#SingleInstance force /* Tool for checking what InputHook reports in AHK */ Sleep 100 ; When hitting F5 to run script in SciTE, release of F5 appears in list. Suppress ih := InputHook() ih.KeyOpt("{All}", "SN") ih.OnKeyDown := Func("AhkKeyEvent").Bind(1) ih.OnKeyUp := Func("AhkKeyEvent").Bind(0) ih.Start() Gui, Add, ListView, h200, Key Name|SC|State LV_ModifyCol(1, 100) LV_ModifyCol(2, 50) LV_ModifyCol(3, 50) Gui, Show,, AHK ScanCode tester return AhkKeyEvent(state, ih, vk, sc){ row := LV_Add(, GetKeyName("SC" DecToHex(sc)), sc, state) LV_Modify(row, "Vis") } DecToHex(val){ return Format("{:X}", val) } GuiClose: ExitApp