.Instance.SubscribeMouseMove(id, block, callback)
SubscribeMouseMoveRelative(id, block, callback){
this.Instance.SubscribeMouseMoveRelative(id, block, callback)
SubscribeMouseMoveAbsolute(id, block, callback){
this.Instance.SubscribeMouseMoveAbsolute(id, block, callback)
; ------------- Context Mode ----------------
; Creates a context class to make it easy to turn on/off the hotkeys
if (this._contextManagers.ContainsKey(id)){
Msgbox % "ID " id " already has a Context Manager"
cm := new this.ContextManager(this, id)
this._contextManagers[id] := cm
return cm
; Helper class for dealing with context mode
class ContextManager {
IsActive := 0
__New(parent, id){
this.parent := parent := id
result := this.parent.Instance.SetContextCallback(id, this.OnContextCallback.Bind(this))
Sleep 0
this.IsActive := state