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AutoHotInterception/Development Tools/AhiScanCodeTester.ahk

110 lines
2.7 KiB

#SingleInstance force
#Include ..\Lib\CLR.ahk
; REQUIRES AHK >= 1.1.32
The purpose of this tool is to compare the keyboard events that AHK sees to the keyboard events that AHI sees
To use it, set the vid and pid variables below to the VID and PID of a keyboard...
... then run this script and press keys ONLY ON THAT KEYBOARD
Pressing keys on another keyboard will break the script!
The ListView in the GUI will then be updated to show the events seen by AHK and AHI
Note that for some keys (eg Pause), AHI will see TWO key events for that key, hence the "AHI SC #1" and "AHI SC #2" columns
All ScanCodes are in Decimal
#include ..\Lib\AutoHotInterception.ahk
AHI := new AutoHotInterception()
vid := 0x04F2, pid := 0x0112 ; Wyse Keyboard
keyboardId := AHI.GetKeyboardId(vid, pid)
AhkKeyBuffer := []
asm := CLR_LoadLibrary("..\Lib\AutoHotInterception.dll")
sct := asm.CreateInstance("AutoHotInterception.ScanCodeChecker")
sct.Subscribe(keyboardId, Func("AhiKeyEvent"), false)
ih := InputHook()
ih.KeyOpt("{All}", "SN")
ih.OnKeyDown := Func("AhkKeyEvent").Bind(1)
ih.OnKeyUp := Func("AhkKeyEvent").Bind(0)
Gui, Add, ListView, w600 h500, Key Name|AHK SC|AHK State|AHI SC #1|AHI State #1|AHI SC #2|AHI State #2
LV_ModifyCol(1, 100)
LV_ModifyCol(2, 80)
LV_ModifyCol(3, 80)
LV_ModifyCol(4, 80)
LV_ModifyCol(5, 80)
LV_ModifyCol(6, 80)
LV_ModifyCol(7, 80)
Gui, Add, Button, xm w600 gClear Centered, Clear
Gui, Show,, AHI ScanCode tester
global AhkKeyBuffer
ahkKeyEvent := AhkKeyBuffer[1]
; Fix for NumLock InputHook issue:
if (ahkKeyEvent.Code == 325 && ahkKeyEvent.State == 1 && AhkKeyBuffer.Length() > 1){
AhkKeyBuffer := [AhkKeyBuffer[1]]
; End fix
if (AhkKeyBuffer.Length() != 1){
msgbox % "Expecting exactly 1 event in AHK Key Buffer, found " AhkKeyBuffer.Length()
numEvents := keyEvents.MaxIndex() + 1
if (numEvents > 2){
msgbox % "Expecting 1 or 2 AHI key events, but got " numEvents
; Note that keyEvents is a ZERO-BASED array!
ahiSc1 := keyEvents[0].Code
ahiState1 := keyEvents[0].state
if (numEvents == 2){
ahiSc2 := keyEvents[1].Code
ahiState2 := keyEvents[1].state
ahkSc1 := ahkKeyEvent.Code
if (ahkSc1 > 256){
ahkSc1 .= " (Ext " ahkSc1 - 256 ")"
ahkState1 := ahkKeyEvent.State
row := LV_Add(, GetKeyName("SC" DecToHex(ahkKeyEvent.Code)), ahkSc1, ahkState1, ahiSc1, ahiState1, ahiSc2, ahiState2)
LV_Modify(row, "Vis")
AhkKeyBuffer := []
AhkKeyEvent(state, ih, vk, sc){
global AhkKeyBuffer
AhkKeyBuffer.Push({Code: sc, State: state})
OutputDebug % "AHK| " str
return Format("{:X}", val)