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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static AutoHotInterception.Helpers.ManagedWrapper;
namespace AutoHotInterception.Helpers
// Order of the strokes received
public enum Order
Normal, // Stroke order is Key press, Key release (No Extended Modifier)
Wrapped, // Stroke order is Ext Modifier press, Key press, Key release, Ext Modifier Release
Prefixed // Stroke order is Ext Modifier press, Key press, Ext Modifier release, Key release
public static class ScanCodeHelper
// Converts Interception state to AHK state
private static List<ushort> _stateConverter = new List<ushort>() { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 };
// Converts state to extended mode
private static List<ushort> _stateToExtendedMode = new List<ushort>() { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 };
// Keys which have an E0 state, but AHK uses High (+256) code
private static HashSet<ushort> _highCodeE0Keys = new HashSet<ushort>()
28, // Numpad Enter
54, // Right Shift
69, // Numlock
// Keys which have an E0 state, but have no extended modifier
private static HashSet<ushort> _e1Keys = new HashSet<ushort>()
29, // Right Control
53, // Numpad Div
56, // Right Alt
91, // Left Windows
92, // Right Windows
93, // Apps
// List of two-stroke keys, used to build _twoStrokeKeyConverter
// Also used by SendKeyEvent to work out what extended keys to send
public static readonly Dictionary<ushort, Order> _twoStrokeKeys = new Dictionary<ushort, Order>()
{ 55, Order.Wrapped }, // PrtScr
{ 69, Order.Prefixed }, // Pause
{ 71, Order.Wrapped }, // Home
{ 72, Order.Wrapped }, // Up
{ 73, Order.Wrapped }, // PgUp
{ 75, Order.Wrapped }, // Left
{ 77, Order.Wrapped }, // Right
{ 79, Order.Wrapped }, // End
{ 80, Order.Wrapped }, // Down
{ 81, Order.Wrapped }, // PgDn
{ 82, Order.Wrapped }, // Insert
{ 83, Order.Wrapped }, // Delete
// Lookup table to convert two-stroke keys to code and state
private static Dictionary<Tuple<ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort>, TranslatedKey>
_twoStrokeKeyConverter = new Dictionary<Tuple<ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort>, TranslatedKey>();
static ScanCodeHelper()
foreach (var item in _twoStrokeKeys)
var twoStrokeKey = new TwoStrokeKey(item.Key, item.Value);
_twoStrokeKeyConverter.Add(twoStrokeKey.PressTuple, twoStrokeKey.PressKey);
_twoStrokeKeyConverter.Add(twoStrokeKey.ReleaseTuple, twoStrokeKey.ReleaseKey);
public static bool IsDoubleScanCode(List<Stroke> strokes)
return _twoStrokeKeyConverter.ContainsKey(new Tuple<ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort>(strokes[0].key.code, strokes[0].key.state, strokes[1].key.code, strokes[1].key.state));
/// <summary>
/// Used by ProcessStrokes() KeyboardHandler to translate incoming key(s) from Interception to AHK format
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strokes">A list of one or two Strokes that describe a single key</param>
/// <returns>An AHK ScanCode and State</returns>
public static TranslatedKey TranslateScanCodes(List<Stroke> strokes)
if (strokes.Count == 2)
return _twoStrokeKeyConverter[
new Tuple<ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort>(strokes[0].key.code, strokes[0].key.state, strokes[1].key.code, strokes[1].key.state)];
else if (strokes.Count == 1)
var stroke = strokes[0];
var code = stroke.key.code;
var state = _stateConverter[stroke.key.state];
if (_highCodeE0Keys.Contains(stroke.key.code))
// Stroke is E0, but AHK code is High (+256)
code += 256;
if (_stateToExtendedMode[stroke.key.state] > 0)
// Stroke is E1 or E2
code += 256;
return new TranslatedKey(code, state);
throw new Exception($"Expected 1 or 2 strokes, but got {strokes.Count}");
/// <summary>
/// Used by SendKeyEvent() in KeyboardHandler to translate from AHK code / state into Interception Stroke(s)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="code">The AHK code of the key</param>
/// <param name="state">The AH< state of the key/param>
/// <returns>A list of Strokes to send to simulate this key being pressed</returns>
public static List<Stroke> TranslateAhkCode(ushort code, int ahkState)
var strokes = new List<Stroke>();
Order order;
ushort state = (ushort)(1 - ahkState);
if (code > 256)
code -= 256;
if (_highCodeE0Keys.Contains(code) || _e1Keys.Contains(code))
order = Order.Normal;
else if (_twoStrokeKeys.ContainsKey(code))
order = _twoStrokeKeys[code];
throw new Exception($"Do not know how to handle ScanCode of {code}");
else if (code == 69)
order = Order.Prefixed;
order = Order.Normal;
if (_e1Keys.Contains(code))
state += 2;
state += (ushort)((ushort)order * 2);
if (order == Order.Normal)
strokes.Add(new Stroke() { key = { code = code, state = state } });
else if (order == Order.Wrapped)
// Wrapped (E1)
if (ahkState == 1)
// Press
strokes.Add(new Stroke() { key = { code = 42, state = state } });
strokes.Add(new Stroke() { key = { code = code, state = state } });
// Release
strokes.Add(new Stroke() { key = { code = code, state = state } });
strokes.Add(new Stroke() { key = { code = 42, state = state } });
// Prefixed (E2)
if (ahkState == 1)
// Press
strokes.Add(new Stroke() { key = { code = 29, state = state } });
strokes.Add(new Stroke() { key = { code = code, state = state } });
// Release
strokes.Add(new Stroke() { key = { code = 29, state = state } });
strokes.Add(new Stroke() { key = { code = code, state = state } });
return strokes;
// Holds the AHK code and state equivalent of a one or two-stroke set
public class TranslatedKey
public ushort Code { get; }
public int State { get; }
public TranslatedKey(ushort code, int state)
Code = code;
State = state;
// Builds entries for _twoStrokeKeyConverter
public class TwoStrokeKey
public Tuple<ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort> PressTuple { get; }
public Tuple<ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort> ReleaseTuple { get; }
public TranslatedKey PressKey { get; }
public TranslatedKey ReleaseKey { get; }
public TwoStrokeKey(ushort code, Order order)
if (order == Order.Prefixed)
PressTuple = new Tuple<ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort>(29, 4, code, 0);
ReleaseTuple = new Tuple<ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort>(29, 5, code, 1);
PressKey = new TranslatedKey(code, 1);
ReleaseKey = new TranslatedKey(code, 0);
else if (order == Order.Wrapped)
PressTuple = new Tuple<ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort>(42, 2, code, 2);
ReleaseTuple = new Tuple<ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort>(code, 3, 42, 3);
code += 256;
PressKey = new TranslatedKey(code, 1);
ReleaseKey = new TranslatedKey(code, 0);
throw new Exception("Is not a two-stroke key");