You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
736 B

Common functions for Tablet Library
#include %A_LineFile%\..\JSON.ahk ; JSON library is used to save / load data as it is easier than using INIRead / INIWrite
global JSON
boxes := {}
FileRead, j, % filename
if (ERRORLEVEL == 0){
j := JSON.Load(j)
for name, b in j {
box := new Box(name)
box.StartX := b.StartX
box.StartY := b.StartY
box.EndX := b.EndX
box.EndY := b.EndY
boxes[name] := box
return boxes
FindBoxName(x, y, boxes){
for name, box in boxes {
if (x >= box.StartX && x <= box.EndX && y >= box.StartY && y <= box.EndY){
return name
return ""
Class Box {
StartX := 0
StartY := 0
EndX := 0
EndY := 0
this.BoxName := name