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using System;
using TestApp.Helpers;
namespace TestApp
internal class TestApp
private static void Main()
//var mmt = new MouseMoveTester(TestDevices.LogitechWheelMouse);
//var mbt = new MouseButtonTester(TestDevices.LogitechWheelMouse, MouseButtons.Left, true);
//var ambt = new MouseButtonsTester(TestDevices.LogitechWheelMouse, true);
//var kt = new KeyboardTester(TestDevices.WyseKeyboard, true);
//var kmt = new KeyboardAndMouseTester(TestDevices.WyseKeyboard, true).AddDevice(TestDevices.LogitechWheelMouse, true);
//var kkt = new KeyboardKeyTester(TestDevices.WyseKeyboard, AhkKeys.Obj("1"), true);
//var tt = new TabletTester(TestDevices.ParbloIslandA609);
var scc = new ScanCodeTester(TestDevices.WyseKeyboard, true);
//var sst = new SetStateTester(TestDevices.WyseKeyboard, AhkKeys.Obj("1"));